Small MPU – Page 623

  • News

    Edukators wins Support at Munich festival


    Hans Weingartner's Cannes competition film The Edukators(Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei) was the big winner at this year's GermanCinema Support Prize which was presented at this week's Munich Film Festival.Prizes in three of the four categories were taken byWeingartner's film: the Euros 40,000 Prize for Best Director, the Euros 10,000Prize ...

  • News

    Japanese megahit crosses box office milestone


    Isao Yukisada's mega-hitromantic drama Crying Out For Love In The Center Of The World recordedits five millionth admission in Japan on June 30, its 54th day of release,while its box office totalled $62.3m (Y6.73bn).After seven weeks in thetheatres, Crying Out For Love was still ranked number two on the KogyoTsushin ...

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    Spanish film enjoys upswing in admissions


    Intheir exhaustive annual analysis of the entertainment sector in Spain publishedyesterday, the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) and the FundacionAutor have pinpointed a rise in fortunes for Spanish films in 2003 - to 15.8percent of the market, up from 13 percent in 2002. However, overall, they foundaudience figures ...

  • News

    Bale, Thewlis & Taylor join cast of The New World


    Christian Bale, DavidThewlis, Noah Taylor and Q'orianka Kilcher (pictured) have joined the cast of TerrenceMalick's The New World which NewLine Cinema plans to release in Nov 2005.The new cast members joinColin Farrell, Christopher Plummer, August Schellenberg and Wes Studi in thefilm which is Malick's first film since The Thin Red ...

  • News

    Italian film industry lashes out at government cuts


    Italy's nationalassociation of independent directors and producers, API, has released astatement lashing out against the Italian government's decision to reduce statefunds for the local film industry.The Italiangovernment will cut its general fund for entertainment (FUS), (which includesfilm, opera, dance and theatre) by 20% in 2004 and by 25% in 2005, ...

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    Dan Glickman succeeds Jack Valenti as head of MPAA


    JackValenti formally resigned yesterday from his position as president and CEO ofthe Motion Picture Association Of America (MPAA) after 38 years in the job, ashis successor Dan Glickman (pictured) was named.Glickman,a former Secretary of Agriculture and former congressman from Kansas, will takeup his position on Sept 1 until which time ...

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    Spider-Man 2 smashes opening day records


    Spider-Man 2 snared arecord $40.5m at the North American box office on Wednesday, beating itspredecessor to claim the biggest opening day ever in movie history.The first-day U.S.-Canadian haul for Spider-Man 2 passed the previous opening-day record of $39.4million set by the original Spider-Man movie in May of 2002 - all ...

  • News

    Bollywood film companies join IPO goldrush


    The Indian stock market is set to be hit by a tidal wave of IPOs launched by Bollywood production houses planning to finance expansion plans that range from distribution arms to dotcom start-ups and a digital studio in Mumbai.As many as 35 Hindi feature film production companies are seeking a ...

  • News

    FRANCE 2 July


    Shrek 2 blew thedoors off French theatres this week with a stunning 2.2 million tickets sold inits first 7 days.The film broke records for first day for an animated film inFrance, shoving aside former title holder FindingNemo. The Harry Potter threequel held fast in second position to increaseits cumulative take ...

  • News

    Odeon auction attracts host of bidders


    A massive 15 bids for the UK's Odeon cinemas are understood to havebeen submitted ahead of last Friday's (July 2) auction deadline.Bids for the UK's largest cinema circuit, reported to be inthe region of £370m, were expected from a number of venturecapital-backed firms, including Guy Hands' Terra Firma Capital Partners,Michael ...

  • News

    South Africa unveils tax breaks to attract foreign shoots


    South Africa plans to offer about $41m (R252m) in taxincentives to local and foreign film companies over the next three years topromote the country as a prime filming location, Trade and Industry MinisterMandisi Mpahlwa said this week.Companies would have to spend at least $4m (R25m) inproduction costs to qualify for ...

  • News

    Jackie Chan embarks on Hong Kong adventure


    Production restarted this week at Shanghai Film Studio onJackie Chan's new project which reunites the star with Hong Kong actiondirector Stanley Tong.Produced by Chan's JCE Movies, the US$15-20m actionadventure has the working title The Mythand also stars Tong Leung Ka-fai and hot up-and-coming Indian actress MallikaSherawat.Chan reportedly plays an Indiana ...

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    Obituary: Oscar nominee Peter Barnes


    Oscar-nominated British playwright, screenwriter anddirector Peter Barnes died this week.Oscar nominated for his screenplay Enchanted April, Barnes' prolific career included the Oscarnominated The Ruling Class,starring Peter O'Toole, Hard Timesand Olivier Award winner Red Noses.Barnes, whose plays are part of the British schoolcurriculum, wrote until his death and delivered his latest ...

  • News

    First Run checks out Torremolinos 73 for US


    Spain's Sogepac has sold all US and Canadian rights onits quirky comedy Torremolinos 73 toFirst Run Features.The movie, which swept the boards at the Malaga FilmFestival last year and went on to take Euros 1.8m locally, has been dubbed the"Spanish Boogie Nights".The deal with First Run follows a slew of ...

  • Reviews

    A Home At The End Of The World


    Dir: Michael Mayer. US.2004. 93mins.Can a movie be too short' Broadway theatre directorMichael Mayer and novelist Michael Cunningham have opted for an ultra-concisemovie treatment of Cunningham's celebrated first novel (1990), which traces thefriendship between two boys over 30 years in just 93 minutes. The effect is afilm which feels like ...

  • Reviews

    Our Music (Notre Musique)


    Dir/scr: Jean-Luc Godard. France 2004. 80minsA characteristically encyclopaedic disquisition onwords, images and war, the latest essay-fiction from Jean-Luc Godard is notobviously as visually striking as its predecessor, Eloge De l'Amour, andis considerably more dense verbally. But this three-parter shows Godard to beas perplexing and provocative as ever.Undoubtedly it will appeal ...

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    High costs hit Irish production business


    The state of the Irish film industry came under thespotlight in the Irish Dail (parliament) last week, where it was claimed thatnot one feature film has started production in the country in the past sixmonths."It is not correct to say the Irish film industry isbeing shunned. Ireland is an extremely ...

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    Sommersturm, Napola spark Munich buzz


    Marco Kreuzpaintner's coming out tale Sommersturm and Dennis Gansel's World War II drama Napola, which received its world premiere in competition atKarlovy Vary on July 4 (Sunday), created a buzz among international buyersattending the Munich Previews during this year's Munich Film Festival.One Scandinavian distributor told that the two films ...

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    Telefonica reportedly in talks to buy Lycos stake


    Spanish telecommunications and media giant Telefonica continues to make news this week in Spain, most recently with speculation that the company is negotiating a stake in US Internet portal Lycos.Spanish newspapers reported yesterday that Telefonica was in similar negotiations with Latin American web portal StarMedia. Both Lycos and StarMedia compete ...

  • News

    Till named as UK Film Council chairman


    Stewart Till will be thenew chairman of the UK Film Council, Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell announcedtoday.Till, currently deputychair of the council and chief executive of UIP, takes up the post for fouryears and starts on July 30. He will take over from outgoing chairman AlanParker."Stewart is taking onthis key role ...