Small MPU – Page 502

  • News

    European Film Market closes at an all-time high


    Newsfrom the floor of the European Film Market as it wrapped for another year:busier than ever before. While there were no headline-grabbing North Americanor multi-territory deals forged by the classics divisions of Hollywood studios,serious business was done. One seller alone reported over 500 deals completedhere.Non-English-languagecommercial fare and art-house pictures were ...

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    Dimension does The Business


    DimensionFilms has taken North American rights to The Business, British directorNick Love's story of a young man caught up in the expatriate crime scene onSpain's Costa del Sol in the 80s.TheCosta del Crime flick previously sold to Pathe Distribution in the UK, whereproduction company Vertigo fielded multiple offers. ContentFilmis selling ...

  • News

    A Year Without Love wins Berlin's Teddy Award


    Thewinner of the 19th Teddy Award for the best gay/transgender film at theBerlinale has been won by Argentina's A Year Without Love (Un Ano Sin Amor).Director Anahi Berneri will take home a cash prize of Euros 3,000 from theTeddy Award foundation and other donors in Berlin's gay and lesbian community.Winnerof ...

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    Berlin screening of Wilder satire reopens 60 year-old controversy


    BillyWilder's 1947 romantic comedy A Foreign Affair, which screened in Berlinas the closing night attraction in the Selling Democracy series, may seemcharming to many - but it re-appears in Berlin with a legacy of controversythat saw the film banned in Germany for years after the war.Thefilm was made by Wilder ...

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    Liliana Cavani to direct Fine Line's Ripley's Game


    Liliana Cavani, the Italian director behind The Night Porter who hasn't made a film since 1993, has boarded Fine Line Features' Ripley's Game - an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's classic novel which follows Tom Ripley 25 years after the events portrayed in The Talented Mr Ripley.Cavani is supervising a script ...

  • News

    Market gets animated about Euro-toons


    European-madeanimated feature films are at last beginning to crawl out from underHollywood's shadow and establish a foothold in the international market. Thatwas the message in Berlin earlier this week as details of Cartoon Movie 2005,the three-day co-production forum and market, were announced.Theevent will take place in the middle of next ...

  • Reviews

    The Works ties up Berlin deals


    The Works licensed PawelPawlikowski's My Summer Of Love to Brazil's Europa. Tara Road was soldto Svensk for Scandinavia, Cinearts bought festival title Tickets forBenelux, while Dongsong bought it for Korea. Israel's Orlando Films boughtcompetition film The Sun for Israel. Off market title The AlzheimerCase was sold to Media Soso for ...

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    Loach sounds off over Iraq, Tsunami relief


    Speakingin Berlin last week, Ken Loach (one of the three co-directors of portmanteaupicture Tickets) berated the double standards in western responses todeath and disaster. "Your country and mine have killed over 100,000 peoplein Iraq," Loach told a US journalist. "And we are encouraged to showno sympathy, to collect no money, ...

  • News

    Berlinale Golden Bear winner takes everyone but the jury by surprise


    Mark Dornford-May's U-Carmen eKhayelitsha has become the first African film in the history of the Berlinale to be awarded the top honours of the Golden Bear by the International Jury led by German director Roland Emmerich. The jury's choice of Dornford-May's version of Carmen's Bizet set in a South African ...

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    Sideways, Sunshine take WGA film awards


    Sidewayswon best adapted screenplay for Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor while EternalSunshine Of The Spotless Mind took best original screenplay honours for Charlie Kaufman at theWriters Guild of America (WGA) awards at the weekend (19).The WGA honours are regarded asa strong indicator of how the Academy Awards screenplay prizes will ...

  • News

    Summit closes Keeping Mum in major territories at busy Berlin


    Summit Entertainment has closed key Berlin sales on NiallJohnson's comedy Keeping Mum, which stars Rowan Atkinson and Kristin Scott Thomas in the storyof a diligent vicar who is totally oblivious to his wife's affair.Summit sold the picture toConstantin Film in Germany, Icon Film Distribution in Australia, SND in France,IIF in ...

