Small MPU – Page 579
Jobson reteams with Tartan for New Town Killers
Writer-director Richard Jobson is re-teaming with HamishMcAlpine's Tartan Films on his next project, The New Town Killers, dueto shoot in Edinburgh early next year. This will be the third collaborationbetween Jobson and McAlpine following on from 16 Years Of Alcohol and A WomanIn Winter.The £1 million thriller is set against ...
Germany's TV-Loonland launches distribution arm
Family programmingspecialist TV-Loonland has launched its own theatrical and home entertainmentdistribution arm Loonland Pictures to market in-house and third partyproductions in Germany.The first title - Alan Simpson's animationfeature Heidi - will be released in collaboration with 20th Century Foxand NFP Marketing as distribution and marketing partners.The co-production between TV-Loonland, its ...
Experts say 'tipping point' has arrived for digital cinema
After years of predictionsand speculation, digital cinema is finally becoming a reality, Thomas Hoegh,CEO of Arts Alliance Media, told a Screen International conference inLondon on Tuesday. During his keynote addressat the Embracing Digtial Cinema conference, Hoegh declared that digital cinema"has arrived" and that there is "a growing sense of momentum ...
Marco Muller heads up Brazil jury at Rio Film Festival
Venice Film Festivaldirector Marco Muller is heading the Premiere Brazil jury at this year'sFestival do Rio which started last week and ends on Oct 6.Muller is joined on the juryby City Of God co-director KatiaLund, local actor Milton Goncalves, whose credits include Kiss Of TheSpiderwoman and Carandiru, and screenwriter Elena ...
Screenwriting endowment established at LA's LMU
LA-based Loyola MarymountUniversity School of Film and Television (SFTV) has received a major leadershipgift to establish The Cosgrove Family Distinguished Visiting Artist Endowmentand Endowed Scholarship Fund. The Cosgrove FamilyDistinguished Visiting Artist Endowment will support the work of a renownedscreenwriter attuned to an increasingly diverse and multi-cultural world.SFTV is launching aninternational ...
Shankman to direct Hairspray at New Line
Adam Shankman will directthe remake of John Waters' classic musical Hairspray for New Line.Based on Waters' 1988 filmand the Broadway musical it spawned, Hairspray is set in 1960s Baltimore where a local girl lands aspot on a television dance show. Neil Meron and Caig Zadanare producing with New Line production ...
Lamping to head distribution at Nu Image/Millenium
David Lamping has joined NuImage/Millennium Films as head of distribution and will be based in thecompany's new international distribution office in London.Lamping previously served aspresident of Signature Pictures where he handled the upcoming Brian De Palmaproject The Black Dahlia, whichSignature produced and co-financed with Nu Image/Millennium Films. He previously headed ...
HDNet offer free War soundtrack download with ticket
In a novel marketing twist,HDNet Films is offering cinema-goers who buy tickets to Joseph Castelo's TheWar Within via Moviefone the chance to download the score for free. 'Combining a great filmlike The War Within with a freedownload of an $18 soundtrack is just our first step toward creating additionalvalue ...
Black, Bow Wow head up Fast & Furious 3 cast
Principal photography is setto begin in October in the US and Japan on Universal's The Fast And TheFurious: Tokyo Drift, with LucasBlack heading up an ensemble cast that includes rapper Bow Wow. Justin Lin, who directed the2002 Sundance hit Better Luck Tomorrow and the upcoming Naval Academy drama Annapolis, will ...
Murdoch invites TF1 to join Stream
News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch has reportedly invited French free-TV broadcaster TF1 to enter News Corp and Telecom Italia's Italian pay-TV operation Stream, a competitor to Canal Plus' Telepiu.Murdoch and TF1 previously discussed an Italian alliance in the early days of News Corp's involvement in Stream, but the talks did ...
Losique calls for inquiry into New FilmFest 'mess'
Responding to the debaclethat was the inaugural Festival International de Film de Montreal, itslong-established rival, the Montreal World Film Festival, is calling for anindependent inquiry into the decision to fund the fledgling event, whichreceived C$2m in government support, most of it from Telefilm Canada and itsQuebec equivalent SODEC.While onlookers might ...
Dragon Tiger Gate starts production at Hengdian
Hong Kong director Wilson Yip Wai-shunhas started shooting $10m kung-fu action movie, Dragon Tiger Gate, at China's Hengdian World Studios with acombination of talents from China and Hong Kong.Donnie Yen, whose credits include Seven Swords and Hero,heads the cast along with Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue and Chinese actress Dong Jie.Yen ...
Zellweger to play Beatrix Potter for Phoenix, Kirschner
Renee Zellweger has signedon to star as Beatrix Potter in the biopic Miss Potter, which Babe director Chris Noonan will direct forDavid Kirschner Productions and Phoenix Pictures.Thefilm, which at one point in its evolution had Cate Blanchett attached to starin the title role, is scheduled to begin shooting on March ...
Top German fund VIP hit by tax evasion probe
BeleagueredGerman private film financier VIP Media Group has withdrawn its current fundsVIP 5 and 6 from the market after theoffice of Munich's public prosecutor began investigations this week intoalleged professional fraud and tax evasion.The authoritiesraided the Munich office and homesof VIP fund chief Andreas Schmid and other senior executives.The investigations ...
Italy, Spain, Mongolia, Singapore unveil Oscar choices
The Spanish Film Academy has named Montxo Armendariz's Obabaas its entry to the foreign language category of the Academy Awards.Obaba inaugurated the San Sebastian International FilmFestival earlier this month and is released in Spain by Alta Films. Thedrama,an adaptation of a prize-wining book set in the Basque Country,hasreceived solid praise ...
Mukta Arts film school set to open in January
Whistling Woods International,the film school established by Mumbai-based production company Mukta Arts, itset to open its doors to the first batch of students in January 2006. The film school, which cost$11m to set up, is the first private initiative of its kind in the Indian filmindustry. Located in Mumbai, it ...
Into The Blue
Dir: John Stockwell. US.2005. 110mins.Hot bods and cool underwater cinematography partially make up for a tiredplot and annoying tone in Into The Blue, a lightweight action/adventureabout sexy young things diving for shipwrecks off the Bahamas.Given that the two lead bodsbelong to Jessica Alba - especially hot after Fantastic Four and ...
Mrs Harris
Dir: Phyllis Nagy. US.2005. 94mins.Written and directed bynoted playwright and first-time film-maker Phyllis Nagy, Mrs Harris, atleast in its first third, is a jangly, stylised onslaught on sensibilities thatwill alienate many and intrigue just as many others.However, once you becomeused to its anti-rhythms and purposeful edginess - and, truth to ...
Wassup Rockers
Dir/scr: Larry Clark. US.2005. 111mins.In Wassup Rockers,Larry Clark has produced the sweetest, most loving and lovable film he's evermade - and consequently the most boring. If kids (now 10-years-old) wasdeplorable, frightening, and, to some, even degrading, it was always excitingand its hateful, rapacious teenage male lead endlessly fascinating.In his latest ...
Love embarks on London shoot for Carnaby
CarnabyFilms has started a five-week shoot in London for its romantic comedy AreYou Ready For Love' DirectorHelen Grace, a former executive with ITN News who also directed several shortfilms, is making her feature debut. Grace co-wrote the script with Roberto Trippini and the film's producer, Trudy Sargent. AreYou Ready For ...