Small MPU – Page 654
Revelations, Intel team for new online venture ClickStar
Morgan Freemanand Lori McReary's production outfit Revelations Entertainment has formed a newdistribution company aiming to distribute films directly to consumers over theinternet, with backing from Intel, the leading chipmaker and manufacturer ofcomputer and networking products.The company,called ClickStar Inc, plans to create an online service in which consumers canaccess, pay for ...
IMAX reaches deal for two more screens in India
Large-format cinema leaderIMAX and Chennai, India-based exhibitor Sathyam Cinemas have signed anagreement that increases to four the number of IMAX cinema systems destined forthe circuit. The first will open in thecity in March 2006, with another to follow in 2008. Currently, Sathyam'sChennai flagship location is the highest attended cinema complex ...
ScreenDaily: Thursday 7 July
Due totoday's events in London we are unable to bring you our usual coverage on service will resume as soon as possible.
Film London advises film-makers in wake of blasts
Film-makers in London have been urged to follow instructions from thepolice and emergency services in the wake of the series of bomb-blasts thatstruck the capital yesterday.The bomb attacks on London'stransport network killed at least 50 people and injured scores more. There were three explosionson the Underground and one on adouble-decker ...
Dark Water
Dir: Walter Salles. US.2005. 100mins.Hideo Nakata's elegant2002 Japanese chiller Dark Water makes a smooth transition to a New YorkCity setting in its US remake thanks to an intelligent screenplay by RafaelYglesias and intense direction in his English-language debut by Walter Salles.But while a moreself-possessed film than the Hollywood redos of ...
Colour Blossoms
Dir/scr:Yonfan. HK-Chi. 2004. 106mins.A glorified soap opera wrapped up in silk, satin anddisrobed models, Yonfan's Color Blossoms will be hailed by his faithfuladmirers as a stylish melodrama about over-ripe divas, fresh ingenues and sexyhulks, whose fleeting basis in reality is a springboard for magnificent flightsof decadent fancy. Just imagine an ...
No Song Of Love
Dir/scr: Lars Kraume.Germany. 2005. 98mins.A hybrid of drama anddocumentary, Lars Kraume's sophomore screen effort deserves full points forbreaking down the barrier between the two genres, even if the story he uses forthis purpose is not always the most original or imaginative one.Kraume uses two brothers asthe basis for No Song ...
Harry, A Friend Who Wishes You Well
Dir: Dominik Moll. France. 2000. 117 mins.Prod co: Diaphana Films/M6. Int'l sales: Mercure Distribution. Prod: Michel Saint-Jean. Scr: Dominik Moll, Gilles Marchand. DoP: Matthieu Poirot-Delpech. Prod des: Michel Barthelemy. Ed: Yannick Kergoat. Mus: David Sinclair Whitaker. Main cast: Laurent Lucas, Sergi Lopez, Mathilde Seigner, Sophie Guillemin, Liliane Rovere.Although audiences may ...
German funding agency wins cash injection
Local public broadcaster RundfunkBerlin-Brandenburg (RBB) is to provide German funding agency MedienboardBerlin-Brandenburg (MBB) with an annual Euros 1m for the backing of cinema andTV co-productions.Decisions on theallocation of the Euros 1m will be taken jointly by RBB and MBB and benefitproductions that have a special connection to the capital and ...
Ashura (Ashura-jo no Hitomi)
Dir: Yojiro Takita. Jap.2005. 119mins.The film version of a hitplay, Ashura is set in and around the Kabuki world of early 19th-centuryTokyo (then called Edo). It even stars Somegoro Ichikawa, a Kabuki actorreprising his stage role as the demon-slaying hero.Save for its Kabukiperformance scenes, however, the film is, less Kabuki ...
Lau takes lead in Lee's Three Kingdoms
Hong Kong star Andy Lau has signed on to play the lead in$10-15m period drama, Three Kingdoms: Resurrection Of The Dragon(working title), to be directed by Black Mask director Daniel Lee.Arclight Films is handling international sales on the filmwhich is being produced by Hong Kong-based Visualizer Film Production and Lau'sFocus ...
Cineworx launches production arm with Madonnas
Swiss distribution outfit cineworx has launcheda production arm cineworx filmproduktion and has boarded Maria Speth's secondfeature Madonnas (Madonnen) as its first project.The German-Swiss-Belgian co-production betweenCologne-based Pandora Film, cineworx filmproduktion and the Dardenne brothers'Les Films du Fleuve begins shooting in Frankfurt from July 14 for four weekswith another stage of filming ...
Disney takes domestic on Yari/Stratus drama Hoax
Walt Disney Studios has boardedYari Film Group/Stratus Film Company's drama Hoax starring Richard Gere and directed by LasseHallstrom as domestic disributor.Yari's Syndicate Films ishandling international sales on the film which is scripted by Bill Wheeler andtells the story of Clifford Irving the man who wrote and sold a bogus biographyof ...
Lions Gate seals comic book deal with Niles, Jane
Lions Gate Films hasacquired worldwide rights to a host of comic books by author Steve Niles andsealed a first-look deal on all projects by or found by Niles and hiscollaborator - actor Thomas Jane.The deal includes hit title TheLurkers, The Dark Country by TabMurphy, In The Blood and a newproject ...
Fantastic starts rollout, War widens
Comic book adaptation FantasticFour starts its international rollout this weekend day-and-date with its USopening, launching in four major markets as well as a slew of smallercountries. And War of Worlds islooking to build on its powerful international debut with openings in two moremajor territories. Fox International opens FantasticFour, the movie ...
Fantastic Four
Dir: Tim Story. US. 2005.105 mins.The title characters inMarvel's longest running comic book series form a dysfunctional family ofsuperheroes who struggle to cope with the emergence of their superpowers andthe celebrity that results. So maybe it's appropriate that the lightweight butenjoyable movie version of Fantastic Four, with its playful, slightly ...
SPC picks up UA's Capote, sets Sept 30 US release
Sony Pictures Classics hasconfirmed that it will assume domestic distribution duties on Capote, one of the remaining films produced by UnitedArtists before its parent company MGM was bought by a consortium led by SonyPictures Entertainment.SPC has set a release datefor the film of Sept 30, which is also the birthday ...
Odd Lot to self-release Green Street Hooligans in US
Odd Lot Entertainment, theproduction and finance company run by Gigi Pritzker and Deborah Del Prete, hasformed a US distribution company to be called Odd Lot Releasing.The first film to be handledby the division will be Odd Lot's Green Street Hooligans, formerly known as Hooligans, which stars Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam ...
O Brother, Where Art Thou'
Dir: Joel Coen. US. 2000. 102mins.Prod co: Working Title. US dist: Buena Vista . Int'l sales: UPI (00 44 207 307 1300). Exec prods: Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner. Prod: Ethan Coen. Co-prod: John Cameron. Scr: Ethan Coen,Joel Coen. DoP: Roger Deakins. Prod des: Dennis Gassner. Eds: Roderick Jaynes, Tricia Cooke. ...