Small MPU – Page 602
Lyall named VP, Universal TV Australia
Martin Lyall has been appointed vice president, Australasia, at Universal International Television.In his new role, Lyall will be responsible for the distribution of Universal's programming in Australia, New Zealand and selected territories in Asia, including Japan. He will be based in Sydney, Australia.Lyall replaces Pal Cleary who is retiring in ...
For the third time in four weeks the record for the highestopening weekend for a film released in 2004 has been broken, this time thanksto 20th Century Fox's The Day AfterTomorrow. The film took a massive A$6,664,837 from 402 screens and showed ascreen average of A$16,579.But there was only about ...
The Day After Tomorrowdid huge business in New Zealand on the weekend. The 20th Century Fox eventfilm grossed NZ$1,040,090 from 68 screens to record a screen average ofNZ$15,295.Roadshow's Troygrossed NZ$446,928 from 73 screens in its third weekend on release to takesecond place and it was followed by Columbia TriStar's You ...
RolandEmmerich's ecological disaster extravaganza, The Day After Tomorrow, easily blew away the other action flicks, Troy, Van Helsing and Kill Bill Vol.2, off the top of theFinnish chart with its impressive Euros 6,199 screen average on its 52 prints.Troy has ten moreprints, but dropped 52% to a low Euros 1,357 ...
Duck Season (Temporada De Patos)
Dir/scr:Fernando Eimbcke. Mexico. 2004. 90minsFouryears ago, Critics' Week unearthed Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's AmoresPerros. While Temporado De Patos has little chance of emulating theinternational success of Inarritu's film, which grossed over $5m in the US andsold worldwide, Fernando Eimbcke's likeable debut feature looks likely to enjoya long life on the festival ...
IRELAND Production Listings - June 1 2004
IRELANDPRE-PRODUCTIONAURORA ISLAND(Magma Films [Irl], Art Oko Film [Ger]) Co-prods: Future Film [UK]. Budget:Euros 5m. Backers: Buena Vista [Ger]. Dist: Buena Vista (Germany) andMoviehouse (UK). Thriller. Exec prods: Ralph Christians, Stephen Margolis,Michele Berk. Prods: Karel Dirka, Clodagh Freeman. Dir: Peter Medak. Scr:Agatha Dominik, Robert Newton. DoP: Elemer Ragalyi. Prod des: Michael ...
Green lit - Irish film industry turns to literature
News from Cannes that Neil Jordan will film his adaptationof Pat McCabe's Breakfast On Plutolater this year may mark the resurgence of the literary adaptation in Irishfilm production. Jordan's earlier adaptation of McCabe's The Butcher Boy is often cited, in Ireland at least, as the bestIrish film of all time ...
10 On Ten
Dir/scr/ed:Abbas Kiarostami. Fr-Iran. 2004. 83mins.Essentiallyan extended lecture on cinema, Abbas Kiarostami's Un Certain Regard entry willbe sure to adorn every self-respecting festival in the world yet, by the sametoken, few commercial exhibitors will ever contemplate selling tickets to apaying audience. Devised as a series of 10 lessons in film-making, the ...
Spain allies with France in piracy move
Spain's new culture minister Carmen Calvo has lent herSocialist administration's support to long-held French moves to lower statetaxes on cultural products including DVDs and CDs in a bid to counter piracy.The French culture minister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, whois spearheading the move, said he was delighted with Spanish support but ...
Winterbottom not shooting Goal!
Michael Winterbottom hastaken an early bath on Goal!, the football film starring Diego Luna thatthe British director was pre-shooting in Newcastle.Revolution Films, thecompany Winterbottom runs with producer Andrew Eaton, this week confirmed localpress reports that the British director had left the project, citing creativedifferences.The first film in a plannedtrilogy was ...
Danish film institute loses production chief
Lars Feilberg hasdecided to step down as head of production and development at the Danish FilmInstitute from Aug 1, despite recently getting his position prolonged by threeyears."The Danish FilmInstitute has been a highly inspirational and exiting place to work for thepast three years," he says, "and I am proud to ...
Four senior roles filled at Irish Film Board
The Irish FilmBoard (IFB) has announced four senior appointments further to a recruitmentdrive launched in January.Paula Mulroe is thenew Development Manager, Noemi Ferrer fills the newly created position ofDeputy Head of Production Investment, while Victoria Pope and Linda McEvoy havebeen named Policy Executive and Business Executive, respectively.Mulroe willsupervise content development ...
Odeon Cinemas heads for auction
The UK's Odeon Cinemas isreportedly going up for auction just a year after it was taken over by aconsortium including Nigel and Trevor Green's Entertainment Group, propertytycoon Robert Tchenguiz and German bank West LB.One of the leading likelybids, from Tchenguiz, is reportedly £50m less than the original price tag.The auction ...
Int'l doc market celebrates 15th anniversary
The international documentary market Sunny Side of the Docwill celebrate its fifteenth anniversary when it runs from June 19-22. Set inMarseille, the market will welcome 1,800 professionals from the world over andhas added a day in order to meet growing industry demand and interest.In 2003, 284 buyers and commissioning editors ...
Baker Street Media Finance partners with Mactaggart
UK tax financier BakerStreet Media Finance has struck a partnership with Ivan Mactaggart and hiscompany Meteor Pictures.Mactaggart will now act asan executive producer on Baker Street-funded films and oversee businessaffairs, effectively replacing Sharon Menzies, who recently departed to joinfellow financier Foresight. Meteor willbe based out of Baker Street's offices."Ivan Mactaggart's ...
Potter smashes UK opening record
Harry Potter And ThePrisoner Of Azkaban has smashed opening day records in the UK.Released yesterday (May 31), a UK holiday Monday and thefirst day of school half-term holidays, the film grossed a colossal $9.2m(£5.03m) from 535 locations.This gave the third instalment in the franchise the biggestopening day and biggest single ...
Porchlight strikes US DVD deal with Questar
LosAngeles-based Porchlight Entertainment has signed a deal for the homeentertainment release of 27 of its family-oriented titles through Chicago-basedproduction, marketing and distribution outfit Questar.Among the titlesincluded in the agreement are family kidnap drama A Month Of Sundays starring Rod Steiger, the faith-baseddrama Small Miraclesstarring Jonathan Pryce, and the wartime drama ...
Freston, Moonves step up at Viacom
Tom Freston and LeslieMoonves have been appointed co-presidents and co-chief operating officers ofViacom, effective immediately, following yesterday's (Jun 1) resignation of MelKarmazin.Both Freston and Moonveswill continue with their current roles within the company and will jointlyoversee all Viacom operations as directed by Sumner Redstone, who remainschairman and chief executive officer ...
Lions Gate, IFC, Showtime join Bob and Harvey's 9/11 coalition
Fahrenheit 9/11 will be released theatrically in the US on Jun 25through a coalition of Harvey and Bob Weinstein's fledgling FellowshipAdventure Group, Lions Gate Films and IFC Films.Pay-TV rights will behandled by Showtime, Lions Gate's pay-TV partner, leaving an announcement stillpending for home entertainment. Focus Features and Columbia TriStar HomeEntertainment ...
Lasorsa, Kelley get promoted at New Line Home Entertainment
Matt Lasorsa and PamelaKelley have been promoted to executive vice president of marketing andexecutive vice president of sales respectively at New Line Home Entertainment.Lasorsa and Kelley haveshepherded tentpole titles such as The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and key franchises including AustinPowers, A Nightmare On ElmStreet, Rush Hour and Blade ...