Small MPU – Page 603

  • News

    Magnolia takes Ong Bak for US


    Thai action film Ong Bak has been acquired for the US byMagnolia Pictures.The film was a smash success in its native country beforebeing released by EuropaCorp in France in April. In its first week of release,Ong Bak averaged $10,000 per screen and has now amassed $6.4 million inreceipts.The film is ...

  • News

    Beineix, Anglade reteam for Mortel Transfer


    Arturo Ripstein's The Ruination Of Men (La Perdicion De Los Hombres) walked away with the Golden Shell award for best film at the 48th San Sebastian International film festival.Shot in black and white, the black comedy about two women who fight over the body of a dead lover also won ...

  • News

    Shanghai fest selects sixteen for international competition


    Sixteen features have been lined up to compete for the ShanghaiInternational Film Festival's (June 5-13) main international competition.The event will also have a special focus on Nordic, UK, Irish, Spanishand New Zealand cinema. 1200 guests from 51 countries are expected to attendthe festival.This year's competition jury is presided over by ...

  • News

    Spanish broadcasters pledge to invest in film


    Spain'sregional public broadcasters have signed a pact to invest Euros 30m over thenext three years in the acquisition, production and co-production of Spanishfeature films, TV movies, pilots, animated series, pilots and short features.The dealis a renewal of the accord struck in 1999 between FORTA, an umbrellaorganisation for eight regional public ...

  • News

    Tomorrow, Troy feast at international box office


    It was no surprise that 20th CenturyFox's The Day After Tomorrow swept across the box office landscape thisweekend as it saw the biggest ever simultaneous release for a non-sequel.The film seized a colossal52% of the weekend's international gross and combined with Troy to net77% of all receipts. If the UK's ...

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    HBO Films racks up Van Sant sales


    HBO Films has pre-sold itsnew Gus Van Sant production, Last Days, to a string of European buyers,most of which bought the director's previous Palme d'Or winner, Elephant.MK2, which racked up 750,000admissions on Elephant, which was also sold by HBO, took France on thegrunge rock story, which stars Michael Pitt, Asia ...

  • News

    Yari takes on sales for big budget Oz feature


    Bob Yari Productions is tohandle international sales on an ambitious $US 26.7m (A$32m) Australian film, ClancyOf The Overflow, a story about a quintessential bush hero to be directed bySimon Wincer.The producers are Yari, afinancier and partner in the Stratus Film Company, Wincer and Mark Pennell.Patrick Edgeworth has written the script ...

  • News

    Warner set to take the world Prisoner with Harry Potter


    Warner Bros Pictures International will unload its second majorrelease in three weeks when the eagerly anticipated Harry Potter And ThePrisoner Of Azkabanopens in 24 countries this weekend.The third instalment in thelucrative franchise sets sail on the back of enthusiastic reviews and hasalready shown a taste of things to come with ...

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    Fox scores slew of Asian rights on Cannes hit 2046


    Fox International has acquired a slew of Asian rights to WongKar-wai's Cannes hit 2046, building on a relationship established by the recent partnershipbetween the director and Fox Searchlight Pictures.The distributor picked uprights in South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, thePhilippines, Indonesia and India."We are very proud to be ...

  • News

    Dolgen resigns from Viacom


    Following the announcementon Tuesday that Viacom president and COO Mel Karmazin will be succeeded by TomFreston and Les Moonves, Viacom Entertainment Group chairman Jonathan Dolgenhas resigned. He will leave the company on July 15.Dolgen, who has overseenParamount Pictures for over a decade, leaves behind a studio which has had atroubled ...

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    Warner strikes three-picture deal with Italy's Vanzina brothers


    Warner Bros Pictures Italy is to collaborate with the celebratedVanzina brothers, through their production company International Video 80, onthree Italian-language pictures.Carlo Vanzina will direct all three and co-write with Enrico, withWarner Bros Pictures International retaining all worldwide rights."This agreement marks our second collaboration with the Vanzinabrothers," Richard Fox, executive vice ...

  • News



    It was no surprise that 20th Century Fox's The Day After Tomorrow swept across thebox office landscape this weekend as it saw the biggest ever simultaneousrelease for a non-sequel.The film seized a colossal 52% of the weekend'sinternational gross and combined with Troyto net 77% of all receipts. If the UK's ...

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    Relativity, Mosfilm team up for Moscow-set comedy


    US production company Relativity Pictures and Russia's Mosfilm and Studio Ritm are co-producing comedy Red Squares, which is shooting in Moscow until the end of April when it moves to New York for a second leg in June and July.The production is set against the backdrop of central Moscow and ...

  • News

    GERMANY 3 June


    German-born director Roland Emmerich's disaster epic The Day After Tomorrow became the secondrelease this year after Wolfgang Petersen's Troyto clock up over 1m admissions on its opening weekend as it entered at No. 1.The 20th Century Fox release, which was the only new entryinto the weekend's Top 15, posted over ...

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    DENMARK 3 June


    Mimicking the situation in the rest of the region the Danishbox-office this weekend was all but swept away by Roland Emmerich's ecologicaldisaster extravaganza, The Day AfterTomorrow. However, with just an admission screen average of just 770 on itshigh 87 prints, it might not have been quite the phenomenon hoped for.But ...

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    ITALY 3 June


    20th Century Fox Italia's ice age fantasy The Day After Tomorrow swept into theItalian box office at number one, grossing $3,675,270 from 543 screens for astrong screen average of $6,768.The weekend's four other new releases paled in comparison:Istituto Luce's Argentinian film, LostEmbrace (El Abrazo Partido) opened in seventh position, grossing ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Sebastian Cordero. Ecuador-Mex. 2004. 107minsHere comes the next LatinAmerican candidate for Hollywood glory: Ecuador's Sebastian Cordero. His tough,gritty, uncompromising first film, Ratos,Ratones, Rateros (known in English as Rodents)- about punks, thieves and petty criminals living in the streets of Quito - didthe festival rounds several years ago, landed quite ...

  • Reviews

    After We're Gone (En Attendant Le Deluge)


    Dir/scr: Damien Odoul. France. 2004. 80minsCannes simply would not be Cannes without at least onehighly-rated French auteur coming a cropper. This year it was the turn ofDamien Odoul, who made a dazzling debut in 2000 with Le Souffle, adream-like rural coming-of-age drama.Havinglost momentum with his prestigiously cast follow-up L'Errance, Odoul ...

  • Reviews

    Tropical Malady (Sud Pralad)


    Dir:Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Fr-Thai-It-Ger. 2004. 118minsDeeplysubmerged within Apichatpong Weerasethakul's often impenetrable andoccasionally boring fable Tropical Malady, is a wonderful exploration of a perennialtheme: what makes a human being more than an animal' It begins promisingly witha passage from novelist Ton Nakajima: "All of us are by nature wild beasts andour duty ...

  • News

    Toronto revamps focus on Canadian film-making


    The Toronto International Film Festival (Sept 9-18) haslaunched two new programmes designed to spotlight Canadian film-making talent.Canada First! will showcase Canadians making their featuredebut or presenting a feature at the Festival for the first time, and willannually screen eight to 15 feature films.Short Cuts Canada will programme 30 to 40 ...