Small MPU – Page 533
Gone With The Wind named as top grossing film of all time
Gone With The Wind is the top grossing film of all time based oninflation-adjusted figures, according to new research by Screen Digest and datafrom Box Office Ginca. The 1939 Civil War dramaracks up an adjusted U.S. gross of $1.26bn, beating out Star Wars at$1.11bn. The figures were based on original ...
Fox, Europa Corp drive US box office with Transporter 2
The action sequel The Transporter 2 roared to the top of the charts overthe Labor Day holiday weekend on an estimated $20.3m over four days.Opening in third place on $10.8m was Focus Features' acclaimedJohn LeCarre adaptation The Constant Gardener, while two movies from the shelf - Underclassmanfrom Miramax and ASound ...
Queen Isabelle is back
Isabelle Adjani, who was last seen in the Hollywood remake of Diabolique in 1996, is coming back to to the big screen in a French film that will shoot next year after year's finished acting on the Parisian stage. The star of Queen Margot and Camille Claudel, and former Cannes ...
Boe's Allegro sells fast for Celluloid Dreams
Celluloid Dreams has lockedmultiple sales on Christopher Boe's Venice Directors Fortnight screener Allegro.Celluloid managing directorCharlotte Mickie confirmed the following sales: Ladyfilm for Italy, AudioVisual for Greece, Bir Film for Turkey, Budapest for Hungary, Tantra forPoland, Maywin for Russia and the Baltic states, and Alfa for Argentina andChile.The second feature from ...
Kujipers' Off Screen takes top jury prize at Montreal
Montreal filmmaker ClaudeGagnon did not win the top prize but his film Kamataki walkedaway with five major awards as the Montreal World Film Festival wrapped up its29th edition on Monday. Kamataki, a Canada-Japan coproduction, won the AudiencePrize, the FIPRESCI Prize, the Ecumenical Prize and the Prize for The MostPopular Canadian ...
Booking surge for Berlinale's European Film Market
Berlin's European Film Market (EFM) is boasting a 30%year-on-year increase in bookings for 2006 with nearly 200 companies signed up forthe upgraded Martin-Gropius-Bau facilities.They will have a choice of more than 600 screening slots innew or improved facilities. The surge in bookings follows AFM's move toNovember, leaving the February market ...
Raindance to open with Devil documentary
Jeff Feuerzeig's documentaryThe Devil and Daniel Johnston, about the cult musician and songwriter,will kick off the 13th Raindance Film Festival in London on September 28. Thefilm previously won the best director prize at Sundance. Raindance will close onOctober 9 with the European premiere of Jonathan Jakubowicz's SecuestroExpress, a Caracas, Venezuela-set ...
Dir:John Madden. US-UK. 2005. 100mins.Anefficient drama, rather than a memorable one, John Madden's Proofbenefits, for once, from its theatrical origins. Madden directed GwynethPaltrow in the main role of David Auburn's stage play at the Donmar Warehousein London, and the familiarity of both director and actress with the materialcomes through in ...
Dir: Lasse Hallstrom. US.2005. 112mins.There's somethingold-fashioned about Lasse Hallstrom's take on the 18-century Venetian rake andwomaniser Giacomo Casanova; but also something disarmingly likeable.It's as if the spirit of Richard Lester, circa The Three Musketeers, had takenpossession of the Swedish director.Hallstrom is helped by ascript fizzing with brio and by the ...
Pusan unveils tenth anniversary festival line-up
The Pusan International Film Festivalwill present a record 307 films to celebrate its tenth edition, which runs fromOctober 6-14 in South Korea.Notable world premieres include Loft byJapanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Love Talk by Korea's Lee Yoon-ki (whowon PIFF's top award last year with This Charming Girl), Iraniandirector Abolfazl Jalili's Full ...
Movie Network, Tropfest launch Oz low-budget film push
The push to turn Australia'sfilm industry into a low-budget Mecca continues with the news that the giantoutdoor short film competition Tropfest and pay TV channel the Movie Networkwill fund a $770,000 (A$1m) feature for each of the next three years.Tropfest attracts up to 700short film entries each year and several ...
Saudi officials break up huge piracy operation
Saudi Arabianofficials have seized over 2.2m pirate DVDs, VCDs, DVD-Rs and VHS cassettes ina raid on a major pirate distribution centre in Dammam, in the Eastern Provinceof Saudi Arabia.It isone of the biggest ever seizures of pirate product in the entire EMEA (Europe,the Middle East and Africa) region.Three Indian nationals ...
Persona Non Grata
Dir/scr:Krzysztof Zanussi. Pol-Russ-It. 2005. 117mins.Krzysztof Zanussimakes films for mature specialised audiences, interested in human nature andethical standards rather than in plots, heroes and villains. If this dooms himto a small, appreciative cinema-going crowd and to selective festivals (likehis competition slot in Venice), then so be it. He has never appeared ...
Fine Line swings for Eco's Pendulum
In a rare move for both parties, Fine Line Features has optioned Umberto Eco's metaphysical thriller Foucault's Pendulum.The move marks not only the first time in more than a decade that the renowned Italian author has granted film rights to his work, but an unusual step for Fine Line, which ...
BAFTA to host debate on portrayal of older women on screen
Women in Film and Television (WFTV), Equity and the BritishAcademy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) are holding a joint event, entitledMirror Mirror - From Snow White to Wicked Queen, to discuss theportrayal of older women on screen.The event kicks off with the UK's first public screening ofRosanna Arquette's feature ...
La Fenice set for Istituto Luce slate
Italian distributor Istituto Luce has unveiled a newco-production slate that includes both films by hot local directors andambitious international projects.Luce is currently lining up a Euros 20m noir-thrillerentitled La Fenice. The film, which will be entirely set in Venice, isexpected to star Colin Firth and Peter O'Toole, and will start ...
IDP Distribution bolsters ranks with new appointments
IDP Distribution has hired Kristi Avram as vice president ofpublicity and promoted Shani Ankori to vice president of marketing andpromotions, and hired Daniel Feiner as director of finance and administration.Avram will create and oversee all publicity campaigns forIDP, the joint venture between Samuel Goldwyn Films and Roadside Attractionsthat theatrically markets ...
Fox Int'l restructures Scandinavian operations
Fox International is restructuring Scandinavian operationsand has announced two key appointments, naming Hansi Mandoki managing directorof Twentieth Century Fox Theatrical Sweden, and Peter Paumgardhen managingdirector of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Scandinavia.Mandoki will manage all of Fox International's theatricalmarketing, distribution and acquisition activities in Sweden and reportsdirectly to Twentieth Century ...
UIP partnership dissolves in key territories
Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures are to set up their owndirect distribution operations in 15 key territories beginning in January 2007,the studios announced jointly on Tuesday.The move comes as part of a long-term agreement that extends andrestructures their UIP international distribution joint venture, originally setup with MGM, and UA in ...
Chicken Tikka Masala finds US home at TLA
TLA Releasing has picked up North American home entertainment andbroadcast rights to Harmage Singh Kalirai's British comedy Chicken TikkaMasala, and plans a DVDrelease in early 2006.The story centres on a UK-based Indian medical studentwhose parents begin to arrange his marriage to the daughter of a family friend,all the while oblivious ...