Small MPU – Page 613
Dirty Pretty Things, The Woodsman up for Humanitas prize
Dirty Pretty Things screenwriter Steven Knight, Seabiscuit writer Gary Ross and Mean Creek writer Jacob Aaron Estes are among 33contenders from film and television vying for this year's Humanitas Prize.Seven screenwriters in all are nominated for the feature film andSundance feature film categories in the 30th anniversary year of the ...
BREAKING NEWS: Verdict returned in Intertainment v Franchise case
The jury returned a verdicttoday in the matter of Intertainment vs Franchise Pictures and Elie Samaha in aSanta Ana courtroom today.The jury found in favour ofIntertainment on fraud and breach-of-contract claims. They ruled againstIntertainment on the charges of conspiracy and found Elie Samaha not guilty ofRICO.They dismissed Franchise'sbreach-of-contract claims against ...
THINKFilm gets in on Virgo's sex act
THINKFilm has taken worldrights on Lie With Me, the thirdfeature from Toronto filmmaker Clement Virgo.The film, adapted for thescreen by Virgo and Tamara Faith Berger from her debut novel, began principalphotography yesterday in Toronto. Virgo and his Damon D'Oliveira are producing throughtheir Conquering Lions Pictures. THINKFilm will release the film ...
Dream options rights to Sampson story Masquerade
Los Angeles-based productionand international sales company Dream Entertainment has optioned the rights tohistorian Alfred F Young's wartime tale Masquerade.The story centres on theexploits of Deborah Sampson, who disguised herself as a man and fought theBritish during the American Revolution and went on to win her battle for aveteran's pension.Dream is ...
Crudo focuses on digital issues in second year of ASC presidency
Richard P Crudohas pledged to make the standardisation of digital technology his priorityafter he was elected president of the American Society of Cinematographers(ASC) for the second consecutive year.The subject hasbeen the matter of intense speculation - but little else - in recent years asthe industry moves haltingly towards the implementation ...
Toronto launches Talent Lab for local film-makers
The Toronto InternationalFilm Festival has expanded its professional development offerings with TalentLab Toronto, a series of creative and technical workshops aimed at emerginglocal filmmakers.20 selected filmmakers willparticipate in a curriculum ranging from issues of creative collaboration tomarketing and distribution, all of it conducted by local and internationalindustry professionals.The inaugural three-dayprogramme ...
Egoyan heads to 1970s Los Angeles in Somebody Loves You
Canadian auteur Atom Egoyanis preparing his tenth feature, entitled Somebody Loves You, with long-time collaborator Robert Lantos ofSerendipity Point Films producing.The Academy Award-nominated Egoyanwrote the screenplay based on the novel Where The Truth Lies by Broadwaywunderkind Rupert Holmes. Sandra Cunningham, a co-producer on Egoyan's Ararat, will perform a similar role. ...
Online activists organise for Fahrenheit 9/11
US onlineactivism group has launched a campaign urging the public to see Fahrenheit9/11 on its Jun 25opening day.Failing that, the group wants audiences to pledge to turnout anytime that weekend."Given howdevastating the movie is to President Bush's carefully crafted facade, it'shardly surprising that right-wing groups who call Moore a ...
Tales From The Orphanage gets theatrical with 15
LosAngeles-based Tales From The Orphanage is planning its first theatrical releasefollowing the acquisition of all North American rights to Royston Tan'sSingaporean debut 15.The story causeda stir on the festival circuit for its uncompromising portrayal of Singaporecounterculture and stars bona fide street children.Tales From TheOrphanage plans a January 2005 theatrical release ...
Dir: Julian Kemp. UK. 1999. 90 mins.Prod co: Wire Films. Int'l sales: Victor Film Co (+44 207 494 4477). Prod: Michael Kelk. Exec prods: Christopher Figg, Adam Sutcliffe. Co-prod: David Ball. Scr: Jason Sutton based on an idea by Eric Styles. DoP: Kjell Vassdal. Prod des: Kit Line. Ed: Jonathan ...
Baeres celebrates stunning court victory over Samaha
In the end, it was personal.Wednesday's jury verdict infavor of Intertainment Licensing versus Franchise Pictures was a stunningvictory for Intertainment CEO Rudiger "Barry" Baeres in his nearly four yearbattle with one-time close friend turned courtroom adversary, Franchise CEOElie Samaha.The front page stats willshow that the seven week federal civil trial ...
Football fever fails to ruin Harry's game
Harry Potter AndThe Prisoner Of Azkabancontinued its unstoppable domination of the international box office, adding afurther 2,070 screens in 16 more territories to gross $66.4m in 40 countriesover the weekend - a slight 24% drop on its opening take.The performance,given the competing appeal of the fine weather across Europe and ...
In the overall41% decline of the Serbian-Montenegrin market last weekend, mostly due topresidential elections that took place on Sunday, Kill Bill Vol. 2 failed to beat the two frontrunners of the pastthree weeks.Selling 2,576admissions for the weekend and another 885 at previews, the latest offeringfrom Quentin Tarantino earned a total ...
Fares turns to Beruit for inspiration
Jalla! Jalla! and Kops director Josef Faresis set to make Zozo, a drama inspired by his own life.TheSwedish, Lebanese-born director will be working with a $5.2m (SEK 40m) budget -twice that of Kops - to tell the story of an 11-year-old boy who moves fromBeirut to Sweden.Fares said: "It won't ...
Moll plunges into Lemming shoot
In his first foray back behind the camera since 2000'scritical and box office success Harry He's Here To Help, Dominik Mollwill begin shooting Lemming this summer.Producer Diaphana Films confirmed that Moll will startprincipal photography in Paris and Toulouse on the Euros 5.3 millionpsychological thriller in early July.Lemming stars Harryveteran Laurent ...
Singapore, China players partner for Stupid sequel
Singapore's MediaCorp Raintree Picturesis tapping into the huge China market following an agreement with the ShanghaiFilm Group to make a sequel to its 2002 box office hit I Not Stupid.Like the first movie, I Not Stupid 2 is a satirical comedy tobe directed and written by Jack Neo. Raintree CEO ...
Shrek 2 sidesteps Euro 2004
Dreamworks' animated sequel Shrek 2 continues itsgentle international roll out this weekend with a handful of major bows throughUIP - but is sidestepping Europe, which is engulfed by football fever thanks tothe Euro 2004 competition.Shrek 2 firstreceived an international release in five Asian territories at the same time asits US ...
Cinerenta boss quits to launch own production outfit
Marco Mehlitz is leaving his job as CEO andmanaging director of Munich-based production fund Cinerenta to set up his ownproduction outfit.Speaking exclusively to,Mehlitz explained that his Berlin/Babelsberg-based company would focus on internationalEnglish-language feature films to be financed via private placements and funds.The as-yet-unnamed company will develop projects for production ...
European exhibition growth slows down
Asexhibitors prepare for next week's Cinema Expo in Amsterdam, a new report fromleading UK-based researcher Dodona Research says that exhibition growth isslowing across Europe.Exhibitors in the seven Western European countries -including the five largest box office markets in continental Europe - profiledin the report have completed extensive multiplex building programmes ...
Winslet heads up Allen's London cast
Kate Winslet, Emily Mortimerand Jonathan Rhys Meyers are confirmed for Woody Allen's thirty-sixth feature.Allen is to start shootingin and around London this month on what will be a rare shoot outside of NewYork."I'm very excited about theprospect of making a film in London," he said. "I have a great admiration ...