Small MPU – Page 586

  • News

    Paradise, Guernsey emerge as best Dutch films


    Hani Abu-Assad's Paradise Now and Nanouk Leopold's Guernseydominatedthe Golden Calf awards for the best Dutch films, handed out on Friday night atthe Dutch Film festival.Internationally acclaimed Paradise Now received the Golden Calffor best picture and best editing, Guernsey took best directing(Nanouk Leopold), best actress (Maria Kraakman) and the Prize of ...

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    Storm brews over Venezualan Oscar choice


    A storm is brewing overVenezuela's choice as Foreign Language Oscar candidate. The cause of therumbling is the decision by El Centro Nacional De Cinematografia (CENAC) tooverlook the claims of Secuestro Express, the country's biggest box-office hit in history. Some, notably thefilm's 27-year-old writer director Jonathan Jakubowicz, believe the decisionmay be ...

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    ...and cast $9.2m spell over international box office


    DreamWorks International's animated romp Wallace and Gromit:The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit ruled the international box office charts at the weekend, grossing anestimated $9.2m on 1,895 sites through UIP.The highlight was an excellent $5m from paid previews on Saturdayand Sunday in the UK for DreamWorks' second biggest ever paid previews result ...

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    Wallace & Gromit rule US with $16.1m weekend


    DreamWorksAnimation's Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit stole the show at the domestic box office over theweekend as it opened top on an estimated $16m. SteveBox and Nick Park's animated romp - the latest from the Aardman Animationsstable - mesmerized the critics; its per screen average was $4,417 ...

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    Gromit success hit by Aardman warehouse blaze


    A firehas broken out at the Bristolwarehouse of UKanimation maestros, Aardman Animations.Theblaze, which began early on Monday morning, has destroyed many irreplaceable Aardman sets, props, storyboards and models as well as somefestival awards (although not Aardman's haul ofOscars and BAFTAs, which are housed elsewhere.)An Aardman source said the company had ...

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    Dinard honours Father's Den


    Three films already familiarto UK audiences - In My Father's Den,Festival, and Ladies in Lavender- were the winners at the 16th Dinard British Film Festival (Oct 6-9). Brad McGann's In My Father's Den, which UK distributorOptimum released in theatres in June and on DVD last week, was something of asurprise ...

  • Reviews

    These Girls


    Dir: John Hazlett. Can. 2005. 92minsThe thrust of These Girls sounds like a dirty joke andwhile the situation explored is provocative, it's a real testament to itsfilm-makers and cast that the comedy transcends the snickering and emerges as abright, lively and intelligent entertainment. With its brash mixture of humorand frankness ...

  • Reviews

    Cave Of The Yellow Dog (Die Hohle Des Gelben Hundes)


    Dir: Byambasuren Davaa. Mon-Ger. 2005. 93mins.After the extraordinary success of The Story Of The Weeping Camel, whichshe co-directed with her fellow Munich Film School student Luigi Falorni, Byambasuren Davaa returns to Mongolia for her second film The Cave Of The Yellow Dog, which hasbeen named the official Mongolian entry for ...

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    Canary snaps up top Raindance prize


    The 13th annual Raindance Film Festival wrapped in London on Sunday with AkihikoShiota's Canary from Japan taking the top competitionprize. The film is about a 12-year-old boy who is raised by a cult. Lou Ma Ho's A Monk'sAwakeningfrom France won the short film competition.UK prizes went to JulianGilbey's hip-hop drama ...

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    Valladolid unveils competition line-up


    Spain'sValladolid International Film Festival has unveiled the programme for itsupcoming 50th anniversary edition (Oct 21-29).To celebrate the event, the festival has created a one-time 50thAnniversary Prize with a cash award of Euros 50,000 to be split between thewinning film's producer and director. Another Euros 12,000 one-time prize willgo to a ...

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    Sky to show entire Star Wars saga in 2006


    BSkyB has signed a deal with Twentieth Century Fox and LucasFilmtoshow the entire Star Wars saga in 2006. The deal gives Sky exclusive UKtelevision rights for all six Star Wars films from August 2006, to coincidewith the start of the pay-tv window for StarWars: Episode III - Revenge of the ...

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    UK's World Cinema names Kelly as managing director


    Tom Kelly has been named Managing Director of World Cinema,the UK salesarm for the home entertainment products of independent distributors includingTartan Video and Artificial Eye. Kelly was previously commercial director for Cinema Club andsales and marketing director for 20th Century Fox. He started thenew position on October 3.He replaces Mike ...

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    Monte Carlo fest to launch Remake Film Market


    TheInternational Cinema and Literature Forum of Monte Carlo will launch theworld's first and only Remake Film Market during its fifth annual run in April.FormerCannes Market US representative Edith Grant has been named to head up theconcurrent International Literary Adaptation Market and the Remake Film Marketwhich will take place this year ...

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    German box office woes continue in third quarter


    Cinemaadmissions in Germany were down 27% and box office takings 25.5% less in thethird quarter between July and September compared to the same period last year,according to figures collated by Nielsen EDI.Thestatisticians noted that releases like Madagascar(Euros 34.6m), War Of The Worlds(Euros 16.5m) and the local film Die Weisse Masai ...

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    Weyermann leaves Sundance for Participant


    Participant Productions hasappointed the former director of the Sundance Institute's Documentary FilmProgramme Diane Weyermann (pictured) to the newly created post of executive vice presidentof documentary production.Weyermann will beresponsible for the Los Angeles-based company's documentary department, andwill oversee acquisitions and development and production. She will report toParticipant president Ricky Strauss.Prior to ...

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    AFM declares record number of market premieres


    A record 529films including a best ever 382 market premieres are confirmed to screen at the26th American Film Market running in Santa Monica from Nov 2-9.Forty-fivetitles are official selections at the AFI FEST 2005, which for the second yearruns concurrently with the AFM and is scheduled to take place form ...

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    AWARDS Che, Chang get promoted at NBC Universal International TV


    Justin Che has been namedvice president of international on-demand licensing and Sandra Chang has beenappointed manager of international on-demand licensing for NBC UniversalTelevision Distribution.Both Che and Chang will bebased in Los Angeles and report to senior vice president of internationalon-demand licensing Beth Minehart.Che will support Minehart inall aspects of on-demand ...

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    The Orphanage launches CG animation studio


    SanFrancisco-based effects house The Orphanage has launched Orphanage AnimationStudios (OAS), a CG production division that will be headed up by GenndyTartakovsky, the Russian animator and creator behind the Cartoon Network's hitseries Star Wars: Clone Wars, Samurai Jack and Dexter's Laboratory.The company launches with a multi-million dollardevelopment fund raised through private ...

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    Carlton Media reports 12% interim profit increase


    Carlton Communications has reported that profits for its media division, Carlton Media, were up 12% to $149m (£101m) in the six months to March 31, on turnover of $751m (£508m) up 13% from the corresponding period the previous year.Film and video/DVD duplication unit Technicolor, currently up for sale with a ...

  • News

    Dickman gets senior vp stripes at Focus


    In the latestmove to accommodate Focus Features and Rogue Pictures' expanded slate, DonnaDickman has been promoted from head of East Coast publicity at Focus to seniorvice president of publicity.Dickman willcontinue to report directly to Adriene Bowles, Focus' LA-based executive vicepresident of publicity and marketing, and will continue to oversee theday-to-day ...