Small MPU – Page 638
Mr And Mrs Smith
Dir:Doug Liman. US. 2005. 120mins.Mr & Mrs Smith is a sleek, audacious mix ofromantic comedy, satire and action thriller boosted by the surging star powerof Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. And making the most of that 'Brangelina'appeal - the couple's alleged off-screen affair is currently the talk of thetabloids - ...
McDonald and Rutter drafts in Rose to head marketing division
UK PR agency McDonald & Rutter has appointed Philip Roseto launch a new marketing division at the company. The new division will aim to give marketing support forfilms in production, develop sales materials for films attending film-marketsand handle key aspects of UK distribution marketing campaigns. Rose joins from Fox Searchlight ...
Copenhagen festival to focus on European film
TheCopenhagen International Film Festival (Aug 18-28) is to concentrateexclusively on screening European films. Thefestival's new programme chief Jacob Neiiendam plans to raise the percentage ofEuropean films playing at the event from 70% to 100%."Weare narrowing the concept geographically but at the same time expect to spreadour wings genre wise. Often ...
Hungary's IMA launches Polarlight sales arm
Hungarian distribution and production companyInternational Media Agency Entertainment (IMA) has launched a new sales arm,Polarlight. IMA Budapest will continue the distribution ofdocumentary and television titles, while Polarlight will handle the company'sco-production activitites as well as the sales of feature films. Polarlight's current slate includes Hungarian titles suchas Karlovy Vary award-winner ...
Hungarian distributors unveil Cannes acquisitions
Two of Hungary'spremiere arthouse distributors acquired high profile titles at this year'sCannes Film Festival.Best Hollywoodbought rights to Wim Wenders' Don't Come Knocking and to Jim Jarmusch's BrokenFlowers. Both films are to hit the Hungarian cinemas this autumn.Meanwhile, BudapestFilm has acquired a long list of titles including Michael Haneke's Hiddenand Lars ...
The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
Dir: Ken Kwapis. US.2005. 119mins.Based on a wildly popular young-adult novel about fourteen girlfriends and the pair of magical blue jeans they share over the summer,The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants is a coming-of-age dramatailor-made for fans of the books, which with its sequels has sold 3.5m-pluscopies in the US. ...
IFC Films takes Manderlay, Bier's next film for US
IFC Films has picked up USrights to Lars von Trier's Cannes competition entry Manderlay and Susanne Bier's After The Wedding, which is currently shooting in India and Denmark.Negotiations for both titlesfrom the Danish duo were concluded with Trust Film Sales at Cannes and IFC hasscheduled 2005 releases.Manderlay, which had a ...
Artistic License takes US rights to Bamford's Cape
Artistic LicenseFilms has picked up US rights to Mark Bamford's festival favourite Cape Of GoodHope and plans astaggered roll-out beginning in September in New York and Los Angeles. The US-SouthAfrican co-production, which premiered at Tribeca 2004, intertwines threestories of love centering on a South African animal shelter. Debbie Brown,Eriq Ebouaney, ...
Dir/scr: Amat Escalante.Mexico-Fr 2005. 90mins.Life's existentialgrimness, Mexican style, is the subject of Sangre, a moody, taut,elliptical but ultimately rather frustrating debut by Amat Escalante. One man'squiet but troubled life caves in on him dramatically - yet somehowundramatically - in a story of finely-observed domestic and character detailthat will fascinate some ...
Dir/scr:Marco Martins. Port-Fr. 2005. 103mins.Anatmospheric, yearning study of loss by first-time Portuguese director MarcoMartins, Alice was one of the strongest films in this year's Quinzainesidebar at Cannes. Sombre and dark in theme and look, this unflinching look ata father's search for his missing three-year-old daughter is not aSaturday-night-at-the-multiplex experience, but ...
Bittersweet Life (Dal Kom Han In-Saeng)
Dir/scr:Kim Jee-woon South Korea. 2005. 115mins.An ultra-violent actionnoir by Korean director Kim Jee-woon, A Bittersweet Life is a stylishstory of a faithful underworld lieutentant who crosses his boss and ends upfighting for his life against his own gang. As in his previous genre outing,the dark psycho-horror yarn A Tale Of ...
Norton's Illusionist wraps in Prague
Director Neil Burger and producer Cathy Schulman have wrapped productionon The Illusionist after 46 days ofshooting in various locations in the Czech Republic.Burger (Interview With The Assassin) wrote the screenplay based onSteven Millhauser's short story EisenheimThe Illusionist. Shot by Dick Pope (VeraDrake), the film stars Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti, Jessica ...
Emilia Fox stars in Ellis' Cashback
The Pianiststar Emilia Fox has taken a lead role in director Sean Ellis' Cashback which is currently shooting inLondon.Fox stars as a supermarketclerk who becomes the love interest of main character Ben, played by SeanBiggerstaff (Harry Potter And The ChamberOf Secrets). Billed as a quirky comedy,the film is about an ...
New Location Guide aims to improve producers' bottom-line
The new edition of theinternational film industry handbook The Location Guide launches this week. An essential guide forlocation film-making worldwide, the new edition launches at a time whenproducers are being enticed by numerous financial incentives to shoot theirfilms in increasingly far flung locations.The guide spans over 100countries with new locations ...
Pusan festival unveils expansion plans
The Pusan InternationalFilm Festival has unveiled a range of special events for its tenth anniversaryedition to be held in October, including an inaugural Asian Film Academy (AFA)modeled after the Berlinale Talent Campus and Sundance's Filmmakers Lab.Festival director KimDong-ho also says that PIFF will double its number of participating theatresfrom 16 ...
South African film incentives in disarray say producers
SouthAfrican producers have accused the country's Department of Trade and Industry(DTI) of reneging on a pledge of $38m (R250m) to support the South African filmindustry. The country's Independent ProducersOrganisation (IPO) has written to the DTI's acting director general TsidisoMatona complaining that the motion picture rebate scheme "launched with muchfanfare" last ...
Artisan, Miramax do some Dirty Dancing
Two of the unlikeliest dance partners - US rivals Artisan Entertainment and Miramax Films - are teaming up to co-produce and co-finance Dirty Dancing 2, the sequel to one of the most successful independent films of all time.The film will be a 50/50 worldwide joint venture and Artisan will handle ...
Zalica's Days And Hours wins Isola prize
The 2ndInternational Film Festival in Isola, Slovenia, wrapped on May 31 with BosnianPjer Zalica's Days And Hours takingthe main prize. The festival'smain programme included titles such as Yasmine Kassari's Sleeping Child, Saman Salur's FromThe Land Of Silence, Josue Mendez's DaysOf Santiago, Pablo Trapero's RollingFamily, Amer Alwan's Zaman, Destiny'sMan, Lisandro Alonso's ...
Chinese director Ning comes into Lau's Focus
China's Ning Hao has been selected as the sixth director toparticipate in the regional film project, Focus: First Cuts, which was launchedin March by Hong Kong star Andy Lau's Focus Films and Star Chinese Movies. Focusalso announced that it will co-produce Ning's as-yet-untitled film withBeijing-based Concord Creation International. The film, ...
Taormina festival to showcase Batman, Costa-Gavras
Batman Begins and Costa-Gavras' Le Couperet are amongthe titles that will receive their European premiere at the 51stTaormina Film Festival (11-18 June).Guests who will attend the festival and give a cinemalesson include director Bob Rafelson, Andie MacDowell, Italian actresses VirnaLisi and Laura Morante, Malcolm MacDowell and Hugh Hudson.Taormina, directed for ...