Small MPU – Page 591

  • News

    Troy opens top on lacklustre $45.6m


    Troy opened top at the weekend on an estimated $45.6m, aslightly disappointing bow that owed much to the $200m production's lengthyrunning time, R rating and mixed reviews.Warner Bros distribution chiefs are confident the picture'squality will allow it to gather momentum over time but the word of mouth willneed to kick ...

  • News

    Troy lays siege to global box office


    Troy dominated the box office in its internationalopening weekend, opening top in all its 47 markets according to Warner BrosPictures International on an estimated $54.8m.Highlights were record bowsin Germany and France including the all-time biggest three-day openingexcluding previews in Greece. Combined with the picture's $45.6m number one USbow Troy grossed ...

  • News

    Van Helsing closes in on $100m at international box office


    Universal's Van Helsing trailed Troyat the international box office in its second weekend as it added an estimated$24.5m from 5,200 screens in 41 territories to raise its internationalcumulative total to $95m.Excluding $1.5m from 300 screens in Russia, the Philippines and Iceland, thepicture grossed $23m in 38 UIP markets for a ...

  • News

    Van Helsing closes in on $100m at international box office


    Universal's Van Helsing trailedTroy at the international box office in its second weekend as it addedan estimated $24.5m from 5,200 screens in 41 territories to raise its internationalcumulative total to $95m.Excluding $1.5m from 300screens in Russia, the Philippines and Iceland, the picture grossed $23m in 38UIP markets for a $90m ...

  • News

    Full List Of Oscar Winners


    72nd Annual Academy Awards: Full List of Winners(US and international distributor listed where appropriate)PictureAmerican Beauty (DreamWorks SKG/UIP)Bruce Cohen & Dan Jinks, producersDirectorSam Mendes, American Beauty (DreamWorks SKG/UIP)ActorKevin Spacey, American Beauty (DreamWorks SKG/UIP)ActressHilary Swank, Boys Don't Cry (Fox Searchlight/20th Century Fox)Supporting ActorMichael Caine, The Cider House Rules (Miramax/Miramax International)Supporting ActressAngelina Jolie, ...

  • News

    Silfen earns svp business and legal stripes at Miramax Intl


    JillSilfen has been promoted to senior vice president of business and legal affairsat Miramax International, where she will continue to negotiate andimplement international theatrical, homevideo and television licence agreementsSilfenhas worked at the company for two years and joined as vice president ofinternational business and legal affairs.Priorto Miramax she practised law ...

  • News

    Dear Wendy goes to Japan


    After a two day bidding war,Thomas Vinterberg's Dear Wendy hasbeen sold to Wise Policy of Japan by Denmark's Trust Film SalesWritten by Lars VonTrier, it is a contemporaryEnglish-language film set in the US about a group of young pacifists who becomeobsessed with guns. It is currently in post-production.

  • News

    Rousselet announces slate


    Philippe Rousselet hasannounced a slate of new projects from Paris-based Films de la Suane andUS-based EMC.EMC, a partnership betweenRousselet and Andrew Niccol, is producing LordOf War and preparing Manhattan Bravea $25 million coming of age story for 2005. Heath Ledger is in talks to star.Niccol will direct.Also being developed is ...

  • News

    Miramax makes Grimm German deal


    Miramax International has made its first German sale in two years,clinching a deal on Terry Gilliam's TheBrothers Grimm with Concorde Film.The company is selling all territories on the film,budgeted in the $80m region, including those territories in which ittraditionally handles its own pictures such as Germany, UK, France, Spain,Australia and ...

  • News

    Locarno to focus on Mekong Delta


    Film-makers from the Mekong Delta region will be at thecentre of this year's Locarno festival (4-14 Aug). The festival's Open Doorssection will host a delegation of directors from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia whowill present a selection of their previous films and attempt to match theircurrent projects with financiers and distributors ...

  • News

    Focus takes int'l on Cronicas


    Focus Features has picked upinternational rights to Cronicas, theserial killer drama starring John Leguizamo and Leonor Watling screening in UnCertain Regard tomorrow. John Sloss's Cinetic Media is handling North Americansales.Shot in Ecuador by directorSebastian Cordero, Cronicas was produced by Producciones Anhelo's AlfonsoCuaron and Jorge Vergara. Focus also handled sales on ...

  • News

    UIP boards Attenborough's Ring


    UIP has boardedRichard Attenborough's $20m Anglo-Canadian epic, Closing The Ring, it was confirmedat the launch of the new Northern Ireland Production Fund. The film isto shoot in the early autumn in Northern Ireland and Canada. It is receiving£500,000 from the new fund.The project,originally supported by Grosvernor Park, was one of ...

  • News

    Telepool snaps up Weeping Camel follow-up


    Germany's Telepool has picked up international sales on The Mongolian Dog, the follow up film tobreak-out hit documentary The WeepingCamel. The film shoots from next month, but has already been pre-sold toFrance's ARP Selection and to Ascot Elite for Switzerland.The picture by Mongolian director Byambasuren Davaa, heads aTelepool sales slate ...

  • News

    NEW ZEALAND 17 May


    As is happening around the world, Roadshow's Troy had no trouble claiming the crownof top film at the box office on the weekend. It grossed NZ$987,503 from 73screens, pushing UIP's Van Helsingdown to second place with a gross of NZ$358,049 from 66 screens, a fall ofabout 45%. Troy's screen average ...

  • News

    Almodovar wins Foreign Language Film for Spain


    Pedro Almodovar's All About My Mother won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film last night, ending a triumphant year which began last April with the film's Spanish release.The prize came 12 years after his first nomination ' in 1988 for Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown. ...

  • News

    Bruce-Smith re-joins FilmFour


    FilmFour hasappointed Sue Bruce-Smith, former head of sales at the operation's previousincarnation under Paul Webster, as head of commercial development.Bruce-Smith stepsdown from her current post, head of production at production company LittleBird, in mid-July, though she continues as a non-executive director and retainsher minority share in the company. At FilmFour, ...

  • News

    Venice to close with bang


    New Venice heads Marco Mueller (artistic director) andDavide Croff (Biennale president) said that this year's Venice festival willclose with a bang. The closing ceremony will take place on the main Veniceisland at the newly restored la Fenice opera house. This will have the doubleadvantage of a spectacular close to the ...

  • News

    Lions Gate wraps up Japanese horror package


    Lions Gate Films has boughtworldwide distribution rights to the six-film horror package of films byproducer Taka Ichise dubbed J-Horror Theater.The franchise of films is bysix Japanese horror masters - Takashi Shimizu who made The Grudge, Hideo Nakata (TheRing, Dark Water), Kiyoshi Kurosawa (Cure,Pulse) and screenwriter Hiroshi Takahashi who wrote the ...

  • Shrek 2

    Shrek 2


    Dirs: Andrew Adamson,Kelly Asbury, Conrad Vernon. US. 2004. 93mins

  • Reviews

    The Consequences Of Love (Las Consecuencias Del Amor)


    Dir/scr:Paolo Sorrentino, Italy. 2004. 100minsAn ice-coolexistential drama neatly poised on the borderline of thriller territory, PaoloSorrentino's elegant second feature marks the Neapolitan writer-director assomeone who knows just how to impose an individual stamp on idiosyncraticmaterial. A hyper-stylised, often slyly witty portrait of a loner in crisis,the film possibly gestures in ...