Small MPU – Page 573

  • News

    Cramer joins Universal as production evp


    Peter Cramer (pictured)has left New Regency Productions and joined Universal Pictures as executivevice president of production.Based at thestudio lot in Burbank, Cramer begins work today (Monday) and reports topresident of production Donna Langley and incoming president of production JonGordon."Peter isan incredibly talented executive who has great taste and sharp instincts,"Langley ...

  • News

    Twelve and selling: Cuesta drama logs first deals


    Hot Toronto title Twelve And Holding, directed byMichael Cuesta, has sold to several major territories, including the UK, Franceand Australia.Handled internationally by Fortissimo Films, the drama is aboutthree 12-year-olds on the cusp of becoming teenagers who cope in different wayswith the death of a companion.With a notable performance by young ...

  • News

    Graham, Calderwood take key Pact roles


    Wall To Wall chief executiveAlex Graham is to become the next chair of UK producers body Pact, while SlateFilms managing director Andrea Calderwood has been named vice chair, film.Both stood unopposed for thekey positions, which will come into effect from January 2006. MalcolmBrinkworth, managing director, Touch Productions, was also named ...

  • News

    Economists weigh up impact of UK film industry


    The UK film industry is asubstantial contributor to the UK economy, directly contributing £960m to GDPand employing 31,000 people, according to a new report published today byOxford Economic Forecasting.Published at a sensitivetime for the film sector - the Treasury's consultation period on its tax creditproposals ends on October 21 - ...

  • News

    April Snow blankets Japanese box office


    Heo Jin-ho's romantic drama April Snowearned$2,8m on its opening weekend in Japan on 413 screens -- a new record for aKorean film in the Japanese market. Distributor UIP predicts a total take between $22.5m(Y2.5bn) and $27.0m, which would makeApril Snow the highest grossing Korean film ever released in Japan. April ...

  • Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit

    Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit


    Dirs: Nick Park, Steve Box.UK. 2005. 85mins.

  • Reviews

    Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit


    Dirs: Nick Park, Steve Box.UK. 2005. 85mins.A delirious blend ofwhimsy and wit, the long-awaited Wallace & Gromit feature is sure tocharm all who encounter it. Having already opened in Australia - just ahead ofits Toronto appearance - to substantially better figures than those forAardman's previous feature, the buoyant Chicken Run, ...

  • Reviews

    Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit


    Dirs: Nick Park, Steve Box.UK. 2005. 85mins.A delirious blend ofwhimsy and wit, the long-awaited Wallace & Gromit feature is sure tocharm all who encounter it. Having already opened in Australia - just ahead ofits Toronto appearance - to substantially better figures than those forAardman's previous feature, the buoyant Chicken Run, ...

  • News

    Tokyo festival unveils Asian focused line-up


    With a sharper focus on Asian and Japanese films, theTokyo International Film Festival (Oct 10-30) has announced its line-up for its18th edition.The opening film will be Riding Alone for Thousands ofMiles, Zhang Yimou's new film about an elderly man embarking a researchtrip in China for his dying son. Star Ken ...

  • Reviews

    Cry Wolf


    Dir: Jeff Wadlow. US.2005. 90mins.There are more twiststhan jolts in Cry_Wolf, the teen thriller whose script helped debutantfeature director Jeff Wadlow take first prize - a $1m production grant - in theChrysler Million Dollar Film Festival.Wadlowproves himself a worthy winner of the competition (created by Doug Liman'sproduction outfit Hypnotic and ...

  • News

    Filmanova unveils three film slate at San Sebastian


    Spanishproduction fund Filmanova Invest has unveiled three new films for 2006 withinternational names attached like Barry Gifford, Eva Green, Paul Auster andDaniel Schmid. Using theDonostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept 15-24) as a platform,Filmanova chief Anton Reixa presented the projects on Tuesday with many of thetalents on hand. Bertoluccidiscovery Eva ...

  • Reviews

    Lord Of War


    Dir/scr: Andrew Niccol.US. 2005. 121mins.Andrew Niccol has always been a fascinating writer,exploring decidedly catchy, low-fi concepts about the collision of humanity andmodernity, while also showing a consistent distrust of authority.His list of credits aswriter-director includes the under-heralded sci-fi drama of Gattaca, thebloated Hollywood-goes-digital satire Simone, and of course thescreenplay for ...

  • News

    Vinterberg to return Home to Dogme roots


    Dear Wendy directorThomas Vinterberg is set to return to his Dogme roots with A Man Comes Home,a new project due to shoot in Denmark next spring.Vinterbergis billing the film, which will be made through production company Nimbus, as"a tragic love story but in an uplifting party will be inthe ...

  • News

    El Dorado picks up sales rights to Garci catalogue


    Mocha Aguilar'sstart-up Spanish sales house El Dorado Internacional has picked up rights on acatalogue of films from Academy Award winning director-producer Jose LuisGarci. The catalogue includes all ofGarci's films, including new feature Ninette, one of three currentfinalists pre-selected for Spain's nomination to this year's foreign-languageOscar.Also included isthe director's 1982 Oscar ...

  • News

    India's Modi, Penta team for animation venture


    India's Modi Entertainment Network and computer graphics company PentaMedia Graphics have formed a 50:50 joint venture to provide animated software to broadcast and Internet platforms in India and overseas.Modi will lead the marketing initiative for the joint venture - which has an initial investment of $10m - in the US ...

  • News

    White Masai takes top spot at German box office


    The White Masai,directed by Hermine Huntgeburth, has become the second local film this yearafter Til Schweiger's Barefoot to take the number one spot at the Germanbox-office.The love storybetween cultures between a Swiss businesswoman and a black Masai warrior hadbeen primarily targeted by distributor Constantin at female audiences, althoughthe Euros 7m ...

  • Reviews

    The World's Fastest Indian


    Dir/scr: Roger Donaldson.NZ. 2005. 127mins.The latest RogerDonaldson is a natural born winner through and through. An inspiring real lifestory of a man who dared in his late sixties not only to dream but to go on andaccomplish his dreams against all odds, The World's Fastest Indian hasall the hallmarks of ...

  • News

    Canada gives Oscar nod to C.R.A.Z.Y.


    Jean-Marc Vallee's C.R.A.Z.Y. has been selected as Canada's submission for the foreignlanguage film Oscar category.A smash hit in the provinceof Quebec, where it has earned C$5.4m to date, the French-language title wonthe best Canadian feature prize at the recently wrapped Toronto InternationalFilm Festival.Marc-Andre Grodin stars asZac, the sexually confused and ...

  • News

    Richard Kline gets ASC lifetime achievement honour


    Richard H Klinebecame the latest cinematographer to be inducted into the American Society ofCinematographers' (ASC) lifetime achievement hall of fame at a luncheon inHollywood yesterday (20).Kline receivedtwo Academy Award nominations in 1968 and 1977 respectively for Camelot and King Kong, and his credits include Body Heat,The Andromeda Strain, Soylent Green, ...

  • News

    Walk The Line to open AFI FEST in Nov


    AFI FEST 2005will open on Nov 3 with James Mangold's Johnny Cash biopic Walk The Line, one of the early awards seasoncontenders that stars Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon.The line-up, announced earlier today, includes 16 worldpremieres and 17 North American premieres.Among the worldpremieres are Penelope Spheeris' comedy The Kid And ...