Small MPU – Page 614

  • Reviews

    The Death Of Mr Lazarescu (Moartea Domnului Lazarescu)


    Dir: Cristi Puiu. Rom.2005. 154mins.It's got to be one of the hardest sells there is: atwo-and-a-half-hour film about an incontinent old man in Bucharest who is takenill one evening, calls an ambulance, and is shuttled from hospital to hospitalin search of a diagnosis, a scan, and a free bed.But The ...

  • Reviews

    Lords Of Dogtown


    Dir: Catherine Hardwicke.US. 2005. 105mins.Based on the same true story that spawned the effortlesslycharismatic 2002 documentary Dogtown And Z-Boys, director CatherineHardwicke's Lords Of Dogtown offers forth an entertaining but relativelyimpressionistic look at the sweaty, counter-cultural explosion of streetskateboarding that took place in the late 1970s on the crookedly tapered, blackasphalt ...

  • Reviews

    The Moustache (La Moustache)


    Dir:Emmanuel Carrere. Fr. 2005. 86mins.What seems like a merewhisker of a premise yields surprising results in The Moustache, aneconomical but impressive fiction debut by French director-writer EmmanuelCarrere.Originally known as ajournalist and novelist - his works were adapted by Claude Miller and NicoleGarcia as Class Trip and L'Adversaire respectively - Carrere ...

  • Reviews

    Quo Vadis, Baby'


    Dir: Gabriele Salvatores.It. 2005. 98mins.Gabriele Salvatores has taken a step back from thedramatic intensity of I'm Not Scared with Quo Vadis, Baby', arambling contemporary noir set in Bologna.Based on the same-name novelby Grazia Verasani, the film is worth a look chiefly for its atmospheric HDcinematography and for its original private ...

  • News

    KanZaman boards Basic Instinct 2


    Spanishproducer KanZaman has entered a new phase of growth with the announcement ofits participation in the estimated $80m Sharon Stone-starrer Risk Addiction:Basic Instinct 2.KanZaman co-founders Denise O'Dell and Mark Albela willtake executive producer credits on the film, to which they have a licence onall rights in Spain for an unspecified ...

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    Cinelibre stacks up with Cannes titles


    Celebrating its 30thanniversary, voracious Belgian indie distributor Cinelibre-Cineart has beenstacking up on new titles. Together with Dutchdistributor A-Film, Cinelibre-Cineart has taken Benelux rights to WongKar-Wai's The Lady From Shanghai, Golden Bear-winner U-Carmen,Tsui Hark's Seven Swords (tipped for a prestigious early slot in Venice)and Park Chan-Wook's Sympathy With Lady Vengeance.During Cannes, ...

  • News

    Chinaman set to travel to Karlovy Vary


    Nordisk Film has announcedthat Danish director Henrik RubenGenz's feature Chinaman has beenselected for main competition at the 40th Karlovy Vary International FilmFestival (July 1-9). Also in the OfficialSelection but not in competition will be The Merchant of Venice, directed by KV jury president MichaelRadford. The closing film of the festival ...

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    Hoffman confirmed to star in Tykwer's Perfume


    Ending weeks of speculation, Germany'sConstantin Film Produktion has now officially confirmed that US star DustinHoffman will play one of the leads in Tom Tykwer's forthcoming adaptation ofPatrick Sueskind's international bestseller Perfume.Hoffman has been cast as the perfumer GiuseppeBaldini, with the young UK actor Ben Whishaw (Enduring Love) taking onthe part ...

  • News

    Korean Film Council names new chairperson


    The Korean Film Council (KOFIC) has named AhnJeeng-sook, a former editor of weekly film magazine Cine21, to a threeyear term as Chairperson to replace the outgoing Lee Choong-jik. Ahn will join eight other commissioners newlyappointed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to oversee the operation of thefilm support body ...

