Small MPU – Page 582
Biber to head publicity at Dimension Films
Liz Biber has been namedsenior vice president of publicity for Dimension Films and began work at TheWeinstein Company on Oct 3.Based in Los Angeles, she will supervise all of Dimension's campaigns.She reports directly to Liza Burnett, the recently appointed executive vicepresident of publicity for The Weinstein Company."Liz has incredible energyand ...
Crowe to host Australian Film Institute Awards
One of the biggest names inshow business anywhere in the world, actor Russell Crowe, is to host the 2005Australian Film Institute (AFI) Awards in November in Melbourne.In a statement announcing thenews, Crowe said the ceremony will be "irreverent and respectful in equalmeasures". He continued: "Interesting TV, that's the aim. Fast-paced, ...
Rogue Pictures appoints creative pair
Paul Getto and Alex Heinemanhave been named creative executives at Focus Features' genre label RoguePictures.Based in New York, theexecutives will report to Rogue's production chief Andrew Rona, who joined thecompany in September after serving five years as co-president of DimensionFilms.Getto has spent two years atFocus in the offices of co-heads ...
Chow reduces Golden Harvest stake
Golden Harvest Entertainment chairman Raymond Chow has sold an 11.7% stake in the company lowering his 34% stake to 22.3%.Chow recently acquired an additional 4.8% of the company from Australia's Village Roadshow. At the same time Roadshow offloaded the rest of its stake in Golden Harvest to Taiwan's Acer Digital ...
Trio of local films dominate Argentine box office
Local films enjoyed one of their best weekends in recent memory at Argentina's box-office,holding all three top spots in the local chart.Local moviestook an impressive 47 percent of total ticket sales over the weekend of Sept 30to Oct 2 and have dominated the market since the beginning of September.El Aura(The ...
Europa Corp cranks up Harlan Coben adaptation
French actor Guillaume Canet is in the middle of productionon his latest directorial effort Tell NoOne, based on American writer Harlan Coben'sbestselling thriller.Thefilm is produced by Alain Attal with EuropaCorp., M6 and Les Productions duTresor on a Euros 15m budget. EuropaCorp. will commence sales at November'sAFM.Canet has rounded up a ...
Polish Film Centre chief named
Poland's Deputy Culture Minister AgnieszkaOdorowicz has been appointed by Culture Minister Waldemar Dabrowski as thedirector of the new Polish Film Centre (PISF).The new body, whichwill bring the activities of the Film Production Agency, Script Support Agencyand Polish Film Promotion together under one roof with an annual budget ofEuros 25m, is ...
Chainsaw opens first European post facility in Romania
California-based film and video production servicescompany Chainsaw has opened its first European post-production facility inBucharest, Romania."Thesuccess of the movie Cold Mountain and other TV and movie projectsraised Romania's profile as an excellent place to make and produce beautifulfilms, commercials and TV for far less money,' Chainsaw founder andpresident Bill DeRonde ...
Benigni unveils Tiger And The Snow in Rome
Roberto Benigni has unveiledin Rome his widely anticipated Baghdad-set comedy, The Tiger and The Snow,which opens in Italy on October 14 on a huge 800 screens.The film stars two-timeAcademy Award-winner Benigni as a poet desperately trying to woo back the womanof his dreams. He suddenly finds himself with her in ...
3 Needles
Dir/scr: Thom Fitzgerald.Can. 2005. 123mins.A film with sweeping emotional heft and extensive geographical remit - fromSouth Africa to China and Montreal via three separate AIDS-themed stories -Thom Fitzgerald's 3 Needles ultimately falls victim to its own ambition.While it conveys enormoussympathy to both subject and locations shoots it is likely to ...
Sunflower (Xiangrikui)
Dir: Zhang Yang. Chi-HK.2005. 128mins.With SunflowerZhang Yang (The Shower, Quitting) returns with anotherconfrontational saga between father and son, this time in the shape of alargely autobiographical tale that runs from the eve of the Cultural Revolutionup until the present day.Focusing on a single familywhose history is supposed to reflect on ...
