Small MPU – Page 513

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    Battle lines drawn for Prix Screen International


    The European Film Academy has announced 11 nominations for the Prix ScreenInternational for non-European film.The awards, backed byScreen International, reflect the wide geographical spread of this year's top films, taking in every continent.Three of the films - C.R.A.Z.Y., Be With Me and Tsosti - have also been nominated to represent ...

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    Too Good To Be True Film-makers bank on pixel sell


    Following in the footstepsof a startlingly simple online marketing scheme launched this year,two UK screenwriters are raising funds online to develop theirfeature films. Screenwriters Talia Channon and Lee Curle of Lucre Films have launched, asite based on the successful Million Dollar Homepage, developed by 21-year-old UK student Alex Tew. ...

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    India film festival to host Merchant tribute


    This year's edition of the InternationalFilm Festival of India (IFFI), to be held in Goafrom Nov 24 - Dec 4, will pay a special tribute to Indian-born filmmaker IsmailMerchant who died in May this year.The retrospective will screenIn Custody, which Merchant directedhimself, and three films that he produced with James ...

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    Churches out to boost the lion's share of the box office


    Disney and Buena VistaInternational are working with Christian groups to spread the word about theforthcoming release of The Chronicles ofNarnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The film, due out December9, has been promoted to UK religious groups and businesses since early thissummer, through an independent consultant. In the ...

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    15 titles named on Oscar documentary shortlist


    The Academy OfMotion Picture Arts & Sciences unveiled a fiercely competitive shortlist of15 documentaries today [Tuesday] that will vie for the five nominee slots inthe 78th annual Academy Awards.The rosterfeatures Luc Jacquet's record breaking March Of The Penguins, Jessica Sander's miscarriage of justiceexpose After Innocence,Marilyn Agrelo's Slamdance hit Mad Hot ...

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    Cronenberg, Gyllenhaal, London added to Palm Springs honours roster


    David Cronenberg willreceive the Visionary Award, Jake Gyllenhaal will receive the Desert PalmAchievement Award and Michael London will collect the Producer of the YearAward at the 17th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival (PSIFF) inJanuary.Cronenberg's latest picture AHistory Of Violence has grossed morethan $30.5m since opening through New Line. His ...

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    Sogepaq takes on Banderas' Spanish project


    Sogepaq has picked upinternational rights to Antonio Banderas' second film as director, The WayOf The English, which beginsshooting next Monday in Spain.The film is a co-productionbetween Banderas' own Green Moon Producciones and Sogepaq sister companySogecine.It marks Banderas' return tothe Spanish film industry, where he also plans to begin producing local ...

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    UK film 'parliament' to debate industry's global role


    The UK's Independent FilmParliament is hosting a forum November 30 at the Insitut Francais in London.Among those expected to debate film policy will be Nik Powell of theNational Film and Television School, John Woodward of the UK Film Council,producer Chris Atkins and author Peter S. Grant. The forum will featuresessions ...

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    European industry event hopes to build East-West links


    The Belgrade International Film Festival FEST is to launch a forum to boost links between film professionals from Western and Eastern Europe and neighbouring countries with a strong European influence and heritage.Speakingexclusively to, project manager Miroslav Mogorovic explained the focus of the B2B Industry Meetings (March 3-5, 2006) would ...

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    Water reaches watershed level at box office


    Deepa Mehta's Water passed the C$500,000 ($419,000) mark this pastweekend, achieving the milestone in 10 days on 41 screens for a screen averageof approximately $7000. It was enough to earn 10thspot on the nation's box office Top Ten, a rare feat for a Canadian filmproduced outside of Quebec. That said, ...

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    Grade takes up TV production chair at NFTS


    Entertainment impresario Michael Grade has taken up the first Lew Grade chair of TV production at the UK's National Film And Television School (NFTS).Grade will take up the post, created in honour of his late uncle, in the autumn at the school's Beaconsfield site. He will work with students as ...

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    BVI hits $1bn gross for 11th consecutive year


    Buena VistaInternational (BVI) passed $1bn in annual tickets sales yesterday [Tuesday],marking the 11th consecutive year the distributor has achieved the distinction."We're thrilledto be able to keep this going," BVI president Mark Zoradi said. "Theinteresting thing about the theatrical business is that the shelf is emptyevery year. Through good product years ...

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    de Hadeln to head Damascus festival jury


    Moritz de Hadeln, artistic director of this year's FestivalInternational de Film deMontreal (FIFM), hasbeen named president of the international jury of the Damascus International Film Festival (November 20-27).Acceptingthe offer from the Syrian event, the former head of the Berlin, Venice and Locarno festivals said: "Inthe difficult international present political situation, ...

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    Awards Countdown


    The Awards Countdown features below offer a form guide to the major honours. We also look at who has won what at other major awards.

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    Brooks' Muslim comedy to world premiere in Dubai


    In an unusual move, AlbertBrooks' new film Looking For ComedyIn The Muslim World will have its world premiere at the Dubai InternationalFilm festival ahead of an early-2006 US release through Warner IndependentPictures.The film, which sees Brooksbeing sent to India and Pakistan by the US Government to find out what makesMuslims ...

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    Bridge opens for Fortissimo


    Dutch-HK-based sales agent FortissimoFilms has reported a string of sales on documentary The Bridge, which itpicked up at AFM. Directed by Eric Steel and following the stories of peoplewho decided to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge in 2004,the film has already sold to Japan (Tornado), Village ...

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    Official Academy site click hereAMPAS database click hereLast year's winners click here

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    Fifth annual animated feature Academy Award


    The question of who will be the winner of the fifth annualanimated feature Academy Award is a hotly contested and intriguing one. Four films stand out as the frontrunners - Howl's Moving Castle, Chicken Little,Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbitand Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - and each represents ...

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    Fifth annual animated feature Academy Award


    Competition to be one of just three nominees for this year'sanimated feature Oscar is stiff with such an eclectic bunch of high- budget,critically- acclaimed films - and creepy - films in the runningThe question of who will be the winner of the fifth annualanimated feature Academy Award is a hotly ...

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    The British Academy prepares for 2005 awards


    For an indication of how important the BAFTA film awardshave become, look no further than this year's campaign trail.The scramble for BAFTAs started inearnest on August 31, when the UK'sacademy members were emailed with details of a screening of AngLee's Brokeback Mountain, followed by a Q&A withstar Jake Gyllenhaal and ...