Small MPU – Page 462
Flight Of The Phoenix (Flight Of The Phoenix)
Dir:John Moore. US. 2004. 112mins.Featuringmore special effects and fewer white males, the pumped-up re-make of RobertAldrich's 1965 ensemble drama Flight Of The Phoenix is a lightweightaction adventure apparently designed to grab as broad a range of moviegoers ascinematically possible. The push to please everyone leads to some pretty daftepisodes, but ...
Kloiber buys back control of Tele Muenchen Group
Tele Muenchen Group's (TMG) Herbert Kloiber has taken fullcontrol of the German media conglomerate after buying back the 45% shareholdingwhich he sold to EM.TV in 1999.Kloiber founded the group in 1970 and created a portfolio ofcompanies covering license trading, theatrical and home entertainmentdistribution (Concorde Filmverleih, Concorde Home Entertainment), production(Clasart and ...
CORRECTION: MGM and Mediafonds International
CORRECTION It was incorrectly stated in a story on Oct 15 that MGM was financingfilms with German media fund Mediafonds International. The studio has in factnever reached any partnership with Mediafonds.
Coixet's Life wraps on Belfast oil rig
Production wrapped last week (Friday, Dec 17) in Belfast onIsabel Coixet's The Secret Life of Words, an El Deseo production starring Tim Robbins which shot for threeweeks in Madrid before coming to Northern Ireland.The El Deseo located in Northern Ireland because parts of the story areset on an oil rig ...
Dublin festival unveils early highlights
The 3rd Jameson Dublin International Film Festival (JDIFF)has confirmed a number of high profile US films for the February 11-20 event,many of them tipped as winners in the forthcoming awards season.They include - Kinsey, with local star Liam Neeson, Wes Anderson's The LifeAquatic, Woody Allen's Melindaand Melinda, Nicole Kassel's TheWoodsman, ...
ROMANIA 17 December
Despite a much laterrelease than in most international territories, Shark Tale proved anearly Christmas success in Romania when it opened with 12,500 admissions lastweek on just five prints.Shark Tale opened a line of animation releases at theRomanian cinemas and will be followed by Pinocchio 3000 on December 17and Polar Express ...
Rothkrans to step down as AusFilm chief
Trisha Rothkrans has today announced her intention to stepdown as chief executive of AusFILM, the organisation that promotesAustralia's locations and its film-making skills and facilities abroad.Rothkrans has been in the job since 1999 and is intending topursue new interests once her contract expires in June next year. The positionwill be ...
Cannes competition tilts towards Asia
Opening with Roland Joffe's French period drama Vatel and closing with Canadian Denys Arcand's highly-touted Stardom, this year's Cannes Film Festival line-up promises a cinematic showcase of truly international dimensions including an astonishing seven Palme D'Or contenders from the Far East.Indeed, with the US studios ever more reticent about seeing ...
Clark confirmed as UIP international marketing chief
Internationaldistributor UIP has confirmed the appointment of Nigel Clark as executive vicepresident international marketing, effective from Jan 4.Hereplaces Tomas Jegeus, who left to join 20th Century Fox in Los Angeles as headof international marketing.Clark is currently based in Los Angeles were he was mostrecently senior executive vice president of international ...
ZDF steps into Berlinale sponsorship breach
German public broadcaster ZDF has stepped into the breachleft by SAT.1 as the new media partner for the 2005 edition of the Berlinale.In addition to providing extensive coverage of the festival,ZDF and its partner channel 3sat will be responsible for organising and stagingthe opening gala, the award ceremony and other ...
Seven films shortlisted for visual effects Oscar
The Academy of MotionPicture Arts And Sciences has named the seven pictures that will be consideredfor the best visual effects Oscar at the 77th Academy Awards in February.The titles are: TheAviator; The Day After Tomorrow; Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban; I,Robot; Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events; ...
WBITD signs free-TV deal with TVN in Norway
Warner BrosInternational Television Distribution (WBITD) has signed a multi-year deal withNorway's TVN, granting the broadcaster free television rights in Norway to aslate of current and library feature films and television series.The deal meansTVN viewers will eventually get access to such titles as Ocean's Twelve, Troy and The Last Samurai, as ...
MGM shareholders approve Sony-led takeover
MGM shareholders have approved of the proposed studio takeover bythe LOC Acquisition Company consortium.The consortium comprises Sony Corp of America, Providence EquityPartners, Texas Pacific Group, Comcast and DLJ Merchant Banking Partners.The merger plan was adopted at a special meeting of stockholderson Dec 17. Consummation remains subject to clearance under the ...
Kinderfilmfest reveals first competition titles
The Berlinale'sKinderfilmfest has announced the first titles selected for its competition forthe Crystal Bear prize and for the 14plus section introduced at the festivallast February.Already lined up for theKinderfilmfest competition are Torun Lian's tale of first love in The ColorOf Milk (Ikke Naken, Norway); LiisaHelminen's Pelicanman (Pelikaanimies,Finland) about a music-mad ...
Montreal set for three film festivals in 2006
The Montreal World Film Festival officially has competition. Federal film subsidy agency Telefilm Canada and its provincial counterpart SODEC announced the winning bid to organize a new event in the city.But Montreal's ongoing film festival war got a little stranger when it was revealed the outcome resulted through a merger ...
Snicket rules the roost with $30.2m debut for Paramount
Lemony Snicket's A Series OfUnfortunate Events gave Paramount a much-needed number one opening at theweekend as it swooped to the top on an estimated $30.2m.Brad Silberling's adaptation ofDaniel Handler's bestselling children's books centres on a pair of orphans andheirs to a fortune who are sent to live with a bizarre ...
Snicket rules the roost with $30.2m debut for Paramount
Lemony Snicket's A Series OfUnfortunate Events gave Paramount a much-needed number one opening at theweekend as it swooped to the top on an estimated $30.2m.Brad Silberling's adaptation of Daniel Handler's bestselling children's bookscentres on a pair of orphans and heirs to a fortune who are sent to live with abizarre ...
Paramount 's Lemony Snicket tops US charts on $30.2m
Lemony Snicket's A Series OfUnfortunate Events gave Paramount a much-needed number one opening at theweekend as it swooped to the top on an estimated $30.2m.Brad Silberling's adaptation of Daniel Handler's bestselling children's bookscentres on a pair of orphans and heirs to a fortune who are sent to live with abizarre ...
Kinowelt buys digital, Trebitsch stakes
Germany's aggressively-expanding Kinowelt group has acquired a clutch of old and new media companies to add to its production and technical stables and underlined the strength of this strategy by reporting better than forecast profits.The company is acquiring a 26% stake in Trebitsch Produktion Holding, a group with close links ...
Ocean's Twelve makes off with $29m international swag
Powered by severalprestigious number one launches at the weekend Ocean's Twelve tookapproximately $29m in 27 countries through Warner Bros Pictures Internationalto raise its international running total to more than $35m.The crime caper sequel opened top in France on an estimated $7.5m on 719screens, top in Germany on $5.3m on 810 ...