Small MPU – Page 650

  • News

    Toronto names documentary world premieres


    The Toronto International Film Festival hasadded thirteen documentary world premieres to its line-up, including SydneyPollack's Sketches Of Frank Gehry.Alex Hinton's Pick Up The Mic, a lookat gay rappers, and Lian Lunson's profile of Canadian troubadour Leonard Cohen,Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man,featuring performances by Cohen, Nick Cave, Rufus Wainwright and U2. ...

  • Reviews

    The Piano Tuner Of Earthquakes


    Dirs: The Brothers Quay.UK-Ger-Fr. 2005. 99mins.A decade after theirdebut feature Institute Benjamenta (1994), Stephen and Timothy Quay havemade their second full-length film. As one might expect from film-makers widelyacknowledged as masters of stop-motion and miniaturisation, this is a richlydetailed affair. It is crammed full of literary, cinematic and fine artreferences. ...

  • News

    BSkyB in talks to acquire UK cinemas


    UK satellite giant BSkyB isreportedly in talks to buy six UGC multiplex theatres from US private equityfirm The Blackstone Group.Sky chief operating officerRichard Freudenstein is said to be spearheading the talks, with a bid rumouredto be around £30m, according to Broadcast magazine.Sky reportedly plans to usethe cinemas as part of ...

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    Nolan named as Screen South chief executive


    Jo Nolan has been appointedchief executive of Screen South, the regional screen agency for the South ofEngland. She replaces from Gina Fegan.Nolan has been deputy chiefexecutive and head of regional development and production at Screen South sinceNovember 2004. Prior to this she was head of regional development and skillsfor the ...

  • News

    Aurum plans thriller for English first


    Spanish distributor-producer Aurum Producciones is developing its first English-language feature film, an untitled thriller from The Man With Rain In His Shoes director Maria Ripoll.According to Aurum head Francisco Ramos the company is close to securing US and European co-producers on the project. The script came from a "US studio," ...

  • News

    Malkovich lines up Zemeckis project


    JohnMalkovich has revealed details of several new projects he is slated to work onduring the next year. The actor producer-director discussed the projects whilegiving a masterclass at the Locarno film festival this week. Chiefamongst these was the revelation that he may be joining the cast of RobertZemeckis' highly anticipated project ...

  • News

    Strings director wins backing for dark satire


    Danish director Anders Ronnow-Klarlund has won backingfor his follow-up to festival title Strings,called John, Bodil, China and Melanie.The Danish Film Institute (DFI) has invested Euros500,000 in the project which will be produced by Zentropa Entertainment.Ronnow-Klarlund's fourth film is a satire set in a nottoo distant future. A quarter of the ...

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    Imax signs eighth US cinema deal of 2005


    IMAX Corp. and SaltLake City-based LHM Group have signed an agreement to install one of itsgiant-screen cinema systems at the Jordan Commons Megaplex in the city.The 17-screen complexis the highest-grossing in Utah. The deal will see an existing 70mm auditoriumretrofitted as an IMAX facility; it should be operational by Autumn ...

  • News

    NatGeo festival includes South African world premiere


    The work of indigenous and under-representedminority-culture filmmakers will be celebrated at National Geographic's secondannual All Roads Film Festival commencing in Los Angeles next month.The four-day multimedia event includes the world premiere of EmmaKaye and Eric Oldrin's South African title Beyond Freedom, as well as the US premiere of the Maoridocumentary ...

  • News

    Island floats to UK, Mexico in foreign rescue mission


    Warner Bros Pictures International stable-mates The Island and Charlie And The Chocolate Factory will be the ones to beat this weekendwith a slew of major market debuts.Michael Bay's sci-fi action famously flopped when it launched inNorth America through DreamWorks, but its international prospects look adifferent story.Currently standing at more than ...

  • Reviews

    Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo


    Dir: Mike Bigelow. US.2005. 83mins.The comic novelty ofshort, dark and not so handsome Rob Schneider playing a likeably inept'man-whore' helped turn 1999 gross-out comedy Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolointo a surprise hit - but it's wearing pretty thin in this belated sequel.Schneider and co attempt to make up the difference by ...

  • News

    San Sebastian adds 13 titles to competition line-up


    The Donostia-San SebastianInternational Film Festival (Sept 15-24), now in its 53rd edition, has unveiled13 more predominantly European and Asian features selected to complete thisyear's official competition.Among the high-profiledirectors throwing in their hat are Terry Gilliam, with his Texas-set tale of ayoung girl's fantasy world in Tideland, and Michael Winterbottom's period ...

  • Reviews

    The 40 Year-Old Virgin


    Dir: Judd Apatow. US.2005. 116mins.Marking the featuredirecting debut of acclaimed TV comedy writer Judd Apatow and the featurestarring debut of in-demand comic actor Steve Carell, The 40 Year-Old Virginis a sex comedy that's sweet-natured one minute, enthusiastically raunchy thenext and sporadically very funny. Relatively subtle and character-driven by sexcomedy standards, ...

  • News

    Bignardi plans life after Locarno


    Locarno's outgoing artistic director Irene Bignardi says she hopes hersuccessor will build on the work of the last five years to give the festivalits own unique place in the international festival landscape.Speaking exclusively to, she diplomatically skirtedthe issue of confirming who her successor would be (the name of Frederic ...

  • News

    Films Sans Frontieres acquires Golden Bowl


    James Ivory's Cannes competition title The Golden Bowl, which is being sold by TF1 International, has been acquired by French arthouse distributor Films Sans Frontieres.Films Sans Frontieres - which previously acquired Peter Greenaway's Eight And A Half Women from TF1 - intends to give Golden Bowl a 150-print outing, the ...

  • News

    Oz opens applications for $15.5m tax fund


    The Australian government has called for applications fromlocal companies interested in winning a licence giving them the right to raise$15.5m (A$20m) over the next two years for investment in the film andtelevision industry.Investment inproduction in Australia already delivers a 100% tax deduction but under theFilm Licensed Investment Company (FLIC) Scheme ...

  • News

    Bleiberg leaves Dream to pursue new vision


    DreamEntertainment principals Ehud Bleiberg and Yitzhak Ginsberg are parting ways,with Ginsberg staying on to run the Los Angeles-based production and salesoutfit and former chairman Bleiberg leaving to set up his own venture.Both parties will share rights and jointly sell a number of projects in variousstages of readiness including the upcoming ...

  • News

    Kindred picks up techno-thriller Phreaker


    Musicproducer Joe Nicolo's fledgling boutique distributor Kindred Media Group haspicked up universal rights from Tasty Pixels to Mark Young's techno-thriller Phreaker.The Los Angeles and Pennsylvania-based Kindred plans a limited 2006 release on the story of a digital-age entrepreneur who falls foul of the police and a vicious thug.Eric Wippo stars ...

  • News

    First Hand takes on sales for Oliveira's Magic Mirror


    First Hand FilmsWorld Sales will handle international sales on venerable Portuguese directorManoel de Oliveira's Venice competitor Magic Mirror.The Zurich-basedcompany picked up the film prior to the announcement that it would compete inVenice, one of the cities where the film also partially shot.Mirror (Espelho Magico)is about an innocent ex-con who goes ...