Small MPU – Page 578

  • News

    Plummer joins Farrell in Malick's New World cast for New Line


    Christopher Plummer, whosemyriad credits include A Beautiful Mind, The Sound Of Music and The Insider, will join Colin Farrell in Terrence Malick's upcoming epic The NewWorld for New Line. Plummer will play CaptainChristopher Newport, an English officer who is among the first settlers in theNew World and who becomes president ...

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    Prewitt, Wolf sign new contracts at AFMA till 2006


    Jean Prewitt will continueas president and chief executive officer of AFMA and Jonathan Wolf will retainhis position as AFMA executive vice president and managing director of the AFMfollowing a unanimous vote by the board of directors. "Our board moved early andenthusiastically to ensure Jean and Jonathan's continued presence," MichaelRyan, chairman ...

  • News

    Sheridan to receive BAFTA/LA award of excellence in Nov


    Jim Sheridan is to behonoured with BAFTA/LA's John Schlesinger Britannia Award for ArtisticExcellence at the 2004 Britannia Awards in Beverly Hills on Nov 4. In a statement BAFTA/LAchairman Gary Dartnall paid tribute to the film-maker for creating "some of themost affecting cinema in history". Sheridan's work has garneredtwo Academy Awards ...

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    Offhollywood Digital signs deal with Cinecitta as studio's NY representative


    Cinecitta Studios has signeda deal with New York's Offhollywood Digital effectively turning the productionhouse into Cinecitta's East Coast representative.The agreement will enableNew York producers to meet with Offhollywood Digital staff to discuss theirfilming needs, which will then be relayed to Cinecitta executives with a viewto filming in Rome and using ...

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    Ford leaves Miramax after six years


    Stuart Ford has resigned hisposition as executive vice president of Miramax International and will leavethe company at the end of May to pursue other opportunities.During his six-year tenureat Miramax the 34-year-old executive played an active role in internationalsales and distribution operations and acquisitions.He previously served asco-head of acquisitions, where his ...

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    Nelson named to brand management position at Warner.


    Diane Nelson has beenpromoted to the newly created position of executive vice president of globalbrand management at Warner Bros Entertainment, where she will work with thecompany's divisions to promote existing franchises and develop new brands.Nelson and her team willcollaborate with all the business units to develop non-theatrical propertiesalongside the major ...

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    Samaha faces heat in Intertainment lawsuit


    FranchisePictures CEO Elie Samaha's unique defense in his marathon litigation withIntertainment Licensing was put to the test Tuesday in a Santa Ana, Californiafederal courtroom, and his explanations for why he admittedly pumped thebudgets on Franchise films were akin to his own analogy comparing making filmsto making souffles: Some rose, some ...

  • News

    Future Film picks up Beautiful Joe


    UK financier Future Film Group (FFG) has acquired UK rights to $20m romantic drama Beautiful Joe, starring Sharon Stone and Billy Connolly.UK distributor Metrodome Distribution will release the picture through its recently-formed joint venture with FFG, which has earmarked a $15m acquisitions fund for titles which Metrodome will release.FFG paid ...

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    Alliance Atlantis acquires leading Spanish distributor


    Canada'sAlliance Atlantis Communications has agreed to buy Spanish distributor AurumProducciones for about $54m.Thedeal will extend the Canadian firm's reach in Europe, where it already alreadyowns Momentum Pictures in the UK."Thisacquisition is part of our clearly articulated strategy to expand intocontinental Europe," said Patrice Theroux, president and chief operatingofficer. "We believe ...

  • News

    Breaking News added to Cannes line-up


    In a late addition to its official line-up, the Cannesfestival is to show Breaking News, the latest picture by legendary HongKong action director Johnnie To.The film will screen in official selection, out ofcompetition on 12:30am on Friday 21 (00:30 Saturday 22 May) in the main SalleLumiere.Festival organisers confirmed that the ...

  • News

    Breaking News added to festival line-up


    In a late addition to its official line-up, the Cannesfestival is to show Breaking News, the latest picture by legendary HongKong action director Johnnie To.The film will screen in official selection, out ofcompetition on 12:30am on Friday 21 (00:30 Saturday 22 May) in the main SalleLumiere.Festival organisers confirmed that the ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Wolfgang Petersen.US. 2004. 155mins.If, in the end, Troy fails to stir the heart as much as it dazzles theeye, it is nevertheless one of the most intelligent and ambitious tentpoleblockbusters to come out of Hollywood in some time. After all, it took someguts and not a little hubris to ...

  • News

    Wild Bunch picks up Cargo


    Wild Bunch has picked up international sales duties on PaulLaverty-scripted thriller Cargo, set to star Peter Mullan (TheMagdalene Sisters) and Luis Tosar (Take My Eyes).The estimated Euros 9.8m English-language thriller is aproduction of Juan Gordon of Spain's Morena Films and Andrea Calderwood of theUK's Slate Films. Clive Gordon will direct ...

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    Icon appoints international distribution chief


    IconEntertainment International has appointed Peter Naish as head of internationaldistribution.Naishjoined the company this week and will be involved in all aspects of Icon'sinternational business under chief executive Nick Hill and chief operating officerAndy Mayson.Naish's film industry careerbegan at erstwhile UK distributor First Independent Films, where he wasmanaging director. More recently, ...

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    450 films for debut Short Film Corner


    The Cannes Market has announcedthe participation of 450 short films in its new Short Film Corner which debutsat this year's festival.The Corner, based at the Palaiswas created to support the short film industry by opening channels ofdiscussion between producers, distributors and TV networks.Over 100 hours of programming fromabout 40 countries ...

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    Pathe in Crash deal with Arclight


    Pathe Distribution has acquired the UKrights to Paul Haggis' feature debut Crash, starring SandraBullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, Brendan Fraser, JasonIsaacs, Ludacris, Thandie Newton, Ryan Phillippe and Larenz Tate.Crash uses a layered structure to tell the stories of amulti-racial group of characters in contemporary LA whose lives inter-connectthrough ...

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    MGM Home Entertainment to distribute Icon titles in UK


    MGM Home Entertainment Group has signed an exclusiveagreement with Icon Film Distribution UK to distribute seven titles on homevideo and DVD in the United Kingdom.The deal includes Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ; 21Grams; Billy Ray's Shattered Glass; thebiopic Sylvia; Lars Von Trier's Dogville; The Singing Detective; and Britishcomedy ...

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    Constantin fortunes rise as free-TV sales improve


    German producer-distributorConstantin Film's fortunes are on the up again after first quarter revenuesincreased 154% over the previous year thanks largely to the full consolidationof Constantin Entertainment and free-TV sales for Resident Evil.The Group posted revenues of Euros60.6m for the first three months of 2004, compared to Euros 23.9m for the ...

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    German pics break BBC drought


    Marking a break with the recent buying drought, the BBC is back in the market for German-language films. Digital channel BBC Knowledge is buying a package of six contemporary German films which it intends to screen from May.In a deal brokered by Iris Kehr, UK representative of the German Federal ...

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    Intandem recruits Hurman as director


    Intandem, the production,sales and distribution company set up former Winchester entertainment chiefGary Smith, has appointed Billy Hurman as a director.Hurman joins other formerWinchester colleagues at the company, where Andrew Brown is director and DeniseBridgeman acquisitions and marketing executive. Hurman is joined by Sasha Dein, who will take on corporate andproject ...