Small MPU – Page 539

  • News

    Bender named sales chief at Harmony Gold USA


    Susan Bender has beenappointed to the new post of president of sales at Harmony Gold USA as thecompany makes a concerted bid to expand its worldwide sales activities.Effective Jan 23, Bender will oversee all domestic and international sales andspearhead strategic development with the existing sales team, which includesvice president of ...

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    Southern Gothic ready to roll for Kindred Media Group


    Los Angeles andPennsylvania-based Kindred Media Group, North Carolina-based Tasty Pixels, andDewey Beach Films are about to begin production on the thriller SouthernGothic.Dewey Beach will provide completion funds for the $1m project, and Kindredplans a North American theatrical release in autumn 2006.Mark Young will direct the follow-up to his feature debut ...

  • News

    THINKFilm tucks in to When Do We Eat'


    THINKFilm has swooped onall North American rights to Salvador Litvak's Jewish Passover comedy WhenDo We Eat'The distributor is lining up an Apr7 release for the picture, which has become a mainstay on the festival circuitin recent months, in time for the Passover celebrations.Ben Feldman, Michael Lerner, Jack Klugman and Lesley ...

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    IFC, Tartan conclude deals on Brothers Of The Head


    IFC Films and Tartan Films have picked up North American and UK rightsrespectively to Film Four's mockumentary Brothers Of The Head.The picture premiered at Toronto last autumn and IFC plans to release it inNorth American theatres in July.Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe's picture follows the fate of exploited conjoinedtwins who ...

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    Goblet Of Fire breaks IMAX box office record


    Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire: The IMAX Experience has grossed more than $16mworldwide on 89 screens, breaking the previous $15.9m giant-format record for adigitally-remastered (DMR) 2D release set by Batman Begins: The IMAX Experience last year.The titles are two of three IMAX releases that grossed more than $200m ...

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    Emerging Pictures forms digital alliance with Brazil's RAIN


    IraDeutchman, Giovanni Cozzi and Barry Rebo's Emerging Pictures has formed a NorthAmerican digital distribution alliance with Brazilian technology company RAINNetwork.Called RAIN US, the New York-based exhibition and distribution venture aims tofulfil Emerging Picture's longtime goal of offering a platform to internationaland independent filmmakers.The fledgling venture will provide programming for 400 ...

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    Lionsgate spreads the word with Don't Tell


    Lionsgate has picked up USrights to Cristina Comencini's Italian Oscar submission and local hit Don'tTell (La Bestia Nel Cuore). The Cattleya and Rai Cinema production premiered at Venice last autumn andearned Giovanna Mezzogiorno the Coppa Volpi for Best actress. It has grossedmore than $7m since opening in Italian theatres last ...

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    Seven Guldbagge nominations for Runge's film


    The nominationsfor this year's Guldbagge awards, the annual SwedishFilm Awards were announced Monday. Björn Runge, whose previous film Daybreak won four Guldbagge awards and a Silver Bear in Berlin 2004,dominated the list with seven nominations for his new film Mouth to Mouth.It has been nominated for "Best Film", "Best Director" ...

  • News

    Bhaman Naraghi joins Miramax as executive vp


    Bahman Naraghi has joined Miramax Films as executive vice president of finance and operations. Naraghi will oversee all aspects of the company's finance, accounting, reporting and human resources as well as supervising certain business development efforts and arranging new financial arrangements for film projects. He will report directly to co-chairmen ...

  • News

    Italy's box-office takings tumble by 7.1%


    Italy'sbox office tumbled 7.1% in 2005 to $648.5m (536.9m Euros), with the industrysorely missing the previous year's juggernauts The Passion of The Christ and Lordof the Rings: The Return Of The King. Still, November's record-breakingrelease of Harry Potter And The Goblet OfFire and a Christmas season marked by Italian blockbuster ...

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    Japan's box-office takings down 8%


    Box office takings in Japan weredown 8% in 2005 with initial estimates pegging the box office for the last 12months at close to $1.82 billion. Technically there was not a single $100mgrosser though Howl's Moving Castlecontinued to perform well, following its first place ranking in 2004 of morethan $180m with ...

  • Reviews

    Glory Road


    Dir: James Gartner. US. 2006. 115mins.Playing out like Remember The Titans for basketball fans,Glory Road is yet another would-beinspirational true story which follows Hollywood sports-movie conventions somechanically that it feels more generic than stirring.Opening on January13 in the US, the same weekend that the hoops-themed Samuel L Jackson feature Coach ...

  • News

    Brazil's box-office takings drop by 17.5%


    Brazil's box office dropped an estimated 17.5 % in 2005,according to figures released by the local film distributors' union. Thecountry's sales amounted approximately $278.9m (R$ 633m), signaling the end of six years of market growth, pushed partially by the expansion of the exhibitionsector that today totals about 2,000 screens as ...

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    EFP names 21 actors in Berlin's Shooting Stars


    European Film Promotion hasannounced the actors for the 2006 Shooting Stars programme. The 21 Europeanactors will be part of a series of promotional events (February 11-13) at theBerlin International Film Festival and at later film festivals in Europe.Previous actors involved inthe programme include Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, andFranke Potente. ShootingStars ...

  • News

    Investment in UK films down a third in 2005


    Investment in UK-linked filmswas $1.1 billion (£699.1 million) into 78 films in 2005, down 27% from 2004'sinvestment of $1.7 billion (£960 million) in 68 projects, according to figuresfrom ScreenFinance.ScreenFinance also noted that inward investment from Hollywood into the UK fell from $889.5 million (£503.4 million) with eightproductions in 2004 to ...

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    Exhibitor Kinepolis Group's ticket sales fell 8% in 2005


    Pan-Europeanexhibitor Kinepolis Group's ticket sales fell 8% in2005 according to latest figures released by the company. Kinepolisticket sales finished at 22.6 million compared to 24.5 million in 2004. Astrong end of year run came as a great boost but was not enough to counter the12% dip recorded at the end ...

  • News

    Beyond Films gets on board for Dragnet and Almost Adult


    Sales company Beyond Filmshas acquired the rights to two films currently shooting, Steve Hudson's Dragnet and YousefAli Khan's Almost Adult.Dragnet stars Robert Carlyle, Gary Lewis, and Martin Compston in the story of a young fisherman who decides tosave the family business by trafficking in illegal immigrants. Dragnetstarted shooting Monday in ...

  • News

    The Chronicles of Narnia is hit for Argentina


    TheChronicles of Narnia: TheLion, the Witch and the Wardrobe scored the best opening ever in Argentina with 460.489 admissions from 173 screensin its first four-day weekend (Jan 5-8). Thefantasy epic beat previous record set by The Matrix Reloaded with450.839 spectators from 115 theatres in May 2003, while Shrek2 holds the ...

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    Narnia breaks all records in Argentina


    TheChronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe scored the best opening ever in Argentina with 460.489 admissions from173 screens in its first four-day weekend (Jan 5-8). The fantasy epic beat previous record set by The Matrix Reloaded with 450.839spectators from 115 theatres in May 2003, while Shrek ...

  • News

    Sky starts movie download service with 200 titles


    On the heels of LoveFilm's launch of a 500-title library of film downloads in the UK, satellite TV company Sky is also offering digital downloads of films to customers' computers. The Sky by broadband service is now being offered to Sky's digital TV subscribers in the UK and Ireland. More ...