Small MPU – Page 479

  • News

    V good Bridget passes $200m at international box office


    Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason passed $200m in international ticket sales throughall distributors at the weekend.The romantic comedy sequel added an estimated $2.5m on 1,070 screens in 21markets through UIP for a $184.5m UIP running total. The figure rises to $210mincluding a $15.5m cumulative total in France through Mars.Bridget ...

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    Tautou lines up for Howard's Da Vinci Code


    French stars Audrey Tautou and Jean Reno are reportedlyjoining the cast of Ron Howard's adaptation of The Da Vinci Code - whichhas just gained permission to shoot in Paris's Louvre museum.Local newspaper Le Parisien said that A VeryLong Engagement and Amelie star Tautou had been selected to playSophie Neveu opposite ...

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    Italy's Nastri d'Argento nominations announced


    Gianni Amelio's The HouseKeys and Paolo Sorrentino's The Consequences Of Love have receivedthe lion's share of nominations for Italy's Nastri d'Argento, the country'ssecond biggest awards.Amelio's film, which isItaly's foreign Oscar candidate, and Sorrentino's film, which premiered inCannes last year, each earned eight nominations - including for best director,best producer and ...

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    Jeunet's Engagement heads Cesar nominations


    Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long Engagement leadsthis year's Cesar nominations with 12 nods including best picture, director andactress. The recognition for the Jeunet film follows a decision bythe Cesar organisers, the Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema, to modifyits eligibility rules to allow the film to compete. Engagement has ...

  • Reviews

    The Matador


    Dir: Richard Shepard. US.2005. 97 mins. A crime comedy whichplays like Pulp Fiction-ultra-lite, The Matador is an unlikelyfit for the Sundance Film Festival where it world premiered on Saturday night.Broad, benign and cheerfully implausible, it is an independently financed filmwith mainstream sensibilities and distributors who have already committed willbe pleased ...

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    Sea Inside takes top Bangkok festival honours


    AlejandroAmenabar's The Sea Inside won theGolden Kinnaree for best picture as well as best actor for Javier Bardem's roleas a quadriplegic at the third Bangkok International Film Festival. TheGolden Kinnaree for best director was shared by Park Chan Wook for Old Boy and Christophe Barratier for Les Choristes while Annette ...

  • Reviews

    The Jacket


    Dir: John Maybury. US/UK.2005. 102 mins. An intriguing hybrid oftime travel thriller, asylum horror movie and visual arts experiment, TheJacket may ultimately fail in its ambitions to fuse those genres but itremains an engaging and original entertainment which has the potential to tapinto a medium to wide audience on its ...

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    Napster mulls move into online film distribution


    Napster, the fast-growing US digital music service, isconsidering moving into films and video games in an ambitious drive to win newsubscribers. Chris Gorog, Napster chairman and chief executive, saidin a report in today's Financial Times that the US-listed group couldapply its online music model to films, TV programming and other ...

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    Randy Greenberg joins refinanced

    2000-04-25T05:35:00Z - an online full-length film distribution platform for independent film-makers - has closed a $5m round of financing, relocated from Cincinatti to San Francisco and hired former MGM international theatrical marketing executive Randy Greenberg as new head of marketing.Former Inktomi executive Anthony Soohoo has also joined the company as ...

  • Reviews

    Dear Wendy


    Dir. Thomas Vinterberg.Denmark/Germany/France/UK. 101 min. Dogme may be no more butif Dear Wendy is any indication, the artistic collaboration of itsfounders Thomas Vinterberg and Lars Von Trier is very much alive. An elaboratespoof of US politics and culture, the new film is a continuation of the themesraised in Von Trier's ...

  • News

    AUSTRALIA 24 January


    Roadshow sent Alexanderin to battle for the hearts and minds of Australians but UIP's Meet TheFockers remained the most popular film at the box office for the fifthconsecutive weekend. It grossed A$1,762,667 from 290 screens compared to theA$1,667,851 clocked up by Alexander, which had the disadvantage of beingon about 100 ...

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    NEW ZEALAND 24 January


    Alexander lead the box office on the weekend taking NZ$279,198from 46 screens in its opening weekend. Only Finding Neverland, whichtook NZ$187,540 from 34 screens in its second weekend for BVI, had a screenaverage that was anything like as high as Alexander's NZ$6,070. FindingNeverland, which is in fourth position, had a ...

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    40th Solothurn film festival kicks off


    The 40th editionof Switzerland's Solothurn film festival kicks off today with a screening ofClemens Klopfenstein's The Bird's Sermon Or The Screaming Of Monks (DieVogelpredigt Oder Das Schreien Der Moenche), featuring former Bond-girl UrsulaAndress in a supporting role.A total 180 new Swissproductions will be shown in the course of the event.In ...

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    British talent dominates FIPA prizes


    British talent swept the floor at the awards ceremony of the 18th FestivalInternational des Programmes Audiovisuels (FIPA) in Biarritz, which is run by Cannes Directors'Fortnight founder Pierre Henri Delleau.The BBC Northern Ireland TV production Gunpowder, Treason andPlot, directed by Gillies MacKinnon, was awarded the Golden Fipa in theseries and serials ...

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    Hong Kong industry urges anti-online piracy action


    Hong Kong's film, TV and music industries have jointlycalled on the government to address the growing problem of online piracy whichthey say is "threatening the very survival" of the territory's content supplyindustries.Thecall was made at a symposium held by the Film, Television and RecordingIndustries' Copyright Concern Group on Sunday (Jan ...

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    Rotterdam festival to offer downloads of arthouse films


    The InternationalFilm Festival Rotterdam is launching an experiment next week that will see itdistribute arthouse films over the internet. Twenty formerIFFR festival hits will be available for download, including Fernando Meirellesand Nando Olival's Domesticas, Mahamat-Saleh Haroun's Abouna and Carlos Marcovich's Who The Hell Is Juliette'.The site,,is being launched by ...

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    Euro money underpins Oscar hopefuls


    With Howard Hughes, ClintEastwood and Ray Charles in the running, this year's Oscarhopefuls read like a list of American icons. But the Oscar nominations unveiled today are as much a testament to European filmfinancing as to the acting and directing skills of Martin Scorsese, LeonardoDiCaprio and Eastwood.More than ever, USfilmmakers ...

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    Sundance names 2005 Mark Silverman Fellow


    American Gunco-producer Ted Kroeber has been named the recipient of the 2005 Mark SilvermanFellowship for New Producers at the fifth annual Producers Brunch at Sundance.Kroeber will receive a $5,000 cash grant to be used in pre-production and willbenefit from the services of an advisory committee of five workingprofessionals throughout his ...

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    Sundance, Docurama launch DVD doc collection


    Sundance Channel and documentary DVD label Docurama willlaunch the Sundance Channel Home Entertainment Documentary Collection on Apr 26with The First Amendment Project, thefirst of six titles a year culled from the channel's library.The First AmendmentProject is a series of films in thefirst-ever programming partnership between Sundance Channel and Court TVexploring ...

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    Michael Silberman to run new US distributor IDP


    Michael Silberman has been named COO and president of distribution and marketing at IDP - Independent Distribution Partners - the newly formed North American distribution joint venture between CanWest Entertainment, Samuel Goldwyn Films and Stratosphere Releasing.Silberman was previously senior vice president of distribution at October Films where he was responsible ...