Small MPU – Page 604
Dutch cinema hits record box office highs
Dutch films have taken a record 15.3% share of their localmarket in the first quarter of 2004.Inthe first three months of this year, 952,000 people went to see a Dutchproduced film. Dutch films took Euros 6.7m at the box office, out of a total ofEuros 43.4m.Two titles are largely responsible ...
German distributors take Les Choristes, Kontroll
Germany's Constantin Film has acquired thetheatrical and DVD/video rights for Germany and Austria for ChristopheBarratier's French box-office sensation Les Choristes from veteranproducer Arthur Cohn.Constantin will release Les Choristesunder the German title of Die Kinder Des Monsieur Mathieu on August 26.Meanwhile, German rights trader Tiberius Filmhas picked up all German language ...
Unlike in themost of the international territories, TheDay After Tomorrow has not managed to open at number one in Serbia andMontenegro. Roland Emmerich's disaster monster sold 14,565 admissions to gross$60,776 for Tuck. The same distributor's Troyhas held the pole position in its third weekend, adding 19,081 admissions tothe total of ...
Dir: Mary McGuckian. UK. 2000. 95 mins.Prod cos: Pembridge Pictures in association with Sky Pictures and Isle of Man Film Commission. Int'l Sales: IAC Film & Television (+44 207 801 9080). Exec prods: McGuckian, John Lynch. Prods: McGuckian, Elvira Bolz, Chris Roff. Scr: McGuckian, Lynch. DoP: Witold Stok. Prod des: ...
Babelsberg studio sale nears conclusion
Thelong-drawn out process of selling the historic Babelsberg studios near Berlincould be drawing to a conclusion.VivendiUniversal, the debt laden French group which has owned the facility since 1992,has fielded bids and is understood to have whittled these down to two or three.The likely favourites are Studio Hamburg - the production ...
Pathe, BBC finalise deal for Frears' Mrs Henderson
Pathe and BBC Films havefinalised their long-anticipated deal to board Mrs Henderson Presents,Stephen Frears' hotly-awaited upcoming production.The Heyman HoskinsProductions title is to start principal photography in September starring JudiDench and Bob Hoskins.Pathe Distribution willdistribute in the UK and France, while Pathe Pictures International will sellthe film worldwide.This script is written ...
Swedes agree to extend $30m government film deal
Aftermonths of conflicts, the Swedish Film Agreement - which sees $30m of governmentsupport channelled into local film-making - has been extended for another year,until the end of 2005.Theagreement was due for renewal at the end of this year - but looked as though itwould be blocked following complaints from American ...
MIPCOM to launch DVD awards
TheMIPCOM TV programmes market is to launch a series of awards for innovation inDVD content at its forthcoming show (4-8 October).Organisedin partnership with the DVD Association (DVDA, USA) and the International VideoFederation (IVF) the prizes will be awarded in seven categories: TV series(English-language); TV series (original version non-English); children/youthfiction; children/youth ...
UK's Parasol Peccadillo picks up five features at Cannes
UK distribution outfitParasol Peccadillo picked five titles during the Cannes Film Festival forrelease.Three of the films willbe released through distribution arm Parasol Peccadillo Releasing (PPR), whichfocuses on arthouse titles, while two will go through Peccadillo Pictures,which focuses on niche gay and lesbian interest titles.The three films picked upfor release under ...
London cinema claims int'l record haul for Day After Tomorrow
London Leicester Square cinema Vue West End says it hasbroken the record for the biggest single cinema premiere in the West End for TheDay After Tomorrow, with 2350 guests filling eight screens for the event.Inthe first five days after film opened, Vue West End also says it was thebiggest grossing ...
Billy Elliot tops poll of most popular films on British TV
The TV premiere of Billy Elliot on BBC1 was the mostviewed film shown on the UK's main five terrestrial channels last year. Threeother recent UK-made features including The Full Monty made thetop ten, the UK Film Council has revealed.Theratings success came despite only a tiny 2.8 per cent of the ...
Azkaban breaks UK three-day opening record
HarryPotter And The Prisoner Of Azkabanhas beaten the three-day record for a picture in the UK with £11.5m ($20.1m) inticket sales, passing the £10.8m November 2002 opening weekend of HarryPotter And The Chamber Of Secrets.Addedto projected grosses for Jun 3, the picture has taken an estimated £14.3m ($25.2m)in its first ...
Burnt Orange cranks up with King, Babbit, Carrera projects
Fledglingproduction outfit Burnt Orange Productions is in development on its first threeprojects due to shoot this summer from directors Zalman King, Jamie Babbit andCarlos Carrera.Headedup by producer and former AFI Conservatory vice chair Carolyn Pfeiffer, BurntOrange plans to produce eight or nine low budget titles in its first threeyears.WMAIndependent, William ...
IFC Films buys racing documentary for spring 2005 theatrical release
IFC Films hasacquired North American rights to Dana Brown's off-road racing documentary DustTo Glory, whichchronicles the legendary annual desert race in Mexico's Baja peninsula. Thecompany plans to release it in spring 2005.The productionreunited Brown with Step Into Liquid producers C Rich Wilson and Scott Waugh of Bronwa Pictures.Baja champion Mike ...
Foxtel loses grip on Telstra network
Australia's Seven Network has won its battle to gain access to Telstra's cable network, in a move that loosens cable operator Foxtel's existing dominance of the country's pay-TV market.Telstra owns 50% of Foxtel and 100% of the network which passes about one third of all Australian homes. The Australian Consumer ...
Outfest lineup opens with D.E.B.S., closes with Home
Outfest, the Los AngelesInternational Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, has unveiled its lineup for its 22ndevent which takes place July 8 to 19.Angela Robinson's lesbianspy romp D.E.B.S., whichpremiered at the Sundance Film Festival, will open the festival which is thelargest festival in southern California and one of the largest gay ...
Dir: Irwin Winkler. US.2004. 125mins.De-Lovely is one of those movies which begs the question why. Why in2004 make an old-fashioned biopic of homosexual composer Cole Porter as aheterosexual romance' Why re-record Cole Porter numbers with contemporary popacts when it was done so effectively for charity 15 years ago by the ...
A Common Thread (Brodeuses)
Dir: Eleonore Faucher. Fr.2004. 88minsAssured and tenderly felt, ACommon Thread (Brodeuses) announces a promising new talent inwriter-director Eleonore Faucher. The story of a rural teenager coming to termswith her pregnancy and her future has some affinities with Agnes Varda's Vagabondeand the Dardennes brothers Rosetta. ACommon Thread doesn't share their gritty ...
ContentFilm in talks to acquire First Look Media in LA
ContentFilm is in talks to acquire the US' First Look Media, marking Content's first major strategic step since joining London's AIM stock-market via its takeover of Winchester Entertainment.The move, announced to the stock market on Friday, gives Content a North American home video and DVD distribution business, plus a film ...
Civilian blames late Skull delivery for $2m loss
Civilian Content hasposted a $2m (£1.1m) pre-tax loss for the year ended December 31, 2003.The AIM-listed UKproduction and sales company cited production and delivery delays for draggingit into the red after posting a small profit the year before of $190,000(£103,000). The late delivery of John Boorman's Country Of MySkull,Civilian's South ...