Small MPU – Page 471

  • News

    Hustle opens top in Indonesia, Philippines


    Kung Fu Hustle maintained its muscular form at theinternational box office over the weekend and is closing in on $50m following acouple of record releases in minor Asian markets.The picture opened top through Sony Pictures ReleasingInternational (SPRI) in both Indonesia and the Philippines, grossing $271,000on 42 screens and $261,000 on ...

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    Ocean's Twelve takes $17.6m in 54 territories for Warner


    Ocean's Twelve grossed an estimated $17.6m on 5,200 prints in 54territories at the weekend to raise its international running total to $137m.The weekend wasdistinguished by a $2.1m debut including previews on 150 screens in South Koreaover the Independence Movement Holiday weekend that drew approximately 341,000admissions. Ranking was unconfirmed.In three number ...

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    The Incredibles adds $15.3m to bring total to $315.7m for BVI


    Buena Vista International's TheIncredibles added an estimated$15.3m at the weekend, boosting its international running total to $315.7m.Much of the business camefrom strong holdovers. The picture added $2.3m for $14m in its third weekend inAustralia, $1.9m for $57.4m in its eighth in the UK, $1.7m for $21.4m in itsfifth in Germany, ...

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    The Grudge opens strongly in Brazil, Norway, Italy


    Senator International’s The Grudge enjoyed a strong run at the weekend,grossing an estimated $6.1m on 1,664 screens in 14 territories to raise itsinternational running total to $32.8m.The horror story opened top in Brazil through Europa on $1.1m on213 screens, and second in Italy through Rai/01Distribution on $3.7m on 327.In other ...

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    Alexander doubles domestic gross in int'l markets


    Powered by a massive launchin Spain, IS Film Distribution's Alexander grossed an estimated $16.9m on approximately 3,000 screens in 35territories at the weekend to raise its cumulative total to $66.3m, roughlytwice as much as the picture has taken in North America.The epic grossed $6.9m(Euros5.1m) on 396 Spanish screens that marked ...

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    News Corp to buy back Fox Entertainment Group in stock swap


    Following its recent reincorporation into the US, Rupert Murdoch'sNews Corp announced yesterday (Jan 10) that it would take full control of FoxEntertainment Group (FEG) in a stock swap worth approximately $6bn.By buying back the remaining 18% of FEG, Murdoch hopes to simplifythe structure of his media empire.A successful stock swap ...

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    Anti-piracy expert calls for new business models


    Building legitimate alternatives to online piracy is asimportant as legal action, according the executive leading Warner Brothers'global anti-piracy operations.Darcy Antonellis told delegates at the ScreenInternational European Film Piracy conference in London thatforward-thinking business initiatives were vital to any strategy againstcounterfeiting."We need to look at new business models with content thatcan ...

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    Odyssey takes on August Rush sales


    Ralph Kamp and Louise Goodsill's OdysseyEntertainment is to handle worldwide sales and distribution on SouthpawEntertainment's August Rush. To be directed by Kirsten Sheridan, August Rushis billed as a modern-day fairy tale about a ten-year-old orphan whose musicalgifts lead him on a journey to find his parents. It will be scored ...

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    Dutch box office suffers first annual fall in ten years


    The Dutch box office dropped by 10% to Euros 151.3min 2004, according to end of year figures from the Dutch Federation ofAssociated Cinemas (NVF).The year on year downturn brings to an end over ten years ofuninterrupted growth at the Dutch box office which has posted increases everyyear since 1993. Admissions ...

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    Canal Plus strikes pact with Horwits ahead of sale


    Canal Plus Image unveiled details of its flotation today (April 19) and announced it is doubling its investment in film this year and has struck a production deal with Mitch Horwits, the former president of Spelling Films.Canal Plus Image, which has renamed itself StudioCanal, is launching a share offering that ...

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    UK/IRELAND 11 January


    Mirroringits strong openings in Canada and the US, Entertainment Film Distributorslaunched supernatural thriller White Noise into the lead at the UK boxoffice.Grossingan excellent $3.3m (£1.8m) from 314 sites the Canadian-British co-productioneasily beat the wide release of Martin Scorsese's The Aviator and fellowopener Alexander. One factor in White Noise's favour was ...

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    GERMANY 11 January


    While there was littlemovement among the top six last weekend - with Ocean's Twelve holding onto the No. 1 slot for the fourth week running against Buena Vista's TheIncredibles-, the top 10 welcomed four strong performers in new entries AfterThe Sunset, Ray, House Of The Flying Daggers and Alles Auf ...

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    ITALY 11 January


    Bridget Jones: The Edgeof Reason shot to the top of theItalian box office last weekend, with a huge gross of $4,291,627. The UIPromantic comedy opened on 399 screens and earned an outstanding average of$10,756 per screen.01 Distribution's horrorflick, The Grudge, also opened strongly, landing in second place with atotal gross ...

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    AUSTRALIA 11 January


    For the third consecutiveweekend of Australia's busy summer holiday season Meet The Fockers and TheIncredibles were first and second at the box office. The UIP comedy sequelgrossed A$3,843,658 from 324 screens over the four days and has already sold A$21.6million worth of tickets in 15 days. The BVI animation took ...

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    Korean film enjoys bumper box office harvest in 2004


    South Korean box office surged 16.5% in 2004 and Koreanfilms took an unprecedented 60.3% share of the market, on the back ofrecord-busting performances by local features Tae Guk Gi and Silmido.Nonetheless, a drop off at the end of the year has observerswondering if Korea's boom has reached its peak.According to ...

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    Don Kim named as Universal Pictures Korea chief


    UniversalPictures International (UPI) has appointed Don Kim, formerly of Johnson &Johnson Visioncare, to be managing director of Universal Pictures Korea.Kim replaces Chang Gon Kim, who headed the Korea officefor two years, and will report to Wayne Borg, Vice President for Latin Americaand Asia Pacific. He will head thecompany's planned expansion ...

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    Four apiece for Jamie Foxx and Sideways in SAG noms


    Jamie Foxx won an astoundingfour Screen Actors Guild (SAG) nominations and Hilary Swank nabbed three whenthe nominations were announced yesterday. Foxx is eligible in bestactor (Ray), best cast (Ray), best supporting actor (Collateral) and also best actor in a TV movie or miniseries (Redemption).Swank is eligible in bestactress (Million Dollar ...

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    Holt named to English-language post at Telefilm Canada


    Telefilm Canada hasappointed senior executive Ralph Holt to the position of national head ofEnglish-language feature film. Holt, a 17-year veteran of the agency, most ofthat serving as director for the Atlantic Region. Holt will relocate toToronto, effective immediately.'I am verypleased that Ralph has decided to take on the challenges of ...

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    Allen to receive lifetime award from San Francisco


    Joan Allen willreceive the Peter J Owens Award at the 48th San Francisco International FilmFestival, in honour of a career that in the words of the festival organisersexemplifies "brilliance, independence and integrity".Allen will takepart in a retrospective on Apr 29, culminating in an onstage interview prior toa screening of Sally ...

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    Ferrara sued for alleged breach of contract on Tales


    Abel Ferrara, the cultdirector of Bad Lieutenant, has been served with an Euros 6m lawsuit forallegedly breaching his contract with Istituto Luce, the Italian state-ownedproduction and distribution outfit, and independent local producer Gam Film.Ferrara was allegedly due tostart shooting a Euros 4m screwball comedy entitled Go Go Tales,"between December 13, ...