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    Hitch wedded to the top spot, Constantine a close second


    Sony's romantic comedy Hitch stayed top over the rain-sodden three-day portion ofPresidents Day as it closed in on $100m and shut out a trio of top 10 debutantsled by Warner Bros' supernatural action title Constantine.Hitch addedan estimated $31.8m in its second weekend for a $90.1m running total, confirmingWill Smith's status ...

  • News

    Date doctor beats demon-killer in first round of Presidents Day weekend battle


    Sony's romantic comedy Hitch stayed top over the rain-sodden three-day portion ofPresidents Day as it closed in on $100m and shut out a trio of top 10 debutantsled by Warner Bros' supernatural action title Constantine.Hitch addedan estimated $31.8m in its second weekend for a $90.1m running total, confirmingWill Smith's status ...

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    Ducastel & Martineau's Beach goes to Strand in US


    Strand Releasing hasannounced one of the first domestic deals from the Berlin Film Festival lastweek, acquiring US rights to Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau's comedy MariscosBeach (Crustaces Et Coquillages).The deal was closed byStrand's co-presidents Marcus Hu and Jon Gerrans with sales agent Sylvain Moreau of Bac Films International. Mariscos Beach ...

  • Reviews

    U-Carmen eKhayelitsha


    Dir. Mark Domford-May. SAfr. 2004. 120mins.Bizet's Carmen,arguably the most popular grand opera written and certainly the one mostfrequently adapted to the big screen, enjoys another outing, this time to SouthAfrica, for U-Carmen eKhayelitshaMark Domford-May's updatedversion is set in the present day, performed by local talents, sung in Xhosaand shot in ...

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    Stuart Little gets bigger in Australia


    Fuelled by school holidays and the Easter weekend, Columbia TriStar's Stuart Little has brought in a phenomenal $8.7m (A$14.9m) after 20 days.The film clocked up $3.5m from 323 screens in its second week (April 12-19) - a rise of 24% from its opening seven days - giving it the biggest ...

  • Reviews

    The Wayward Cloud (Tian Bian Yi Duo Hun)


    Dir/scr: Tsai Ming-Liang.Fr-Tai. 2005. 111mins.Taiwan auteur TsaiMing-Liang revisits all his favourite themes in The Wayward Cloud, hiseighth feature. There's his water obsession - here figured in a nationwidewater shortage, which leads to a run on mineral water and watermelons. There'shis exploration of lonely characters lost in a big but strangely ...

  • Reviews

    Peacock (Kong Que)


    Dir: Gu Changwei China.2005. 161mins.If further proof wereneeded of the technical and emotional maturity of the New Chinese cinema, then Peacocksupplies it. The story of three siblings in a provincial Chinese town at thetail end of the Cultural Revolution, this sensitive, deceptively simple filmtakes a while to establish its authority, ...

  • News

    SOUTH KOREA Production Listings - February 21


    SOUTHKOREAPRE-PRODUCTIONTHEBEAST(Popcorn Film) Budget: $8m. Int'lsales/dist: Showbox. Noirish drama about a detective, prosecutor and gangster,all equally vicious. Exec prod: Kim Woo-taek. Prod: Han Sung-gu. Dir/Scr: KimSung-soo. Main cast: Kwon Sang-woo, Yu Ji-tae, Yu Dong-geun. Shooting fromMarch.Contact: Showbox, (82) 2 3218 5632BLOOD SISTERS(Angel Underground) Int'l sales: CineclickAsia. Horror omnibus in three segments ...

  • News

    Spring offers hope for Korean box office


    April is not considered tobe high season at the box-office in Korea, but in past years it has shown aknack for producing major box-office hits. My Little Bride (2004, $17m local gross), Memories Of Murder(2003, $27m), The Way Home (2002, $20m) and Friend (2001, $38m)have all got off to a ...