Small MPU – Page 532
Gie scoops best picture at Indonesia's top film honours
Riri Riza's Gie was named best picture at this year'sIndonesian Film Festival (FFI) awards ceremony which was held on Dec 15.The political drama, Indonesia's entry for the best foreign-language film Oscar,also walked away with the best actor award for Nicolas Saputra and bestcinematography for Yudi Datau.Romantic comedy Brownies also received ...
French pay-TV operators agree merger plans
France's biggest pay-TV operations, Canal Plus Group and TPS have announced merger plans. The deal will create a new group, in which Canal owner Vivendi Universal will take an 85% share. TPS owners TF1 and M6 will take 9.9% and 5.1% respectively.Theagreement is subject to approval by the French broadcasting ...
International outpaces unspectacular domestic opening for Kong
King Kongclambered to the top of the Empire State Building despite persistent gunfire ina much-anticipated domestic launch that provided few fireworks but promisedplenty to come.Released through Universal,Peter Jackson's three-hour epic grossed an estimated $50.1m over three days and$66.2m over five. It averaged $14,054 over three days in 3,568 theatres.Buena Vista/Walden ...
Kong is king of international box office with $80.1m
King Kongdestroyed the competition over the weekend as Universal's biggest ever day-and-datelaunch through UIP generated an estimated $80.1m from 8,123 sites over fivedays in 55 territories.Peter Jackson's latest epic took $63.4m over three days and openednumber one in 53 territories in what proved to be Universal's biggest everinternational opening weekend ...
Mana scores at emerging Malaga fest
Actress Laura Mana was the big winner at the increasingly high-profile Spanish Film Festival of Malaga on Saturday night, walking away with the best film award for her directorial debut Sexo Por Compasion.The film is a magic surrealist tale, also written by Mana, about a woman whose sexual favours transform ...
Mullis, Oz producers win licence to launch FLIC
An eclectic team of peopledriven by executive producer Barrie M. Osborne (The Lord Of The Rings), producer Richard Keddie and Bangkok-basedfinancier Robert Mullis have won a licence to raise money in Australia for film production. Others named as part of theMullis Capital Film Licensed Investment Company (FLIC) are actors Hugo ...
Box office takings remain buoyant in Russia
The last week in Novemberended the fiscal year in the Russian and the Central Independent States (CIS)market, which experienced exponential growth in recent years and seems to bestabilising as key cities become saturated. According to data providedby key trade publication Russian FilmBusiness Today, total box office was $340m ($311m without ...
Rumour Has It...
Dir: Rob Reiner.US. 138mins.Invoking the spirit of a classic featurecan be a precarious business for a new movie, inviting inevitable comparisons.It's something that Rumour Has It' -whose plotline was inspired by The Graduate, Mike Nichols' far more spirited, witty anddaring film - does at its peril, falling flat not only ...
Fun With Dick And Jane
Dir: Dean Parisot. US. 2005. 89mins.For such a big star, Jim Carrey's career has featureda remarkably stark push-and-pull between appreciative audience reception andstubborn resistance to his whims. While his comedies as a leading man havetypically made a mint, more dramatic-minded turns in The Truman Show, Man On The Moon and ...
Chen's Promise has record-breaking China opening
Chen Kaige's fantasy epic The Promise (aka Master Of The Crimson Armor) scored a record-breaking opening of $9m (RMB74m) in its first four days of release in China (Dec 15-18), according to revised estimates. This makes the film thebiggest opener ever in China breaking the previous record set by Kung-fu ...
Long promoted to Deputy Manager BVI Ireland
Trish Long, Director of Marketing and Publicity at BVI Ireland for the lastfour years, has been appointed Deputy Manager BVI Ireland while retaining herexisting role and responsibility for the BVI Ireland campaigns for releasesfrom the Walt Disney Studios and international and Irish acquisitions. In commenting on her new position, Long ...
Solothurn Film Days to show Maximilian Schell retrospective
Stina Werenfels' feature debut Nachbeben willopen the Solothurn Film Days (January 16-22, 2006), the Swiss film community's annualget-together to showcase production by its filmmakers working at home andabroad.Thefestival's Swiss Forum will also present Swiss premieres of Thomas Imbach's adaptation of the Georg Buechner play Lenz,Alain Gsponer's family drama Rose, Michael ...
IMAX to install three systems in Latin America
IMAX Corp and Rio de Janiero-based gaming consortium RACIMECInternational Group have signed an agreement to install three IMAX cinemasystems in Latin America.Two systems will be installed in Santiago, Chile, and one will go in Caracas,Venezuela.The giant-screen pioneer is now scheduled to open 26 new cinemas in LatinAmerican territories by 2008, ...
Chicken Little to get the 3-D treatment Down Under
Kodak Digital Cinema and3-D specialist Real D have formed a strategic alliance to install digital 3-Dcinema systems in Australia.Kodak will provide thesystems, which are driven by its unique software and will be equipped with RealD's stereoscopic technologies used to enable 3-D viewing.The plan is for theinstallations to be complete in ...
Mother Of Mine wins IPA Golden Satellite Award
Klaus Haro's Finnishforeign language Oscar submission Mother Of Mine boosted its impressive awards pedigree at theweekend by winning the International Press Academy's (IPA) Golden SatelliteAward.The picture chronicles a youngster's journey to Sweden to meet his new motherand stars Topi Majaniemi, Marjaana Maijala, Maria Lundqvist and MichaelNyqvist.Last week Mother Of Minevirtually ...
Fox launches division targeting teens and young adults
Fox Filmed Entertainment (FFE) is targeting the teenand young adult crowd with a new division that will produce and acquire up toeight pictures a year.Fox Searchlight chief Peter Rice, who recently signed a new five-year-deal withFFE, will head up the as-yet-unnamed division.The plan is to focus on a genre mix ...
Korean film exports increase by 15%
Korean film exportsincreased by 15% to $67m this year, according to a report from localinvestor/producer IM Pictures, with Japan a major buyer of star-powered Korean fare.The report states that 80%of sales were concentrated in Asia and estimates that overall investmentprofits were $17.4m, making 2005 the Korean industry's third year in ...
New Montreal FilmFest suffers digital conference blow
The Festival International de Films de Montreal (FIFM) isabout to be the city's shortest-lived film festival.The unlucky event took another step toward oblivion yesterday with theannouncement that Digimart, its allied digital distribution conference, isabandoning the FIFM for a berth alongside the city's third festival, Festivaldu Nouveau Cinema (FNC), in October ...
Typhoon set to hit North America through DreamWorks
CJ Entertainment has announced thatK.T. Kwak's $14.5m action blockbuster Typhoon is set to hit North America throughDreamWorks' distribution network, marking the first Korean film to go through amajor distributor in the US."At a time when Korean films aregaining popularity around the globe, we are very excited to be able to ...
A big boost for the Copenhagen Film Fund
Producers with a keen eye for Copenhagen might want to look more closely towards the Danishcapital in a year or so. In January 2007 The Copenhagen Film Fund willbe operational with an annual budget of $6.5m (5.5m Euros). The aim of the fundis to attract international film productions to the ...