Small MPU – Page 576

  • News

    Miramax veteran Dickinson to head PMK/HBH London


    Influential publicity firmPMK/HBH has announced that James Dickinson will head its new London office.Dickinson had been Director of International Publicity at MiramaxInternational, a post he departs today.Dickinson will start his newjob as VP, Group Account Director at PMK/HBH's London office on October 3. Hewill be charged with establishing the London ...

  • Reviews

    Drawing Restraint 9


    Dir/scr: Matthew Barney.US-Jap. 2005. 143mins.Matthew Barney is one ofthe superstars of the American art world. He has held exhibitions everywherefrom the Guggenheim to the Venice Biennale, and has won numerous prizes. His CremasterCycle, made between 1994 and 2002, was shown - and rhapsodised over - inboth cinemas and museums. Drawing ...

  • News

    Orr joins Independent Film Sales in charge of acquisitions


    Andrew Orr has joinedLondon-based Independent Film Sales as the executive in charge of acquisitionsand business affairs. Orr previously held asimilar position at The Works, where he worked on films including Bend ItLike Beckham, Whale Rider, and MySummer of Love. Luc Roeg and Ana Ayesta headIndependent Film Sales, which is affiliated ...

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    Barney's Restraint draws buyers for Celluloid


    Paris-basedsales outfit Celluloid Dreams is stirring up buyers' interest in artist MatthewBarney's film Drawing Restraint 9, an experimental epic set aboard a Japanese whaling ship. Deals havealready been concluded with Spain (Bistel) and Australia (Accent), andCelluloid Dreams is in negotiations with France, Germany, Greece, Russia, Italyand Japan. Cinetic Media holds ...

  • Reviews

    The Regular Lovers (Les Amants Reguliers)


    Dir:Philippe Garrel. Fr. 2005. 183minsFrench director PhilippeGarrel makes unclassifiable movies that play to highly discerning tastes. Hisexquisite new feature, The Regular Lovers, a three-hour black-and-whitemeditation on love, passion and the personal and political ramifications of theevents of May 1968, is a strikingly original and challenging piece of work.Even with its ...

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    Metrodome, DBC launch Internet rights company


    The UK's Metrodome Group and pay-per-view broadcaster Digital Broadcasting Co (DBC) have teamed up to launch an Internet TV rights company called ProgramNet. Each of the partners will own 50% of the joint venture.The company will compile a library of digital content ranging from short films to full-length movies through ...

  • News

    Laxton takes over as Life 'n' Lyrics director


    Life 'n' Lyrics, the London-set rap drama from new British outfitFiesta Productions, has secured a new director. Richard Laxton, whose recentcredits include TV series Outlawsand Bodies, is to take over thereins following the departure of the original director, Lexi Alexander, daysbefore shooting was due to begin.Backed by the UK FilmCouncil, ...

  • Reviews

    Harsh Times


    Dir: David Ayer. US.2005. 119mins.David Ayer's HarshTimes is a corrosive, frequently riveting social portrait on friendship,damaged masculinity and the dread of violence. The debut feature from thetalented screenwriter of Training Day, the movie is flawed and sometimesoverreaches though it is given a propulsive kick from Christian Bale's searingMethod performance.A genre ...

  • News

    Czech Happiness rules over San Sebastian


    Something Like Happiness (Stesti) has won top honoursat the San Sebastian International Film Festival, taking the Golden Shell forBest Picture and the Best Actress award for Ana Geislerova.The Czech Republic-German co-production was directed byBodhan Slama and is centred around a young girl in a working class Czech townwhose boyfriend has ...

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    UK animator wins Cartoon D'or with Jo Jo


    UK animator MarcCraste has won this year's Cartoon D'or for his dark 12-minute short Jo JoIn The Stars at theCartoon Forum co-production market held in Denmark's Kolding from September21-24.Described as"a story of love, self-sacrifice and jealousy played out against ablack-and-white world that is both nightmarish and hauntingly beautiful", JoJo In ...

