Small MPU – Page 496
Perhaps Love wins big at Golden Bauhinia Awards
Peter Chan's musical Perhaps Love dominated the 11th Hong Kong GoldenBauhinia Awards (GBA) last night, winning six awards including best director,best actress for Zhou Xun, best cinematography, bestart direction, best film music and best film song. Thebest film award went to Johnnie To's gangster thriller Election which also bagged best ...
Screen West Midlands starts talent awards
Screen West Midlands is launching new awards to recognise and promote theregional screen media industry.The media talent awards willbe offered in three categories: new filmmaker, excellence in development andoutstanding achievement. "Screen WM is proud to haveworked with the industry for the last five years and recognise the importanceof celebrating the ...
Sarajevo unveils documentary competition and Panorama
The12th Sarajevo Film Festival (Aug 18-26) has announced further details of thisyear's programme. Inaddition to the feature competition announced earlier this month, Sarajevo has announced the 19films in its documentary competition, including six from Bosnia and Herzegovina (see below). The documentary programme will offer a Heartof Sarajevo best documentary award ...
The Flying Scotsman
Dir: Douglas Mackinnon. UK. 2006. 105minsThe triumph of the sporting underdog may be a triedand tested narrative convention but TheFlying Scotsman lends an extra human dimension to the formula; championcyclist Graeme Obree wasn't just chasing records hewas also fighting personal demons. Belying its fractured production history,Douglas Mackinnon's feature emerges as ...
Palace strikes deal for Intercom's Hungarian multiplexes
Palace Cinemas Central Europe has announced the acquisition of nine Hollywood Multiplex sites from AndyVajna's production, distribution and exhibitioncompany InterCom.Palace Cinemas would notdisclose the value of the asset-purchase arrangement.Of the nine sites, five arein the capital of Budapest and one is to open in November. The asset purchase agreementadds 56 ...
Edinburgh festival opens with news of boost in funding
The60th Edinburgh International Film got underway on Monday evening with the worldpremiere of The Flying Scotsman andthe news that the event has received substantial extra funding.TheScottish Executive announced that it has allocated an additional $283,462 (£150,000)to the festival that will be dispersed through Scottish Screen. This in turnmeans an extra ...
Bobby to get Hollywood Film Award for ensemble
The10th Annual Hollywood Film Awards will honour the ensemble cast from Bobby, Emilio Estevez's upcoming account of events surrounding theassassination of Bobby Kennedy.PiratesOf The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest willreceive the Hollywood Visual Effects of the Year Award, Cars will get the Hollywood Animation of the Year Award and X-Men:The Last ...
China Star confirms Star TV output deal
China Star Entertainment has confirmed that it has struck a three-year output deal with regional broadcast powerhouse Star TV covering the 100 features produced under its 100 Years Of Cinema banner (Screendaily, May 16).The three-year deal gives Star exclusive video-on-demand, pay-per-view and pay-TV rights in both Mandarin and Cantonese versions. ...
TIFF introduces $10,000 cash prize for Canadian producers
Theupcoming 31st Toronto International Film Festival has inaugurated a producers'award supporting the Canadian industry in partnership with Canadian Film andTelevision Production Association (CFTPA) and the finalists of Telefilm CanadaPITCH THIS!The CFTPAProducers' Award will honour entrepreneurial independent producers of aCanadian feature screening at the festival and carries a $10,000 prize. Thewinner ...
Spanish films get pole positions at New York Film Festival
GuillermoDel Toro's gothic fairy tale Pan's Labyrinth will close the 44th New York Film Festival, while PedroAlmodovar's drama Volver has been namedthe centerpiece presentation.Bothfilms played in competition at this year's Cannes Film Festival.Festivalorganisers also announced that they would screen a restored print of WarrenBeatty's 1981 historical saga Reds asthe festival ...
Werber's Earthmen Friends to open Montreal
BernardWerber's Our Earthmen Friends will openthe 30th Montreal World Film Festival on Aug 24.Werber,the French sci-fi author of the Antstrilogy and most recently Le Souffle Des Dieux (The Breath Of The Gods), directed and Les Films 13 produced the project.OurEarthmen Friends is styled as adocumentary about Earth and humans made ...
Australia debates merits of digital cinema
Australian exhibitors weretold today that if they want to stay in business they have ten years to find away to make the transition to digital. "I do not know exactly howlong you can keep running 35mm prints of major movies but suggest that within10, 12 or 15 years they will ...
Martial arts feature Underground starts UK shoot
Park Entertainmentand Intense Productions have started principal photography on announce thatprincipal photography on Underground.The action featureis set in the UK suburbs, where anunderground tournament pits a dozen fighters against each other. The cast includesmartial arts expert Mark Strange, kickboxing champion Nathan Lewis and stuntveteran Leon Sua. Chee Keong Cheung is ...
Ahmad's Gubra gets best film honours in Malaysia
Gubra,the follow-up to writer/director Yasmin Ahmad'sinter-racial love drama Sepet,walked away with best film, best original screenplay and best actress for Sharifah Amani at the 19thMalaysian Film Festival ceremony Sunday night. It is the second time in a row that an Ahmad filmreceived the top honours after Sepet swept six awards ...
Hungary's Istvan Szabo to head Pusan jury
Hungariandirector Istvan Szabo willhead the jury at the Pusan International FilmFestival in Korea.Otherjurors will be Hong Kong producerDaniel Yu, Korean actress Moon So-Ry, French directorBruno Dumont and Iranian director Abolfazl Jalili.They willjudge New Currents, the festival's only competitive section for emerging Asianfilm-makers. The top prize comes with $30,000.Pusan also announced ...
Roger Michell opts out of next Bond film
Britishdirector Roger Michell has confirmed that he will notbe directing the next Bond movie, the 22nd in the 007 franchise."I'vedecided not to do it," Michell told "I was very tempted. Ispent a long time working on it but I wasn't tempted enough to actually jumpin. At the last minute, ...
Sheffield Documentary Festival plans new pitching programme
The Sheffield International Documentary Festival has created a newpitching programme, The MeetMarket,to be launched at this year's festival (Oct 30-Nov 5).The Documentary Filmmakers Group is presenting and coordinating the new programme. Selected documentary ideas will be presented inone-minute pitch trailers made available online to buyers before the festival.They will select ...
The Killing Of John Lennon
Dir/scr: Andrew Piddington. UK. 2006. 112mins.The very thought of a film about Mark David Chapmanis enough to provoke a knee-jerk reaction of resistance: do we really needanother portrait of a killer' The striking independent feature The Killing Of JohnLennon silences any reservations. Beautifully crafted, it studiously avoidssliding into the sensationalist ...
Kinowelt makes first direct move into broadcasting
German film giant Kinowelt has bought a 10% stake in satellite broadcast start-up B.TV Television.The company is a sister operation to B.TV Baden and B.TV Wuerttemberg, which are successful local broadcasters in the Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW) region. It begins broadcast of the new channel on July 15 using the Astra satellite ...
Dead In Three Days (In Drei Tagen Bist Du Tot)
Dir: Andreas Prochaska.Austria. 2006. 97mins.Teen audiences and midnight crowds looking for ahealthy dose of blood and guts will welcome DeadIn Three Days, Andreas Prochaska'sby-the-book slasher, which successfully follows therules and conventions of the genre.Set in smalltownrural Austria, it features the same group of friends, incompetent cops, redherrings and cocktail of ...