Small MPU – Page 487

  • News

    Hong Kong pay-TV leader moves into film production


    Hong Kong's leading pay-TV operator, i-CABLECommunications, has unveiled plans to move into film production by investing upto $38.5m (HK$300m) in 10-20 features over the next two years. The company is in talks with several Hong Kong productionhouses about providing funding for a slate of productions to be selected on aproject-by-project ...

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    Spain's Lauren picks up Berlin opener Man To Man


    Spain'sLauren Films has picked up local distribution rights to Berlin opening title,Regis Wargnier's Man To Man.Itis one of the first new pick-ups revealed by Lauren founder and chairmanAntonio Llorens as he works to turn the page on the company's recent financialtroubles.Once one of the largestSpanish distributors with a lengthy arrangement ...

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    MediaCorp Raintree embarks on Leap Of Love


    MediaCorpRaintree Pictures started production this week on its long-gestating Leap Of Love, a romantic comedy that CEODaniel Yun has been developing for years with the aim of raising the profile ofSingapore film on the international stage. TheEnglish-language picture - which has a high $1.5m (S$2.5m) budget by localstandards - is ...

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    Find out about FIFE


    TheFilm Industry Football Event (FIFE) is an annual 5-a-side football tournament,open to people who work in the UK film industry.Nowin its eighth year, FIFE was set up by a committee of high profile senior filmindustry personalities, chaired by Stewart Till CBE, Chairman and ChiefExecutive of UIP. FIFE has raised more ...

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    Senator acquires Silentium rights for Germany


    Berlin based Senator Film has acquired German rights forAustrian box office hit Silentium, while Frenetic Films acquired allSwiss rights.A murder story centring in the city of Salzburg, thethriller has racked up more than 200,000 admissions through Austriandistributor Luna Film. World Sales are handled by Solveig Langeland's Sola Mediaand Beatrix Wesle's ...

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    When and Where


    FulhamFootball Club is hosting the event at the recently refurbished riverside CravenCottage ground, Stevenage Road, Fulham, London SW6 6HH. Click the link below for a place on Sunday 5th June 2005. First Kick off at 9.30 am andpresentation to the winners at 5.45pm.

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    Who will be playing' - Past teams and celebrities


    Teamsthat have been fielded in the past have included: Aon Entertainment RiskServices, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Empire Design, CreativePartnership, First Foot FilmsLimited, Freud Communications, Glasgow Film Office, Momentum Pictures, NFTS,Picture Production Company,Rafford Film, Redbus, ReprisalFilms, Samuelson Productions, Thin Man Films, Tiger Aspect Productions,UIP, UK Film Council, Universal Video International, Working ...

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    How do you get to play'


    How do you get to play'Please fill in the attachedform and return to Jane Chapman FIFE 2005 NCH, the children's charity 85 Highbury Park London N5 1UD Tel: 020 7288 7837Fax: 020 7226 FILM INDUSTRY FOOTBALL EVENT 2004FULHAM FOOTBALL CLUB CRAVEN COTTAGESUNDAY 5TH JUNE 2005ENTRY FORM Please ...

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    How do I sign up'


    How do I sign up'Please fill in the attachedform and return to Jane Chapman ...

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    Redbus takes theatrical on Intertainment package


    UK distributor Redbus Film Distribution has picked up all rights to a 15-strong package of star-laden pictures from Germany's Intertainment ahead of its float in the second quarter this year.The films, which are in addition to a sixty-plus package of titles from Intertainment for Video-On-Demand (Screen Daily April 7), include ...

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    FIFE is a fun day out foreveryone. Come along and add your support, cheer on the teams and add to theatmosphere. Tickets are just £5 forspectators.If you would like topurchase spectator tickets please contact Jane Chapman on 0207 7288 7837 oremail this webpage to afriend - click the envelope ...

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    Opportunity for your organisation to raise profilewithin the sectorAt FIFE 2004 over 36 differentcompanies where represented from the film and television industry, if yourcompany would like to discuss the opportunity of sponsoring part of FIFE 2005please get in touch with Jane at NCH on 020 7288 7837 or email ...

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    NCH, the children's charity


    NCH, the children's charityProceeds from the FIFE tournament willgo to NCH, the children's charity. NCH supports some of the most vulnerable and excluded children in the UK and works with more children and young people than any other UK charity.NCH believes that every childshould have the chance to live thier ...

  • News

    Canadian production levels dip in 2004


    The Canadian production industry saw amodest decline in volume in 2003/2004 - down 2.1% from $4.05bn (C$5.03bn) in2002-2003 to $3.96bn (C$4.92bn) - but the bad news was concentrated in thedomestic sector. According to numbers released today by theCanadian Film and Television Production Association (CFTPA), Canadian contentproduction was down 7% from ...

  • News

    Where is Fulham Football Club'


    Click the link below for a Football ClubCraven CottageStevenage RoadFulhamLondonSW6 6HHTel: 020 7893 8383www.fulhamfc.comWe recommend that visitors travelby public transport as car parking is restricted around the club.By London UndergroundPutney Bridge (District Line). Approximately 10 minuteswalk.Hammersmith (Hammersmith and City), Piccadilly and District Lines).Approximately 20 minutes walk.By BusFrom Hammersmith - ...

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    Imax to release 3-D live action films within a year


    Imax is developingtechnology which will allow it to convert traditional 2-D live action filmsinto 3-D features - and is in discussions with Hollywood studios aboutreleasing its first 3-D feature within the next year."Imagine, for example, iffilms like Star Wars or Harry Potter were in 3-D," said Imaxco-chairman and co-chief executive ...

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    China singled out as major piracy culprit in Asia


    China accounted for three quarters of all seizures ofpirated VCDs and DVDs in Asia last year in cases involving the Motion PictureAssociation (MPA), the group said on Thursday. Reuters reported that the MPA, which represents the majorUS studios, estimates its members lose about $900m annually in potentialrevenue in the Asia-Pacific, ...

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    Hoffman joins star-studded cast of Forster's Fiction


    Dustin Hoffman has joinedthe cast of Marc Forster's upcoming comedy Stranger Than Fiction, which will also star Will Ferrell, MaggieGyllenhaal, Emma Thompson and Queen Latifah.Written by Zach Helm, StrangerThan Fiction centres on a taxauditor who hears an inner voice that foretells his death. Hoffman will playProfessor Jules Hilbert, who helps ...

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    Producing nominees finalised for best picture Oscar race


    The Academy ofMotion Picture Arts And Sciences has issued its final roster of producersassociated with each of the five best picture nominees.Michael Mann andGraham King are nominated for The Aviator; Richard N Gladstein and Nellie Bellflower for FindingNeverland; ClintEastwood, Albert S Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg for Million Dollar Baby; Taylor ...

  • News Clarkson calls for increased per-province funding


    Wayne Clarkson,the newly appointed executive director of Telefilm Canada, has called forincreased provincial funding for development and production of domesticfilmmaking instead of relying so heavily on US-financed production to supportthe nation's production infrastructure. Addressing theannual meeting of the Canadian Film and Television Production Association(CFTPA) in Ottawa, Clarkson said it has ...