Small MPU – Page 541

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    Telefonica to acquire Bertelsmann's mediaWays


    Telefonica added another acquisition to its growing European portfolio this week with the planned 100% buy-out of mediaWays, an Internet subsidiary of German media group Bertelsmann. MediaWays will be managed by Telefonica subsidiary Telefonica Data.The acquisition, valued at $1.6bn (PTS282,000m), forms part of a strategic relationship arising between two of ...

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    TLA buys domestic rights to Paige's gay comedy Say Uncle


    TLA Releasing has acquired North American theatrical and homeentertainment rights to Peter Paige's feature directorial debut Say Uncle and plans a June release followed by DVDroll-out in the autumn.Say Unclestars Paige as a naive gay painter pining for his recently relocated godson whois targeted by a neurotic woman as a ...

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    Esclavissat, Gornell get executive vp promotions at WBPI


    In two key promotions forWarner Bros Pictures International (WBPI), Monique Esclavissat has been namedexecutive vice president of European distribution and Con Gornell has beennamed executive vice president of European marketing.Both senior executives moveup from their previous posts as senior vice presidents in their respectivedivisions.Esclavissat is responsible for regional supervision of ...

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    Cripps to head Paramount's international distribution arm


    UIP president and chiefoperating officer Andrew Cripps is to head up Paramount's internationaltheatrical distribution operation.The first major appointmentto the division is a coup for Paramount chairman Brad Grey and his team in thewake of the studio's agreement with Universal in splitting off from their jointinternational distribution venture UIP.Sources confirmed the ...

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    Green named vp of distribution at NYC-based Emerging Pictures


    Josh Green has been namedvice president of distribution for New York-based Emerging Pictures, where hewill act as a sales agent and producer's representative.On pictures where EmergingPictures acts as a distributor-for-hire for theatrical release, he will planand manage the distribution campaigns.Green previously served asEmerging's director of marketing and business development after ...

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    Hegeman leaves Lionsgate to join Rice at Fox


    Former Lionsgate worldwidemarketing president John Hegeman has been named chief operating officer of FoxFilmed Entertainment's new teen and young adult-focused creative contentdivision headed up by Peter Rice.Effective immediately,Hegeman will work alongside Rice managing all aspects of the company includingproduction, acquisitions, marketing and distribution.The as-yet-unnamed division- announced by Fox chiefs three ...

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    Louisiana movie studio to be established in Baton Rouge


    In a move that will bringNew Year cheer to Louisiana officials in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, realestate developer The Celtic Group is planning to revive an abandoned BatonRouge facility and turn it into a film studio.The new Celtic Media Centreis being developed by Celtic, Baton Rouge and Los Angeles-based ...

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    Media Asia appoints Chong as CEO


    Media Asia has appointedJohn Chong as chief executive officer of the company following the retirementof previous CEO Jerry Liu. Chong co-founded Media Asiain 1995 and previously held the position of executive deputy chairman and wasan executive director with responsibility for film production, marketing anddistribution. Media Asia said in astatement that ...

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    Dalton leaves Australian Film Commission for ABC


    The Australian governmentagency with responsibility for developing features has to go in search of a newchief executive now that Kim Dalton has been made director of television atpublic broadcaster the ABC. The Australian FilmCommission (AFC) has only just appointed Chris Fitchett to head filmdevelopment, a division that spends about $12.8m ...

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    Danish box-office takings down just 1.85%


    Danish box office takings for 2005 were $125m(103,230,809 Euros), a drop of 1.85% on 2004's record year. This slight declinebucks the trend for the box office across Europe which saw all territories substantiallydown such as Germany with an 18.1% drop and Spain down by 12.7%. Local films did extremely well ...

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    The programme for Berlin's Kinderfilmfest and 14plus is finalised


    A diverse programme offilms has been finalised for Berlinale's Kinderfilmfest and 14plus. Of the twenty-one films chosen, fourwill have their world premieres. These include two German films Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Gretel) by director Anne Wild and GernotRoll's Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (The Robber Hotzenplotz) a film from India, Doodh ...

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    France produced a record 240 films in 2005


    France's CNC has announced a record 240 filmsproduced in 2005. All of the films received the cinema body's approval with 187films initiated by the French. The figures represent a jump from 203 films in2003 and 212 in 2004. Investments in cinema were also up by 22.6% to $1.54bn (1.28bnEuros).The mostdramatic ...

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    Kearey to lead Searchlight international marketing and sales


    Rebecca Kearey (pictured) has been named senior vice president ofinternational marketing and sales at Fox Searchlight Pictures.Based in the Los Angeles office, Kearey will develop the marketingand sales strategies for all Searchlight overseas product for both theatricaland home entertainment.Her appointment takes effect immediately and she will report toFox International heads ...

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    Peter Morris voted in as new chairman of BAFTA/LA


    Peter Morris has been voted in as BAFTA/LA's new chairman alongwith a new officer and five new members to the board of directors.The newly elected Board will make its first public appearance atthe 12th Annual BAFTA/LA Tea Party on Jan 15 at the Park Hyatt Los Angeles.Morris replaces outgoing chairman ...

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    Warner International promotes Carson to executive vp


    Nancy Carson has been promoted to executive vice president ofdistribution at Warner Bros Pictures International (WBPI).In her expanded role, Carson is responsible for overseeing internationaldistribution matters including dating strategies, box office racking, revenueand profitability.She works closely with regional supervisors and territory managersand is the division's primary liaison with Warner Home ...

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    Lionsgate strikes nationwide US hookup with Starbucks


    Starbucks Entertainment hasstruck deal with Lionsgate under which the coffee giant will participate in themarketing and distribution of Lionsgate and 2929 Entertainment's upcoming dramaAkeelah And The Bee.Leveraging its retail baseacross North America, Starbucks will screen the picture to Starbucks servers(aka "baristas") to create word of mouth and run a series ...

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    Boberg buys Liberty, launches Liberation Entertainment


    Mediaentrepreneur Jay Boberg, with the financial backing of media and communicationsprivate-equity firm Clarity Partners, has acquired Liberty InternationalEntertainment and is relaunching it as Liberation Entertainment.The acquisitionincludes a sizeable library of more than 250 features, as well as episodictelevision and music concert programming.Boberg willserve as chairman and chief executive officer of ...

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    Metallica director Sinofsky to make a documentary about Tommy Lee


    Documentary maker BruceSinofsky is following up Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster, which he made with Joe Berliner, with a film aboutthe infamous heavy metal musician Tommy Lee.The as-yet-untitled projectis scheduled to begin shooting this spring. Lee's manager and Sanctuary MusicArtists Management chief executive officer Carl Stubner is serving as executiveproducer ...

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    Little Fish swims to US via First Look


    First Look Studios haspicked up North American rights to Rowan Woods' Australian drama Little Fish from Myriad Pictures and plans a release in thefirst quarter of the year.The acclaimed film starringCate Blanchett, Sam Neill and Hugo Weaving won four Australian Film Institute(AFI) Awards late last year. It charts the escapades ...

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    Dubinet joins Myriad as president of distribution


    Myriad Pictures hasappointed sales veteran Ann Dubinet to the post of president of distribution.Dubinet (pictured) willoversee all theatrical distribution departments including contracts,collections, servicing and marketing as the company plans a period of growth onthe production and distribution fronts in 2006.Reporting to Myriadpresident and CEO Kirk D'Amico, she will oversee day-to-day ...