Dir: Jean-Marc Vallee.Can. 2005. 127mins.Recently selected asCanada's submission for the best foreign language Oscar, the family saga C.R.A.Z.Y.emerges as both the quintessence of contemporary cinema from Quebec and a talethat seamlessly taps into a universal zeitgeist.The travails, sexualawakening and socio-political turmoil of the 1970s, as seen through the eyes ofthe ...
The Wild Blue Yonder
Dir: Werner Herzog.Ger-Fr-UK. 81mins.At times in WernerHerzog's docu-drama The Wild Blue Yonder, as the glittering-eyed BradDourif rants at the camera, audiences could be forgiven for thinking that theyare being buttonholed by an extra-planetary version of Samuel TaylorColeridge's Ancient Mariner.Dourif plays an alien fromAndromeda who has been stranded on Earth for ...
Brazilian outfits forge Euro co-production on samba doc
ThreeBrazilian production outfits - Total Filmes, Buriti Filmes and Boca a Boca -have sealed a co-production deal with Gloria Films of France and Fado Filmes ofPortugal to produce music documentary Os Guardioes Do Samba (Guardians OfSamba). Thedeal was signed during the Rio Film Festival which ends on Friday with a ...
Billy Elliot
Dir: Stephen Daldry. UK. 2000. 110 mins.Prod Co: Tiger Aspect Pictures, WT2. Int'l Sales: Universal Pictures. Prods: Greg Brenman, Jonn Finn. Exec prods: Natasha Wharton, Charles Brand, Tessa Ross, David M Thompson. Scr: Lee Hall. DoP: Brian Tufano. Ed: John Wilson. Mus: Stephen Warbeck. Main cast: Jamie Bell, Gary Lewis, ...
Jackson and Walsh add sparkle to Halo
Peter Jackson and Fran Walshhave signed on as executive producers on the upcoming adaptation of the smashhit video game Halo.The pair will offer creative advice through theirWingNut Films, and Jackson's Weta Digital and Weta Workshop will provide visualeffects, creatures and miniatures for the production.The Universal Pictures, Fox Filmed Entertainment and ...
Kopelevich to spearhead sales for Bleiberg
EhudBleiberg's ambitious Los Angeles-based finance and production outfit BleibergEntertainment has appointed Roman Kopelevich tospearhead its salesactivities.As vice president of worldwide sales for Bleiberg Entertainment, Kopelevichwill start in earnest at the upcoming American Film Market,whereBleiberg's inaugural slate includes the holocaust drama AdamResurrected to be directed by Paul Schrader, the spoofactioncomedy Kill ...
THINKFilm, HBO team up on Favela Rising
THINKFilm and HBO/Cinemax Documentary Films have jointlyacquired Jeff Zimbalist and Matt Mochary's Favela Rising, which has been shortlisted for two International DocumentaryAssociation awards.The partners plan a 2006 release on the US-Brazilian co-production about aformer drug trafficker from a notorious Rio de Janeiro slum who turns socialactivist and campaigns against violence ...
THINKFilm, HBO unite for Favela Rising
THINKFilm and HBO/Cinemax Documentary Films have jointlyacquired Jeff Zimbalist and Matt Mochary's Favela Rising, which has been shortlisted for two International DocumentaryAssociation awards.The partners plan a 2006 release on the US-Brazilian co-production about aformer drug trafficker from a notorious Rio de Janeiro slum who turns socialactivist and campaigns against violence ...
THINKFilm, HBO reunite for Favela Rising
THINKFilm and HBO/Cinemax Documentary Films have jointlyacquired Jeff Zimbalist and Matt Mochary's Favela Rising, which has been shortlisted for two International DocumentaryAssociation awards.The partners plan a 2006 release on the US-Brazilian co-production about aformer drug trafficker from a notorious Rio de Janeiro slum who turns socialactivist and campaigns against violence ...