Small MPU – Page 616

  • News

    Paramount promotes Brooker, Bealing


    Paramount Home Entertainment (PHE) UK has promoted Richard Brooker to the position of sales director, responsible for rental and retail sales. Brooker was formerly rental sales director for the companyPHE, previously CIC Video, was formed at the beginning of this year after Paramount's partner in CIC - Universal Pictures - ...

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    New funding scheme for Welsh film-makers


    Welsh media agency,Sgrîn Cymru Wales, has launched a new funding scheme for Welsh filmmakers.The Welsh MicrosScheme - to be financed by The Arts Council of Wales, Film Four and S4C, inpartnership with Sgrîn - is designed to enable the production of two featurefilms with budgets of up to £400,000 each ...

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    NEW ZEALAND 21 June


    UIP's Shrek 2 didconsiderably better in its opening weekend then Roadshow's Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban did during the weekendearlier. There was a difference of only three screens between them. Shrek 2 sold NZ$2,202,050 worth oftickets to 85 screens for a screen average of NZ$25,906 while Harry Potter ...

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    AUSTRALIA 21 June


    The first outing in cinemas by UIP's Shrek 2 got an amazing response from Australian families on itsfour-day opening weekend, taking A$13,156,604 from 437 screens. By way ofcomparison, Roadshow's Harry Potter Andthe Prisoner of Azkaban took A$14,799,003 a week earlier, but it was on 16more screens and had one more ...

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    Pilowsky, Leventhal team to form Priority Pictures


    Marion Pilowsky, former head of international production for Myriad Pictures, and Colin Leventhal, a consultant to tax-based financier Grosvenor Park, have teamed to form UK production company Priority Pictures.The company's first film will be Three Bad Men, based on a script by Peter Straughan and to be directed by Paul ...

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    UIP steals show at Cinema Expo


    Cinema Expo, the annualtrade show and conference for the exhibition industry in Europe, kicked off onMonday (June 21) with a high profile presence from United InternationalPictures (UIP), and some tentative optimism about the rollout of digital cinema.Yesterday was dubbed"UIP day" by Cinema Expo and Jeffrey Katzenberg's attendancecertainly upped the executive ...

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    9/11 gets support from Cuomo, pledges from MoveOn


    MoveOn PAC, the politicalaction arm of online democracy advocates, is trumpeting an earlysuccess in its campaign to drum up support for Fahrenheit 9/11 ahead of this weekend's opening.The group claims it hassecured more than 107,000 pledges from the public saying they will see MichaelMoore's stirring Palme D'Or winner in ...

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    MPAA, NATO team up for anti-camcording rewards scheme


    The MPAA and US theatreowners group NATO have launched the Anti-Camcording Rewards Programme, a cashincentive scheme designed to thwart illegal recording activity.US theatre staff who catchindividuals recording pictures, notify the police and stop the recording willbe eligible for cash rewards of up to $500.According to the MPAA,pirates typically capture a ...

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    Mattison to star with Maguire, Assante in The Third Wish


    Jenna Mattison is to star inand produce the romantic comedy The Third Wish, which is being directed by Shelley Jensen and hasbegun production in Los Angeles and San Francisco.Mattison wrote thescreenplay about a bookstore clerk whose life is transformed when she finds afirst edition copy of Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.Sean ...

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    Garden State tops Maui Film Festival honours


    The fifth Maui Film Festivalcame to a close at the weekend (20) as Zach Braff's Garden State was awarded the best feature film prize and BobSmeaton's rock'n'roll documentary Festival Express claimed non-narrative honours.The award for best shortfilm went to David Brown's Of Wind And Waves: The Life Of Woody Brown, ...

  • Reviews



    Dir/scr.Benedek Flieghauf. Hungary. 2004. 160mins.Dark, brooding and slow, Benedek Flieghauf's second film,recently awarded the Best Director prize in Mar del Plata, is God's gift tofestivals, a feast for film buffs and art houses and a test of endurance formisguided audiences seeking pure entertainment. Thoseaccustomed to Hollywood and others' over-stylised view ...

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    Downtown boosts slate with four US pick-ups


    UK distributor Downtown Pictures has picked up four US titles including Twin Falls Idaho, Barenaked In America, American Pimp and Luminous Motion.Downtown acquired Idaho from Moonstone Entertainment. The distributor has set the picture, made by brothers Mark and Michael Polish, for a September release. Barenaked and Pimp were acquired from ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Takashi Miike. 2004.Jap. 128mins.The bad boy of Japanesefilm, with a growing international following, Takashi Miike likes violence wellenough, injecting everything from slow torture to mass slaughter into his50-plus films. But until his latest, Izo,he had never done samurai swordfighting. The traditionalist genre, until younger film-makerscame along like Nakano (Samurai ...

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    Shrek 2 has powerful B.O.


    Shrek 2 canalready proclaim itself the biggest film of the year and biggest animated filmof all time in North America ($379m). However, the original 2001 film performedbetter in North America than internationally, a rarity for animated hits - andsomething which may not be repeated by the sequel.As the sequel starts ...

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    Cinema Expo celebrates international market


    The value of the international marketplace was hammered homeduring day two of exhibition trade show Cinema Expo in Amsterdam yesterday, asresearch company Nielsen EDI handed out its annual International Gold ReelAwards, for films that grossed over $100m internationally in the 12 monthssince the last edition of Cinema Expo.During a lunch ...

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    Cinecitta eyes Chinese multiplex deal


    Cinecitta Holding, the state-owned parent company of Rome'sfamous studios, is in talks with the Chinese government to manage what would beItaly's first multiplex in Beijing.The multiplex to be located in a shopping mall in the city'shistorical centre, will have 14 screens and is due to open at the end of ...

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    Russian mega-production moves to Rome


    Russian producer Sergey Gribkov is close to completing a bigbudget spy-action blockbuster called Countdown,set to be one of the most ambitious films ever made in Russia.Directed by Evgeniy Lavrentiev (Swindle, Dream On), the multi-million dollar picture has beenshooting for 26 weeks in and around Moscow, the Caucasus and Georgia. Theproduction ...

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    Studio Hamburg threatens to move to Berlin


    In a reaction to the Hamburg Senate's planned cut to itsfilm funding budget, Studio Hamburg - which is currently negotiating a takeoverof the Babelsberg studios - has threatened to move its production apparatus toBerlin.Speaking to of Die Welt, Studio Hamburg chief Martin Willichsaid that "on 23 July our supervisory board ...

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    CANADA Production Listings - June 22 2004


    CANADA PRODUCTION LISTINGS - June 22PRE-PRODUCTIONEVE& THE FIREHORSE(Golden Horse Productions) Budget: C$1.5m. Backers:Telefilm Canada, B.C. Film, Harold Greenberg Fund, CanWest Fund. Dist: MongrelMedia (Can). Family Drama. A young Chinese-Canadian girl struggles tounderstand the death of her grandmother and her older sister's conversion toChristianity. Exec prod: Erik Paulsson Prod: Paulsson, Shan ...

  • News

    Virgo's Lie is hot but Egoyan's Love is cooler


    Summer is always the busiest season forfilm production. In Canada, where the summer is as short as it is hot, thatmakes it busier than most. In terms of heat, the hottest production by far isClement Virgo's new film, Lie With Me,which started shooting in Toronto on June 16.Virgo co-wrote the ...