Small MPU – Page 657

  • News

    Friedman steps down as COO of Paramount


    Rob Friedman is steppingdown as chief operating officer and vice chairman of Paramount Motion Picture Groupto pursue other interests.The senior executive hadbeen planning the move for some time, but was asked several months ago bystudio chairman Brad Grey to stay on to oversee the release campaign for WarOf The Worlds.Friedman, ...

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    Fox trots with Roth again'


    The Fox Broadcasting network is believed to have acquired the US free TV rights to the package of studio-level films being put together by former Disney chief Joe Roth.Fox, where Roth was once chairman of the studio, is the first US major network in years to commit in advance to ...

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    Bac Majestic reports OK first six months results


    Bac Majestic has announcedrevenues of Euros 8.9m for the first six months of 2005. Despite a drop inrevenues as compared with the same period in 2004, the figures are in line withthe company's objectives following last year's restructuring.Theatrical distributionaccounted for Euros 2.9m with 6 films released compared to 15 in ...

  • News

    Six directors named for Cannes Residence


    The Cannes FilmFestival has announced the names of the six directors who will take part in thenext Residence. The 11th session of the Residence, a four-and-a-half monthworkshop during which filmmakers are given room and board while fine-tuningtheir first or second projects and the chance to meet with industryprofessionals and other ...

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    Pride, Shoes get gala world premieres at Toronto


    Joe Wright's Pride& Prejudice andCurtis Hanson's comedy-drama In Her Shoes will receive world premieres as gala presentations at theToronto International Film festival (TIFF), while and John Madden'slong-awaited stage adaptation Proof will receive its North American premiere as a gala after aworld premiere in Venice.Pride &Prejudice stars KeiraKnightley as a redoutable ...

  • News

    AFM organisers add a floor of offices at Le Merigot


    Citing an "overwhelming andearly response" to the end-of-year AFM in Santa Monica, market organisers haveadded a full floor of offices at Le Merigot Hotel.The AFM has traditionallyoccupied the lobby level in Le Merigot, which is located next to the LoewsSanta Monica Beach Hotel, however this year will see a 10% ...

  • News

    Edinburgh celebrates British cinema with major premieres


    British cinema is alive andwell and flourishing in Edinburgh. That's the message from theprogramme of the 59th Edinburgh International Film Festival, launched thismorning. The fourth Festival under artisticdirector Shane Danielsen has one of the event's strongest line-ups of worldpremieres and star guests in recent years with British cinema stronglyfeatured. The ...

  • News

    Locarno boasts premieres from 'uncharted territories


    Cineasten der Gegenwart 9m2POUR DEUXby Joseph Cesarini, Jimmy Glasberg (France)L'ACCORDby Nicolas Wadimoff (Switzerland) ACTSOF MENby Kiko Goifman (Brazil) AMOURNEUTREby Pierre Coulibeuf (France) CARWASHby Pascal Rambert (France)CARTOGRAPHIE6 - VALLEE DE LA JEUNESSEby Fernand Melgar (Switzerland) CHEREJACQUELINEby Dominique de Rivaz (Switzerland) DELOOSVOBAJAby Damjan Kozole (Slovenia) EN LACAMAby Matias ...

  • News

    Locarno boasts 12 premieres in competition line-up


    LocarnoInternational Film Festival's Irene Bignardiis promising a journey into "uncharted territories"forher final year as artistic director with 12 world premieres in its 15-titlecompetition line-up of films.Whileadmitting that 2005 was "undoubtedly a complex and difficult year forinternational production", Bignardi told that she"very happy that we discovered a number of films ...

  • News

    Locarno boasts 12 world premieres in main competition


    Locarno International FilmFestival's Irene Bignardi is promising a journey into "unchartedterritories"for her final year as artistic director with 12 worldpremieres in its 15-title competition line-up of films.While admitting that 2005was "undoubtedly a complex and difficult year for internationalproduction", Bignardi told that she was "veryhappy that we discovered a number ...

  • News

    Irish producers lobby for RTE backing


    Irishproducer lobby group Screen Producers Ireland (SPI) has called on nationalbroadcaster RTE to invest more in local feature films.It told a parliamentary Committee on Communications todaythat it wants a fair deal with RTÉ on three issues: investment in indigenousfeature film, programme rights ownership; and guaranteed levels of indigenouslyproduced children's and ...

  • Reviews



    Dir/scr: Annie Griffin.UK. 2005 107mins.Festival is a deceptive affair. Early on, as we're introduced to agallery of aspiring comedians and actors, Annie Griffin's debut feature looksset to turn into a grating celebration of the Edinburgh Festival (the largestarts festival in the world) in all its full carnivalesque glory. There issomething ...

  • News

    Bertolucci, others sign up for Atomfilms shorts


    Top theatrical directors Bernardo Bertolucci, Nicolas Roeg, Jim Jarmusch, Chris Marker and Aki Kaurismaki have signed up to make a collection of short films that will be screened on the Internet by webcaster and short films boutique Atomfilms. The quintet are the first of 15 leading directors committed to make ...

  • Reviews

    Guy X


    Dir: Saul Metzstein.UK-Can-Ice. 2005. 94mins.One would love to like afilm that was one of the few survivors from the British film funding crunch inFebruary 2004. But despite some enjoyable satire along the way, Guy X,the second feature from Scottish director Saul Metzstein, never adds up to thesum of its parts.Set ...

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    UK Film Council looks at supporting sales companies


    The UK Film Council is to conduct research into ways thatit could provide support for sales companies operating out of the UK.The move follows the closure of four UK based salesoperations in the past three months: Renaissance Films, Element X, Portman andHBO Films.It also comes as senior figures from the ...

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    Weinsteins team with Vertigo on Harry remake


    The Weinstein Company hasteamed up with hot UK production outfit Vertigo Films to shoot Paranoia,an English language remake of French hit thriller Harry, He's Here ToHelp.The film will be directed byJonathan Jakubowicz (Secuestro Express) and will see its settingrelocated to New England in the US. However, the film will shoot ...

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    Solo Project Greenlight winner rounds out cast


    Veteran Australian actor Colin Friels is to star in Solo,the winner of Australia's Project Greenlight film-making competition.Friels,who has been in about 30 films, is taking the starring role of Barrett, anenforcer who wants to get out of working for a group of Sydney underworldbusinessmen known as The Gentlemen. BojanaNovakovic, Angie ...

  • News

    Cannes festival names Residence directors


    The Cannes Film Festival has announced the names of the sixdirectors who will take part in the next Residence film-making workshop. The 11thsession of the Residence, a four-and-a-half month workshop during whichfilmmakers are given room and board while fine-tuning their first or secondprojects and the chance to meet with industry ...

  • News

    Capital, Sundance acquire domestic on Blue


    Capital Entertainment hasacquired North American rights to Ira Sach's Sundance American Dramatic GrandJury Prize winner Forty Shades Of Blue, while the Sundance Channel has taken US pay TV rights.Capital, a fledgling LosAngeles-based distributor, plans a New York release in September and SundanceChannel will broadcast in 2006 following the theatrical and ...

  • News

    Major named production designer of the year by HFA


    Grant Major will receive theproduction designer of the year award at the Hollywood Film Awards ceremony in Beverly Hills on Oct 24.Major is currently workingon Universal's upcoming release of King Kong, extending his relationship with Peter Jacksonfollowing their collaboration on The Lord Of The Rings.Major won the Oscar in 2004for ...