Small MPU – Page 488

  • News

    Sogepaq counts Ephron's Numbers for Spain


    Spanish rights and acquisitions house Sogepaq has picked up all rights for Spain on forthcoming Nora Ephron film Numbers, produced by Paramount and set to star John Travolta, Lisa Kudrow, Tim Roth and Bill Pullman.The pick-up was made through the joint acquisitions venture which Sogepaq launched last October with Canal ...

  • News

    Battle of sequels: Ocean's goes head to head with Fockers in UK


    Ocean's Twelve has the unenviable challenge of trying to knock MeetThe Fockers off its perch when itgoes out in the UK through Warner Bros Pictures International on Feb 4.Strong results areanticipated bearing in mind that Ocean's Eleven opened second in the UK in February 2002 on $7.3m in433 theatres, a ...

  • News

    Bond producers confirm Campbell as Casino Royale director


    Martin Campbell has been named as the director of the 21stfilm in the James Bond series - which will be called Casino Royale. It is Campbell's second outing as director of a James Bondfilm. In 1995 he directed Goldeneye, thefirst 007 film to star Pierce Brosnan.However,no decision has yet been ...

  • Reviews

    The Emperor's Journey (La Marche De L'Empereur)


    Dir: Luc Jacquet. Fr.2004. 84mins.Although Cole Porterdidn't specifically mention them by name, penguins do it too, and Luc Jacquet'slyrical documentary continues the successful trend of wildlife and nature filmsthat have revitalised a genre long relegated to unimaginative, formatted TVfare.Though less wondrous andexhilaratingly spectacular than previous French productions such as Microcosmosor ...

  • News

    Narnia embarks on Czech shoot


    Production on TheChronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe has moved to theCzech Republic and will shoot for two weeks beginning on February 7. Director Andrew Adamson (Shrek,Shrek 2) began principal photography in New Zealand in June. The film is shooting in anorthernpart of the country known ...

  • News

    TFI International takes on sales for Cattleya trio


    TF1International has taken on international distribution rights to Italiandirector Cristina Comencini's La Bestia Nel Cuore, a new production fromRome outfit Cattleya.Backed by RaiCinema, La Bestia Nel Cuore is a family drama adapted from Comencini's ownnovel about a woman who was abused by her father as a child. The film iscurrently ...

  • News

    Michell set to embark on London Marathon


    In Rotterdam last week for the festival screening of EnduringLove, British director Roger Michellrevealed further details of two future projects he is working on with WorkingTitle.Michell is about to take the leap into producing with theWorking Title backed Marathon, aportmanteau picture about six people competing in the London Marathon, one ...

  • News

    Chinese film giant moves towards Hong Kong listing


    China's Asian Union Film and Media has sold a 50%stake to Hong Kong's Universal Holdings, in a move that leads toward aback-door listing in Hong Kong.The Beijing-based company sold half its equity for $70m(HK$550m) to Universal (not to be confused with Universe InternationalHoldings), a digital broadcasting equipment distributor which is ...

  • News

    George Michael to attend Berlinale documentary screening


    Pop star George Michael isto attend the Berlin International Film Festival to support A DifferentStory, a documentary about his life and career.The film will have its worldpremiere at the German event on Feb 16. Contributors include Sting, MariahCarey, Elton John, Noel Gallagher, Boy George and Andrew Ridgeley.Rainer Grupe at UK-basedGorilla ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Theo van Gogh. The Netherlands, 2004. 120 mins06/05 has considerable, albeit morbid, fascination as thelast feature of the Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was killed by an Islamicextremist in November 2004. There are uncanny parallels between Van Gogh's owndismal fate and the events he depicts in the film. ...

  • Reviews

    Forty Shades Of Blue


    Dir: Ira Sachs. US. 2004. 107minsThe winner of this year'sGrand Jury Prize for best American dramatic feature at the Sundance FilmFestival, Ira Sachs second full-length film certainly lives up to its title. Anentire spectrum of loneliness is explored in this intimate, naturalistic studyof a young Russian mother's cultural and emotional ...

  • News to finance short films


    Dir: Tony Barbieri. US. 2000. 109 mins.Prod cos: Lumiere International. Worldwide sales: Lumiere Films (+1 323 650 6773), UGC International (+33 1 40 29 89 00). Exec prods: Claude Leger, Luciano Lisi, Wendy Cary, Mickey Cottrell. Prod: Lila Cazes. Scr: Tony Barbieri. DoP: Matthew Irving. Prod des: Victor R Syperek. ...

  • News

    Franka Potente readies directorial debut


    Run Lola Run starFranka Potente, who is a member of the International Jury at this year'sBerlinale, is to make her directorial debut this spring with a 25-30-minuteshort film.Producer Stefan Arndt of X-Filme creative pool told that Wer Die Tollkirsche Ausgraebt will be 'a really classical silent film likefrom the ...

  • News

    Rotterdam names Tiger Award winners


    An Italian, aRussian and a Spanish film were named the winners of the three Tiger Awards onFriday (Feb 4) at this year's Rotterdam Film Festival. Italy's ChangingDestiny (Nemmeno il Destino),directed by Daniele Gaglianone, Spain's The Sky Turns (El Ciero Gira), directed by Mercedes Alvarez, and 4 by Russian director Ilya ...

  • News Russian 4 polarises festival opinion


    By consensus, the 34th International Film Festival Rotterdam(IFFR), which ended at the weekend with a screening of Howl's MovingCastle, was a solid but unspectacularaffair. Box-office was slightly up on last year and a steady streamof international filmmakers - Alexander Payne, Roger Michell, Lukas Moodyssonand Pawel Pawlikowski among them - passed ...

  • News

    Studio Babelsberg prepares for flotation


    Studio Babelsberg is planning to go public in the first halfof this year, according to managing director and co-owner Carl Woebcken.In an interview with the business newspaper Euro AmSonntag at the weekend, he revealed thatthe German film studios were 'in intensive talks' about an IPO whichwould be undertaken within the ...

  • News

    Eichinger voted 'most important player' in German film


    Producer-distributor Bernd Eichinger has been voted as themost important player in the German film business in an industry surveypublished on Sunday.Industry veteran Eichinger saw his production of OliverHirschbiegel's Hitler bunker drama Downfallreceive a nomination in the Academy Awards' Foreign Language Filmcategory last month.A jury of leading film critics, TV executives, ...

  • News

    Amelio unlocks top Italian film prize with Keys


    Gianni Amelio scooped Italy'sprestigious Nastro D'Argento prize as best director for The House Keys, during a ceremony held on Friday night in Rome'sAuditorium.Adapted from author GiuseppePontiggia's autobiographical novel, Born Twice, about a father's relationship with his severelydisabled teenage son, The House Keyscaused a furor among local critics when it walked ...

  • News

    Boogeyman makes it two for two for Ghost House


    Boogeyman, Ghost House Pictures' follow-up to lastyear's debut release The Grudge, capitalised on horror's mass appeal with anestimated $19.5m number one opening.Trailing some way behind in second place on $11m was GoldCircle's romantic comedy The Wedding Date,released in domestic theatres through Universal.Boogeyman stars Barry Watson and Emily Deschaneland concerns the ...

  • News

    Boogeyman is the new king of horror at US box office


    Boogeyman, Ghost House Pictures' follow-up to lastyear's debut release The Grudge, capitalised on horror's mass appeal with anestimated $19.5m number one opening.Trailing someway behind in second place on $11m was Gold Circle's romantic comedy TheWedding Date, released in domestic theatres through Universal.Boogeyman stars Barry Watson and Emily Deschaneland concerns the ...