Small MPU – Page 634
Artist biopic draws top prizes at Karlovy Vary
Polishdrama My Nikifor dominated the awardsceremony at the 40th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival last Saturday,winning three Crystal Globes.The film, basedon the life of the naïve painter Epifan Drowniak, better known as NikiforKrynicki, won the Crystal Globe for best feature and $20,000. Director KrzysztofKrauze was named best director. Krystyna Feldman, ...
War of the Worlds still rules international market
War of the Worlds continued to dominate theinternational marketplace this weekend with an estimated gross of $60.5m. Butthe Tom Cruise-Steven Spielberg blockbuster was knocked out of the top chartspot in a few major markets by new international opener Fantastic Four. The tally for War of the Worlds, distributedinternationally for Paramount ...
Advanced spots UFO
Publicly traded German distributor Advanced Medien is making a push into high concept video and TV movies through the purchase of a 51% stake in Unified Film Organization (UFO), the five year-old LA-based production and sales operation run by Phillip Roth, Jeff Beach and Ken OlandtAdvanced had sealed an output ...
Wedding Crashers
Dir: David Dobkin. USA.2005. 119mins.Much is made of the recent ascension of a number of actors- including Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Jack Black and Owen Wilson- who, informally dubbed the "Frat Pack," have paired in various combinations ona number of studio comedy features. With the popularity of teen ...
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Dir: Tim Burton. US.2005. 115mins.Tim Burton brings histraditional baggage to the new film adaptation of Roald Dahl's Charlie AndThe Chocolate Factory, a lavish summer tentpole from Warner Bros whichpurports to stay true to the original novel more than the sunny 1971 musical WillyWonka And The Chocolate Factory. Although that assertion ...
The Island
Dir: Michael Bay. US.2005. 135mins.Human cloning is thesci-fi theme of The Island, yet it is director Michael Bay's trademarkthundering action that leaves the lasting impression from this sleek,big-budget thriller co-produced by Warner Bros and DreamWorks. Thehalf-explored philosophical elements and a gratuitous dose of romance don't addmuch to the movie's overall ...
Redbus to co-produce Wicker Man remake
The UK's Redbus FilmDistribution is to co-produce the remake of British cult horror title, TheWicker Man starring Nicolas Cage. Redbus has also acquired UKrights to the picture as well as two other Nu-Image financed titles, BruceBeresford's The Contract starring John Cusack and Morgan Freeman andTobe Hooper's horror movie Zombies."We have ...
Nominations invited for foreign film Oscar
More than 90 countries have been invited submit contendersfor next year's foreign film Oscar. In the last 50 years, 99countries have submitted films to the foreign language competition.Only one film from each nation is permitted with the winnerannounced at the 2006 Oscars on March 5 at the Kodak Theatre in ...
German opposition boosts hopes of tax breaks for film
Callsfor new tax incentives to benefit the German film industry received a welcomeboost from the CDU opposition party which is widely predicted to win powerfollowing September's general election.Speakingat the party's film reception ahead of this year's German film Awards, chairwomanAngela Merkel told producers "the German cinema has a firm place ...
Redbus climb aboard Wicker remake
Redbus Film Distribution is to co-produce Neil La Bute's remakeof The Wicker Man as part of athree-film deal with Nu-Image.The distributor has acquired UK rights to the film as wellas two other titles, Bruce Beresford's The Contract and Tobe Hooper's Zombies.The Wicker Man, directed by Robin Hardy in 1973,has a ...
Perfume scents success as shooting begins
TomTykwer's Perfume - The Story Of A Murderer has begun shooting at theBavaria Film studios near Munich.The$60m co-production between Germany's Constantin Film Produktion, the privatemedia fund VIP Medienfonds 4b, France's Nouvelles Editions de Films and Spain'sCastelao Productions is being produced by Bernd Eichinger.Theproject is backed by the German Federal Film ...
Swimming documentary makes waves at Paris event
Yaron Zilberman's documentary Watermarks was the publicchoice for the grand prize at the 11th edition of the RencontresInternationales de Cinema in Paris.The film's as yet unnamed distributor will receive $18,000from the Forum des Images which organises the Rencontres within the frameworkof the three-year-old Paris Cinema event. The money is earmarked ...
Japanese Star Wars opening breaks galactic records
Star WarsEpisode III - Revenge of the Sith has recorded 500,000 admissions for a grossof $6.3m (Y700m) since Saturday'sopening - beating its predecessors in the series.On July 10 and11, the film - making its final debut in a major territory - earned $20m (Y2.22bn) on 1.57 million admissions. Distributor20th Century ...
Woolcock's Mischief Night cranks up in Leeds
Shooting has begun onlocation in Leeds on Penny Woolcock's Mischief Night.Woolcock (Tina Goes Shopping, The Death ofKlinghoffer, The Principles of Lust)latest film is billed as an exuberant, wild andcontemporary comedy drama about two families (one white, one Asian) who cometogether unexpectedly on a local night of carnival trickery and festivity. ...
EuropaCorp's Love embarks on London shoot
Shooting starts today (July11) on Love And Other Disasters, a EuropaCorp production inco-production with Skyline and in association with Ruby Films for ten weeks onlocation in London. Love And Other Disasters is an original screenplaywritten and being directed by Alek Keshishian (Madonna: Truth or Dare),produced by Alison Owen, Keshishian and ...
Left wing groups in France slam Cruise, the
Hemay have proposed to his girlfriend atop the city's most glorious monument andbeen welcomed last year by one of the capital's most influential politicians,but Tom Cruise will not be made an honorary citizen of Paris any time soon.Thenewly controversial movie star was invoked during a municipal get-together todiscuss aid to ...
Defiant London returns to business as usual after attacks
Last Thursday's terrorist attacks in Londonforced the closure of many cinemas with admissions dropping between 75% and 80%from the previous day. However, general consensus amongst UKdistributors on Monday was that little impact had been made to the capital'sweekend box office as resilient Londoners continued with their normalroutines.Box office for the ...
Ogden's Traveller tale takes Galway honours
Perry Ogden's Pavee Lackeen took the bestfirst feature award at the 17th Galway Film Fleadh, promising a strong run atinternational festivals, including Toronto, over the coming months. Informed by his work as a stills photographerbased in Ireland for several years, Ogden's film is an intimate andnaturalistic story of the small ...
German opposition pledges film support but no hope for Media Funds
Germany'smedia funds in their present form will no longer be possible after the end of2005, according to election manifesto of the CDU/CSU opposition parties, widelytipped to form the next government.Butmeasures have been promised "to improve the general parameters for theGerman film industry in order to secure its internationalcompetitiveness."Inthe event of ...
Slowhand to release Innocent Voices in North America
BB Entertainment Marketing has picked up all NorthAmerican rights to Luis Mandoki's Innocent Voices from Lawrence BenderProductions and Altavista Films.Marty Zeidman's Slowhand Cinema Releasing will release the El Salvadorian civilwar drama, which recently added the 2005 Seattle International Film Festival'sGolden Space Needle Award to its string of honours.The picture will ...