Small MPU – Page 627
German media funds win reprieve
Germany'smedia funds areback in business - at least, for the time being.The German government's proposed taxreforms, which would have seen the old-style media funds axed, have beenabandoned. But the reprieve could prove to be temporary for the funds,which, according to analysts, raised $16bn ($13bn Euros) between1997 and 2004, 80% of ...
Casanova to woo the crowds at Venice
The Venice Film Festival (Aug 31-Sept 10) will host the worldpremiere of Lasse Hallstrom's Casanova, which stars Heath Ledger andSienna Miller."After at least a 30-year interval, Casanovaa is thefirst film made by a US studio to have been entirely shot in Italy, and for themost part in Venice," said festival ...
Heavenly intervention boosts market share for Spanish film
New government figures on the performance of Spanish cinema have set tongueswagging thanks to the inclusion of two high-profile minority co-productionsincluding Ridley Scott's Kingdom Of Heaven.Theofficial figures published by the Ministry of Culture's Film Institute ICAAshow Spanish films' market share rose slightly in the first five months of 2005to 14%. ...
German box office takes another tumble
The German cinema industry learned that box-office takings forthe second quarter of 2005 were even worse than in the first three months(Screen Daily, April 2005).The news came as this year's Munich Film Festival kicked off with Zola Maseko's Drumat the weekend.Accordingto figures compiled by Nielsen EDI, there was a year-on-year ...
Piracy strategy switches direction to win over public
The fight against film piracy is turning away from"finger-wagging" towards more credible personalised appeals.Disney vice president of anti-piracy Richard Atkinson said achange of approach had proved necessary as the sophistication of the criminals increased and public cynicism grew."The pirates have become extremely efficient in managingtheir own ecosystem," he told Screen ...
MGM buys Nine Yards for Japan
MGM has acquired Japanese rights to Franchise Pictures' hit comedy The Whole Nine Yards in an unusual single territory acquisition for the studio which from November will distribute all its pictures internationally through 20th Century Fox.The Japanese deal, which was the last unclosed territory on the film,was signed on the ...
Batman beats Bewitched, stays top in US...
Warner Bros' Batman Begins held off Columbia's Bewitchedand two other new competitors over the weekend to retain the top spot on theNorth American box office chart.Overall box office for the weekend, however, was down onthe previous year for the eighteenth consecutive weekend, a new record. After its strong five-day opening, ...
Batman beats Bewitched, stays top in US
Warner Bros' Batman Begins held off Columbia's Bewitchedand two other new competitors over the weekend to retain the top spot on theNorth American box office chart.Overall box office for the weekend, however, was down onthe previous year for the eighteenth consecutive weekend, a new record. After its strong five-day opening, ...
Cheung to receive award, restrospective at Asian American film festival
The 28th annualAsian American International Film Festival will kick off on July 15 in New YorkCity with a screening of Olivier Assayas' Clean starring Maggie Cheung, who will attend thescreening. Cheung is also the recipientof this year's CineVisionary award, honouring her contributions tointernational cinema. A mini-retrospective of her career will ...
Screen signs up new international editor
Screen International has appointed one of the mostexperienced and respected film business journalists Fionnuala Halligan asassistant editor (international).Her duties will include overseeing the worldwide network ofcorrespondents working for the magazine, festival dailies and Michael Gubbins said he was delighted to be workingwith such an accomplished journalist in the exciting ...
McInnis takes film festival specialist role at Loyola Marymount in LA
Kathleen McInnis, the formerdirector of the Slamdance Film Festival and a veteran of the SeattleInternational Film Festival, has taken up the inaugural role of film festivalspecialist at the Loyola Marymount University School Of Film And Televsion(SFTV) in Los Angeles.The role is part of theSFTV's new office of external affairs which ...
Sundance Documentary Film Editing and Story Lab underway in Utah
The Sundance Institute hasnamed the seven fellows and four projects which are participating in its annualDocumentary Film Editing and Story Laboratory which started on June 24 and runsto July 1 at Sundance Village in Utah.Seven fellows (projectdirectors and editors) are working with six creative advisors (four editors andtwo directors) to ...
Saperstein joins Weinsteins to head production for Dimension Films
Richard Saperstein (pictured),the former president of development and production for Artisan Pictures, hasjoined the Weinstein brothers as executive vice president and head ofproduction for Dimension Films.He also assumes the title ofexecutive vice president of production for The Weinstein Company, and will workclosely with Harvey Weinstein on films being produced by ...
Jellysmoke, Grain Of Sand win top prizes at LAFF
The Los Angeles FilmFestival (LAFF) closed last night with its annual prize-givingceremonywhere Mark Banning's Jellysmokewon the Target Film-maker Award for best narrative feature and Beth Bird's EveryoneTheir Grain Of Sand won thedocumentary prize. Each award carries with itan unrestricted cash prize of $50,000 - one of the largest cash prizes ...
...and holds strong in international markets
Batman Begins stayed impressively strong in itssecond weekend on international release, falling off just 36% in its holdoverterritories and performing better than its franchise predecessors in a trio ofnew markets. And Batman wasn't the only US studio releasedelivering healthy numbers: in spite of continuing hot weather in some Europeancountries, Madagascar ...
Batman beats Bewitched, stays top in US...
Warner Bros' Batman Begins held off Columbia's Bewitchedand two other new competitors over the weekend to retain the top spot on theNorth American box office chart.Overall box office for the weekend, however, was down onthe previous year for the eighteenth consecutive weekend, a new record. After its strong five-day opening, ...
Batman beats Bewitched, stays top in US...
Warner Bros' Batman Begins held off Columbia's Bewitchedand two other new competitors over the weekend to retain the top spot on theNorth American box office chart.Overall box office for the weekend, however, was down on theprevious year for the eighteenth consecutive weekend, a new record. After its strong five-day opening, ...
Russian Dolls overpower Batman's beginning in France
Batman Begins may have punched its way to impressive first-weekfigures Europe-wide, but in France it was beaten to the top spot by amulti-lingual sequel about soul-searching twentysomethings.Russian Dolls, Cedric Klapisch's follow-up to L'AubergeEspagnole (also known in other territories as The Spanish Apartment,Europudding and Pot Luck) registered 662,329 admissions duringits first ...
Initial D burns box-office records across Asia
Media Asia's Initial D zoomed to the top ofthe box office chart in five Asian territories on its opening weekend (June23-26).The $12m car racing drama has also smashed records inall five territories. It scored the biggest opening of all films so far thisyear in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia and ...
Munich Previews notch sales to Spain, Australia
The Munich Previews, amarket taster for the Munich Film Festival, have seen some early business, with Beta Cinema, and Kinowelt International allconcluding deals.Spain's Civite has picked upPeter Lichtefeld's Playa Del Futuro, which screened in competition atthe Shanghai International Film Festival this month, from Kinowelt, while BetaCinema confirmed that Sergei Bodrov's ...