Small MPU – Page 656
Japanese Star Wars opening breaks galactic records
Star WarsEpisode III - Revenge of the Sith has recorded 500,000 admissions for a grossof $6.3m (Y700m) since Saturday'sopening - beating its predecessors in the series.On July 10 and11, the film - making its final debut in a major territory - earned $20m (Y2.22bn) on 1.57 million admissions. Distributor20th Century ...
Woolcock's Mischief Night cranks up in Leeds
Shooting has begun onlocation in Leeds on Penny Woolcock's Mischief Night.Woolcock (Tina Goes Shopping, The Death ofKlinghoffer, The Principles of Lust)latest film is billed as an exuberant, wild andcontemporary comedy drama about two families (one white, one Asian) who cometogether unexpectedly on a local night of carnival trickery and festivity. ...
EuropaCorp's Love embarks on London shoot
Shooting starts today (July11) on Love And Other Disasters, a EuropaCorp production inco-production with Skyline and in association with Ruby Films for ten weeks onlocation in London. Love And Other Disasters is an original screenplaywritten and being directed by Alek Keshishian (Madonna: Truth or Dare),produced by Alison Owen, Keshishian and ...
Left wing groups in France slam Cruise, the
Hemay have proposed to his girlfriend atop the city's most glorious monument andbeen welcomed last year by one of the capital's most influential politicians,but Tom Cruise will not be made an honorary citizen of Paris any time soon.Thenewly controversial movie star was invoked during a municipal get-together todiscuss aid to ...
Defiant London returns to business as usual after attacks
Last Thursday's terrorist attacks in Londonforced the closure of many cinemas with admissions dropping between 75% and 80%from the previous day. However, general consensus amongst UKdistributors on Monday was that little impact had been made to the capital'sweekend box office as resilient Londoners continued with their normalroutines.Box office for the ...
Ogden's Traveller tale takes Galway honours
Perry Ogden's Pavee Lackeen took the bestfirst feature award at the 17th Galway Film Fleadh, promising a strong run atinternational festivals, including Toronto, over the coming months. Informed by his work as a stills photographerbased in Ireland for several years, Ogden's film is an intimate andnaturalistic story of the small ...
German opposition pledges film support but no hope for Media Funds
Germany'smedia funds in their present form will no longer be possible after the end of2005, according to election manifesto of the CDU/CSU opposition parties, widelytipped to form the next government.Butmeasures have been promised "to improve the general parameters for theGerman film industry in order to secure its internationalcompetitiveness."Inthe event of ...
Slowhand to release Innocent Voices in North America
BB Entertainment Marketing has picked up all NorthAmerican rights to Luis Mandoki's Innocent Voices from Lawrence BenderProductions and Altavista Films.Marty Zeidman's Slowhand Cinema Releasing will release the El Salvadorian civilwar drama, which recently added the 2005 Seattle International Film Festival'sGolden Space Needle Award to its string of honours.The picture will ...
Weinsteins appoint Larry Madden CFO
Boband Harvey Weinstein have named Larry Madden executive vice president and chieffinancial officer of their tentatively titled The Weinstein Company.The 20-year entertainment industry veteran arrives from digital servicescompany Loudeye Corp and starts work in New York today [12], reporting directlyto the brothers.Madden's appointment is the latest piece to fall into ...
Photography begins on LGF's Madea's Family Reunion
Lions Gate Films has announcedthat principal photography has begun in Atlanta, Georgia, on Madea's FamilyReunion, the directorial debut from DiaryOf A Mad Black Woman screenwriter TylerPerry.Based on Perry's stage play - like its predecessor that grossed more than $50min North American theatres through Lions Gate Films earlier this year - ...
Outfest, UCLA launch public film archive
Outfest has teamed up with the UCLA Film and Television Archive tocreate what they claim will be the biggest publicly accessible collection of lesbian, gay and transgenderpictures in the world.The Outfest Legacy Project for LGBT Film Preservation is supported in part byprivate university funds, as well as the David Bohnett ...
Arthouse trend boosts declining Dutch box office
Arthouseand specialist film is proving the bright spot in a declining Dutch market.Second-quarterfigures for the box office in the Netherlands were down 17.5% year-on-year. Theyhad already slipped by 15% in Q1.But it's a mixed picture with Hollywood blockbusters underperforming comparedto last year, while independent titles are finding new audiences."Theinterest in ...
Tykwer and Chabrol among commission fund winners
Newfeature films by Tom Tykwer and Claude Chabrol are among five projects backedwith a total of $1.35m (Euros 1.1m) by the German-French Funding Commission.The body isadministered by the German Federal Film Board (FFA) and France's CNC to promoteco-production between the two countries.Thelargest sum $317,000 (Euros 260,000) went to Tykwer's Perfume: ...
Online piracy is rife and hits all films, says study
Online piracyis more widespread and damaging to a wider range of films than generallybelieved, according to an independent study undertaken by the University ofAachen with the Partners 4 Management consultancy.The"Available for Download" (AfD) study analysed the online availabilityof 165 theatrical releases in German cinemas between November 2004 and March2005.Thefindings explode ...
Online piracy is widespread and threatens all films, says study
Online piracyis more widespread and damaging to a wider range of films than generallybelieved, according to an independent study undertaken by the University ofAachen with the Partners 4 Management consultancy.The'Available for Download' (AfD) study analysed the online availabilityof 165 theatrical releases in German cinemas between November 2004 and March2005.Thefindings explode ...
Online piracy is widespread and threatens all films, says study
Online piracyis more widespread and damaging to a wider range of films than generallybelieved, according to an independent study undertaken by the University ofAachen with the Partners 4 Management consultancy.The'Available for Download' (AfD) study analysed the online availabilityof 165 theatrical releases in German cinemas between November 2004 and March2005.Thefindings explode ...
Online piracy is widespread and threatens all films, says study
Online piracyis more widespread and damaging to a wider range of films than generallybelieved, according to an independent study undertaken by the University ofAachen with the Partners 4 Management consultancy.The'Available for Download' (AfD) study analysed the online availabilityof 165 theatrical releases in German cinemas between November 2004 and March2005.Thefindings explode ...
Video Island drafts in Calver as CEO
UK based online DVD rentaloutfit Video Island has drafted in Simon Calver as its new CEO replacingcurrent CEO and co-founder, Saul Klein.Calver has worked in seniormanagement positions at digital outfit Riverdeep, Dell, PepsiCola and Unilever.He has been brought intoVideo Island by Klein to help lead the company to further growth ...
Unveiled (Fremde Haut)
Dir: AngelinaMaccarone. Ger-Aust. 2005. 97mins.Using the premiseof a woman passing herself off as a man for political purposes, Unveiledmakes for an earnest and well-meaning, if at times rather humourless and lessthan imaginative, feature from film-maker Angelina Maccarone.Closer in spirit toa didactic lecture rather than a dramatic experience, it follows a ...
Guillermo del Toro enters the Labyrinth
Mexicandirector Guillermo del Toro started shooting this week in Spain on his latestfeature, the Spanish-language Pan's Labyrinth.The filmblends fairy tale and realism in the story of a 13-year-old girl named Ofeliawho discovers the ruins of a labyrinth where a mysterious creature hails her asa long-awaited princess and puts her to ...