Small MPU – Page 501
Prospects looking up for Downfall
UK bookmakers may beoffering odds of 12-1 on Germanforeign-language Oscar contender: Downfall (Der Untergang), but the film, about the final days ofHitler's regime is already a winner at the international box office.Successful runs in a handfulof European territories have seen the two and a half hour drama pass the $50mmark ...
Icing sealed on Cake Weaver, Rickman set to roll
Ayear after Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver committed to the project, SnowCake has finally come together.UKproducers Andrew Eaton and Gina Carter have set up the drama as a UK-Canadianco-production with Niv Fichman, producer of The Red Violin. FortissimoFilm Sales is selling worldwide rights,while a deal is being finalised with support ...
Pop group 'N Sync to promote first film at Cannes
'N SYNC - the US boyband phenomenon - will make its first feature film for LA-based independent production outfits Total Film Group and Phat Free Productions, it was announced yesterday.And the group, which performed with Gloria Estefan at this year's Academy Awards ceremony, will be attending this year's Cannes Film ...
TLA picks up Bardem's Swindled
Spanishsales consortium Latido has sold US rights to Miguel Bardem's Swindled(Incautos) to TLA Releasing.StarringVictoria Abril, the classy con-artist tale was one of five pictures Latidopicked up in December from Spanish production company Alquimia Cinema. Itco-stars Argentinean veteran Federico Luppi and Spaniard Ernesto Alterio.Latidogeneral manager Massimo Saidel highlighted the film's "high ...
US pack circles Dog Day doc
Based On A True Story, Walter Stokman's documentary about thereal events and characters behind Sidney Lumet's classic film, Dog DayAfternoon, is being circled by a small pack of US buyers currently inBerlin. Amsterdam-basedsales agent SND Films is weighing up offers from, among others, theatricaldistributors here!, Cinema Guild and Avatarand TV ...
Exorcist exhumed: Schrader's prequel gets world premiere
Provingthat in this era of DVDs, re-issues and special festival screenings, no footageis ever safely in the grave, Paul Schrader will bring his version of TheExorcist: The Beginning to the Brussels International Festival of FantasticFilm on March 18 in a precursor to what looks like a limited theatricalrollout.Thiswill be a ...
New Line, CJ pact for Shadowless Sword
Korea'sCJ Entertainment and New Line Cinema have struck a pioneering co-productiondeal for The Shadowless Sword. The period action film is written anddirected by Kim Jung-joon and is billed as a sequel to breakout internationalhit Bichunmoo. The$6.5m Troy-like film, set in 800AD, began 15 weeks of production inChina on Wednesday (16 ...
Reelmachine sets slate with Emmerich
Germany'spowerful VIP media fund and Berlin Jury president Roland Emmerich have set thefirst four films to go in to production from their newly-formed Reelmachineoutfit.Emmerichwill direct the first: a UK-based film with an all-British cast called SoulOf The Age. Scripted by John Orloff and exploring the origins ofShakespeare's plays, it is ...
Potter's Yes a 'Ja' for Germany
GreeneStreet Films International has closed a deal with distributor Alamode forGerman rights to Sally Potter's Yes, which screened in Panorama duringthe Berlinale. GreeneStreet's Cedric Jeanson has closed a host of deals on the film on the back ofthe Berlin screenings including with Lumiere in Brazil and Roadshow in Greece,following earlier ...
Bavaria Film closes deals on Sophie Scholl
Bavaria Film International(BFI) has closed the first deals for Marc Rothemund's Sophie Scholl - TheFinal Days. The gripping drama on thelast six days of resistance figure Sophie Scholl has been sold to Japan(Kinetique), Spain (Lola Films), Scandinavia (Future Films), Mexico (QualityFilms), Portugal (Ecofilmes), former Yugoslavia (Discovery) and Peru (GatenoFilms).The UK, ...
Turtles to fly at Mar Del Plata
Bahman Ghobadi's TurtlesCan Fly has been set as the opening film at the massively expanded Mar DelPlata festival (10-20 March). The festival has risen from160 films last year to 320 to celebrate its 20th edition. In addition to themain competition there are 14 sections and five tributes dedicated toArgentina's cinematic ...
Intl box office preview: Constantine launches in Europe
Constantine should give DreamWorks International's MeetThe Fockers a run forits money as the dominant international title this weekend when it opens widein a trio of major European markets.The supernatural thriller and comic book adaptation was due to open day-and-date with the US throughWarner Bros Pictures International in France on Feb ...
Innocent Voices inspires buyers in Berlin
Lions Gate FilmsInternational has completed a raft of sales on Luis Mandoki's Salvadoran civilwar drama Innocent Voices, which received its European premiere in Berlin last weekend asthe opening night film of the Kinderfilmfest.The picture sold to Metropolitan in France, Solo Film in Germany, Content Filmin the UK, New Select in ...
Golan's Back! FilmWorld launches at Cannes
Menahem Golan is back - again - with a new company FilmWorld and his years-in-the-making version of Crime And Punishment almost ready for unveiling. Teaming with Eugeny Afineevsky, his executive vice president and head of business affairs, and Eddie Avalos, vice president and head of international sales, Golan has two ...
Kirschenbaum earns vp production stripes at Universal
JeffKirschenbaum has been appointed vice president of production at UniversalPictures, where he has played a key role in such hits as The BourneSupremacy and In GoodCompany.Kirschenbaumwill expand the number of films under his watch and is currently shepherdingthe upcoming video game adaptation Doom, which is scheduled to open in August ...
All eyes on the Berlinale prizes
Asthe festival awaited news from the jury, the front-runners for prizes wereemerging from a competition that most critics agreed was stimulating, butuneven. Among the favourites were TheBeat That My Heart Skipped, Jacques Audiard's stylish homage to JamesToback's 1970s classic Fingers, which was tipped to net a best actorprize for Romain ...
Dir: Fruit Chan. HK.2005. 91mins.Described by the directoras a "post-feminist horror film", Dumplings is the full-length versionof a 30-minute short presented in Venice last year as part of Three Extremes,an omnibus film which also showcased twisted tales by Asian directors TakeshiMiike and Park Chan-Wook.Dumplings was easily the best thing about ...
Sophie Scholl ' The Final Days
Dir. Marc Rothemund. Ger.2005. 120mins.Previously the basis for two previous German features, thestory of wartime freedom fighter Sophie Scholl again reaches the screen - thistime in competition at Berlin - with the added draw of new and as yet unpublishedevidence which purports to throw additional light on her case.Scholl, played ...
The Beat That My Heart Skipped (De Battre Mon Coeur S'Est Arrete)
Dir:Jacques Audiard. Fr. 2005. 107mins.
The Sun (Solntse)
Dir. Alexander Sokurov.Russ-It-Fr-UK. 110mins.After Hitler and Lenin,it is now the turn of Japan's Emperor Hirohito to be the centrepiece ofAlexander Sokurov's third chapter in his projected tetralogy on politicalleaders of the 20th century.Far more relaxed, positiveand even cheerful - if such a term can be applied to a Sokurov work ...