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    Rosenberg voted in as president of US actors union SAG


    Alan Rosenberg has becomethe 24th president of the largest US actors' union Screen Actors Guild (SAG)following a ballot last week.Rosenberg succeeds MelissaGilbert, who served as president since 2001 and chose not to run for a thirdtwo-year term following her combative tenure.Rosenberg received 39.9%(10,748 total votes) of the nationwide vote of ...

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    Disney's Flightplan soars over North American box office


    Touchstone's airbornethriller Flightplan opened top onan estimated $24.6m as a strong autumn revival saw box office climb for thethird consecutive weekend.The thriller stars JodieFoster a woman who becomes convinced that she has lost her daughter on atransatlantic flight. Peter Sarsgaard also stars in Robert Schwentke's picture,which drew mediocre reviews but ...

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    Charlie rules international weekend, passes $200m


    Charlie And The Chocolate Factory held on to its international crown and passed $200m as a $13.8m weekend haul from 52 markets raised the running total to $201.1m.The Warner Bros Pictures International (WBPI) release was powered by a $2.7m number one Italian debut on 400 screens.The family picture openedtop in ...

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    New Montreal FilmFest apologises for poor audience turnout


    Quebec actor Luc Picard'sdirectorial debut L'Audition tookthe top competition prize, the Gold Iris of Montreal, as the inaugural FestivalInternational de Film de Montreal (FIFM) stumbled to a conclusion on Sundaynight. The awards announcementwas accompanied by a 1,000 word apologia from festival brass acknowledging that"this edition did not measure up to ...

  • News

    Top speakers set for Screen's Embracing Digital Cinema conference


    A number of top level newspeakers have joined the line up for ScreenInternational's Embracing Digital Cinema conference, which takes place on September28 at the Cafe Royal in London. Former ChiefExecutive Officer of the Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) and 30-year veteran of the motion picture exhibitionindustry, Chuck Goldwater has joined the ...

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    Rialto picks up rights to Tsotsi, C.R.A.Z.Y.


    Rialto Distribution has picked up C.R.A.Z.Y. and Tsotsi,two of the major prize winners at the Toronto International Film Festival, fordistribution in Australia and New Zealand.Both films are also official entries in the best foreign film categoryof the 2006 Academy Awards: C.R.A.Z.Y. for Canada and Tsotsi forSouth Africa.C.R.A.Z.Y. won the Toronto ...

  • Reviews

    Mission Impossible 2


    Dir: John Woo. US. 2000. 126 mins.Prod co: Paramount Pictures, Cruise/Wagner. US dist: Paramount Pictures. Int'l distribution: UIP. Prods: Tom Cruise, Paul Wagner. Exec prods: Terence Chang, Paul Hitchcock. Scr: Robert Towne. DoP: Jeffrey L Kimball. Prod des: Tom Sanders. Ed: Christian Wagner, Steven Kemper. Visual effects supervisor: Richard Yuricich. ...

  • News

    Trier turns to comedy with Manager


    Lars von Trier has said hisnext film, The Manager Of It All, will be a comedy that he will shoot inFebruary next year.Speakingat a seminar at the European Film College in Ebeltoft, Jutland, Trierrecently elaborated on the genre of the new dogme film."I hope to get the joy ofmaking films ...

  • Reviews

    Something Like Happiness (Stetsi)


    Dir/scr: Bodhan Slama.2005. Cz Rep. 100mins.A surprise winner of the top prize at San Sebastian, butno less deserving for that, Bodhan Slama's small-scale Czech drama surged aheadof more heavyweight rivals to take the Golden Shell for best film and bestactress (Ana Geislerova) - and that in a competition which allows ...

  • News

    Media Blasters takes gay samurai comedy to the US


    Media Blasters is to distribute KankuroKudo's hitJapanese gay samurai road comedy Yaji And Kita, The MidnightPilgrims in the US next summer, with plans to roll out to 40 screens in NewYork, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major cities. Starring pop star Tomoya Nagase and Kabukiactor Shichinosuke Nakamura in the title ...