  • News

    Buyers take plunge for Pathe's Descent


    Buyers have been lapping up Neil Marshall's gorefest TheDescent, one of many new British horror films being touted at last month'sCannes market. After screening footage to buyers early in the festival,Pathe Pictures International (PPI) clinched deals with Avex in Japan, SquareOne Entertainment in Germany, Vertigo in Spain, CDE Videa in ...

  • News

    TLA takes Centimetres, Profile at Cannes


    TLA Releasing has picked upNorth American rights to two pictures at Cannes, Ramon Salazar's Spanishmusical 20 Centimetres andChristoph Hochhausler's German thriller Low Profile.The New York-based companyalso picked up UK home entertainment rights to Eyton Fox's Israeli army romanceYossi & Jagger, and willrelease through its upcoming TLA Releasing UK division that ...

  • News

    Producer and sales agent Dan Sales dies at 46


    Daniel Sales,the independent film producer and sales agent who launched Cinequanon Pictures,has died in Los Angeles. He was 46.Sales grew up inWest Palm Beach, Florida, and graduated from Brown University before moving toNew York City to pursue his lifelong love of cinema.He got his firstproducing credit on The Way It ...

  • News

    DreamWorks wins Match Point as UK buyers circle


    After a ferocious bidding war, DreamWorks has picked upNorth American rights to Woody Allen's Match Point for a reported $4m.The deal comes as UK buyers continue to circle what is considered one ofAllen's strongest commercial prospects in several years. The film, his first tobe made in England, is being sold ...

  • Reviews

    Down In The Valley


    Dir/scr: David Jacobson.US. 2005. 125mins.Hailed as the De Niro ofhis generation, Edward Norton finally has a chance to remind us why in DownIn The Valley. After a string of supporting roles and odd career choices (TheItalian Job, The Score, Kingdom Of Heaven etc), he once againtakes centre stage with a ...

  • Reviews

    The League Of Gentlemen's Apocalypse


    Dir: Steve Bendelack. UK2005. 90mins.The League Of Gentlemen, rubber-faced Britishexponents of grotesque TV comedy, make a bravely eccentric cinema debut with TheLeague of Gentlemen's Apocalypse, a macabre farce that mixes theirdistinctive character playing with Hammer ghoulishness, movie-buff in-jokes andlashings of existential paradox in a Charlie Kaufman vein.The team - protean ...

  • News

    Dutch FilmWorks unveils big budget Cannes haul


    Netherlandsdistributor Dutch FilmWorks has unveiled a string of big budget acquisitionsfrom this year's Cannes film festival. Buys include Peter Hyams' $60m The Chaser fromSignature Pictures. An action film filled with special effects, it is about a bankrobbery which takes place in Key Largo during a tornado.It also bought Renny Harlin's ...

  • News

    India bans smoking scenes in films


    The Indian government has banned all scenes showing smokingor cigarette packs in films and TV programmes. The new law will apply to bothIndian films and to foreign films released in India.The move, part of a anti-tobaccoclampdown, also bans film-makers showing cigarette packs, billboards or usingany item with a cigarette brand ...

  • News

    Winchester creates UK releasing arm


    Winchester Films, the London-based sales and financing house that has recently forged a host a partnerships with high-profile US producers, is finally breaking into the UK distribution with its own theatrical releasing operation.Winchester has appointed former FilmFour distribution chief Mick Southworth to head the distribution arm, titled Winchester Film Distribution.Along ...

  • News

    French court upholds Engagement ruling


    The Paris court of appealshas upheld the decision to block Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long Engagementfrom benefiting from French subsidies.The film was stripped of its Frenchstatus in an original decision dating back to November last year. At issue is the financial structureof the production company for the film, 2003 Productions, ...

  • News

    Brave few shine behind Star Wars shadow


    Thisweek's international chart saw the battle of the also rans against the second(or in Korea's case opening) week of Star Wars: Episode III.WarnerBros' horror House Of Wax saw solid numbers with second place launchesin the UK, France and Belgium and other European debuts including Italy,Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands.TheOscar winning ...