Small MPU – Page 562

  • News

    Trans-Pacific represents King Of Beggars


    Internationalfilm consultant Trans-Pacific Media (TPM) has picked up Israeli theatredirector Uri Paster's multi-language historical drama King Of Beggars for worldwide representation, andexpects to announce a sales agent before AFM.Shot entirely inLithuania and based on Mendele Mocher Seforim's novel of the same name, KingOf Beggars charts therise of a Jewish hero ...

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    Bim eats Kollek's Fast Food, Loach's Bread


    Valerio De Paolis' independent distribution company Bim has acquired Italian rights to a raft of Cannes competition titles including Ken Loach's Bread And Roses, from UK-based sales outfit The Sales Co.Other competition titles acquired by Bim are Amos Kollek's Fast Food Fast Women, from Celluloid Dreams; Austrian director Michael Haneke's ...

  • News

    Fox follows Disney in signing digital deal with Christie


    TwentiethCentury Fox has become the second US major to sign a non-exclusive deal tosupply its features to digital cinema projection systems deployed by Christie.Christie willinstall between 2,500 and 4,000 systems in North America over the next twoyears in a development that has taken a long time to reach fruition.The announcementfollows ...

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    Yemenidjian named director at Regal Entertainment


    Former MGMchairman Alex Yemenidjian has been appointed an independent director and amember of the audit committee at leading US exhibitor Regal Entertainment.Yemenidjian'sappointment became effective on Oct 13, along with that of real estate agentNestor R Weigand Jr, who was named independent director and member of thecompensation committee and nominating and ...

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    IFC aqcuires UK hangman story Pierrepoint


    IFC Films hasacquired US rights from Capitol Films to Adrian Shergold's true-life drama Pierrepoint (formerly The Last Hangman) following its recent world premiere inToronto.The distributorplans a 2006 release on the picture, which stars Timothy Spall as Albert Pierrepoint,Britain's last Chief Hangman and arguably the country's best-known publicexecutioner.Pierrepoint wassingly responsible for ...

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    Gold Circle, Vertigo team up for Eye 2 remake


    Gold Circle Films andVertigo Entertainment have teamed up to co-produce In-Utero, an adaptation of the Pang brothers' Hong Konghorror title Jian Gui 2 aka TheEye 2 that will be released throughNew Line.Gold Circle is financing theproject and Mandate Pictures will handle international sales. Gold Circle Filmspresident Paul Brooks will produce ...

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    Spain finalises plans for new guarantee fund


    The Spanish government hasformed a landmark new mutual guarantee fund for the audiovisual sector,unveiled Monday in Madrid under the banner Audiovisual SGR.Spain's Minister of CultureCarmen Calvo announced the initiative in sketchier detail at last month'sDonostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival while the project awaitedapproval from supervising entity the Bank of Spain.It ...

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    Voltage has rights to American Standard


    LosAngeles-based sales company Voltage Pictures has acquired international rightsfrom Eleven Eleven to Matthew Cole Weiss' psychological thriller TheAmerican Standard andwill begin selling at AFM.Eleven Eleven, whichproduced the eagerly awaited thriller Unknown, plans to begin shooting next week inLos Angeles on the story of a woman who comes between two male ...

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    HK government appoints film committee members


    The Hong Kong government has appointed 11 members to the newly-established FilmDevelopment Committee (FDC), which was first unveiled by chief executive DonaldTsang last week. Jack So, deputy chairman oflocal telco PCCW, will chair the committee with Hong Kong's Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, John Tsang, servingas vice-chairman. The other ...

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    Election leads race for Taiwan's Golden Horse


    Johnnie To'sElection leads the nominations for this year's Golden Horse awards with11 nods, followed by Stephen Chow's Kung-Fu Hustle with 10 nominationsand Hou Hsiao-hsien's Three Times with nine.All three films have beennominated for best feature and best director along with Tsai Ming-liang's TheWayward Cloud. Feng Xiaogang's A World WithoutThieves was ...

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    Producers warn of uncertainty for UK film financing


    UK film financing is stillploughing through choppy waters as the consultation period for the new taxbreaks comes to an end this Friday (Oct 21).And while producers andfinanciers at Screen International's UK Film Finance Summit in London onTuesday were hardly talking up doomsday scenarios, they did foresee uncertaintyahead, followed by new ...

  • Reviews

    Red Mercury


    Dir: Roy Battersby. UK.2005. 110mins.Completed before the July bombings in London, Red Mercury has become one of thoseprescient films which looks somewhat visionary in itschoice of subject matter. But while audiences should find much of it intriguingand compelling, it does not necessarily deliver the dramatic punch it promises.Commercially it stands ...

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    Carlton extends Internet pact to Epsilon trio


    The UK's Carlton Communications may seek to develop corporate links with continental Europe's top broadcasters, having this week enlarged its Internet deal with TF1 to include the Epsilon trio of companies.Often criticised for not having an active European strategy, Carlton this week hinted that it sees Germany's Kirch, Italy's Mediaset ...

  • Reviews



    Dir. John Gulager. US. 2005. 80mins.The third instalment from the Project Greenlight program, John Gulager's Feastis a stripped down, grungy exercise in blood and gore that agreeably satisfiesthe expectations of the horror movie without transcending or ever slylysubverting the material.The fantastic premise ofreality show Project Greenlight(originally shown on US cable ...

  • Reviews

    Slow Burn


    Dir/scr: Wayne Beach. US. 2005. 93mins.A debut feature directed and written by Wayne Beach, Slow Burn is too reminiscent of The Usual Suspects for its own good, andas such seems more likely to end up at the neighbourhood video store than the nearestmultiplex.It's a tricked out mystery, though rather than ...

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    Lions Gate acquires Redbus in the UK


    Lions Gate Entertainment hasacquired the UK's Redbus Film Distribution in a combined cash and stocktransaction valued at approximately $35m.The move gives theburgeoning US independent studio a vital distribution outlet in the UK, one ofthe leading markets outside North America, and brings in a library of more than130 titles including Bend ...

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    Lucas to accept Hollywood Movie Of The Year award for Episode III


    George Lucas will bepresented with the Hollywood Film Festival's Hollywood Movie of the Year Awardon Oct 24 after Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith was voted best film.More than 70,000 people casttheir votes on Yahoo and ETonline, which together reported more than 20millionimpressions throughout the poll.The sixth ...

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    Lelouch, Japanese cinema to get tribute programmes at Denver


    Organisers at the 28th StarzDenver International Film Festival have announced tributes to Claude Lelouchand Japanese cinema at next month's event.Lelouch will be interviewedon stage following a screening of his latest drama The Courage To Love on Nov12. Lelouch's Les Miserables and AMan And A Woman will also screen.The Japanese spotlight ...

  • News

    Kadokawa to enter Chinese cinema market


    Kadokawa Holdings (HD), thecore company of Japan's Kadokawa media group, has announced plans to join with HongKong-based Sun Wah Group to build and manage 20 multiplex cinemas in mainlandChina. Kadokawa will be the firstJapanese company to enter the Chinese multiplex market with a Chinese partner. The two partners will soonlaunch ...

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    Merged festivals to boost French cinema in UK


    French cinema is set to receive a significant boost to its UK profile with the merging of two festivals into a single focused promotional event to be held each Spring. The UK's annual French Film Festival, first launched in 1991, is to merge with the Renault French Film Season to ...