Small MPU – Page 733
Phillippe linked to Korea-set thriller Expats
American actor Ryan Phillippe (Cruel Intentions) is in active discussions to take the lead role in the first ever NorthAmerican production to shoot entirely in Korea.Unveiled on Saturday at the Pusan International FilmFestival, Expats tells the story of ayoung American who comes to Korea on an English teaching contract, looking ...
Eternal Sunshine opens strongly in France with $0.88m for UIP
Focus Features' romance Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind became writer Charlie Kaufman's biggestinternational hit at the weekend as it opened in France through UIP on a strong$880,000.The picture has amassed $24.2m from all its territories to date,passing Kaufman's previous record of $23.5m set by Being John Malkovich, with openings ...
CTFDI passes $1bn total gross for third consecutive year
Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International (CTFDI), theinternational distribution arm of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), passed$1bn in ticket sales on Saturday (9) for the third consecutive year and the fifth in total.Combined with the domestic division, which has also passed themilestone this year, SPE has grossed more than $2.043bn in 2004.CTFDI ...
Shark Tale continues to thrash the competition
DreamWorks' Shark Tale raised its total to an estimated $87.7m at Columbus Day Weekendas it beat off Imagine/Universal's American football drama Friday NightLights to stay top inits second weekend.The animated added $31.7m, falling a restrained 33%, ensuring thatDreamWorks will have two $100m animated hits in one year, a first for ...
Shark Tale adds $31.7m at North American box office
DreamWorks' Shark Tale raised its total to an estimated $87.7m at Columbus Day Weekendas it beat off Imagine/Universal's American football drama Friday NightLights to stay top inits second weekend.The animated movie added $31.7m, falling a restrained 33%, ensuring thatDreamWorks will have two $100m animated hits in one year, a first ...
Australian 24-hour film-making festival launches first event in the US
The creators of Australian 24-hour filmmaking festival The ShootOut are launching their first American version in Colorado on Oct 22.Shoot Out Boulder entrants will have 24 hours in which to write,cast and shoot a short film without any editing that must be no longer thanseven minutes. Prizes will be awarded ...
Machuca wins audience award, Seven Times Lucky jury prize at Vancouver
Andres Wood's Chilean drama Machuca has won the AGF People's Choice Awardfor Most Popular International Film at the Vancouver International FilmFestival.Fran'ois Prevost and Hugo Latulippe's Tibetan refugee documentary WhatRemains Of Us (Quebec)shared the Federal Express Award for Most Popular Canadian Film with LeanneAllison and Diana Wilson's Being Caribou (British Columbia).The ...
Dead Man's Shoes wins top Dinard prize
Dead Man's Shoes won the top prize in a unanimous jury decision atthe 15th Dinard Festival of British Film (Oct 7-10). As directorShane Meadows was awarded the Hitchcock d'Or he claimed he had "made the filmout of pure instinct rather than technical ability".The prize includes an awardof Euros 3,000 to ...
Saint Ralph
Dir/scr:Michael McGowan. Canada. 2004. 98minsThebroad strokes of Saint Ralph (the last production from AllianceAtlantis' production arm) suggest an absurdist comedy. The title character, agangly 14-year-old attending a Catholic school, decides to run and win theBoston Marathon and in so doing create the sort of miracle that will bring hismother - ...
BAFTA mulls pre-Oscars awards outing
After one its glitziest film awards in years, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) is debating moving the event to a pre-Academy Awards slot to focus worldwide attention on the ceremony as a pointer for the Oscars.Supporters of the move, said to include incoming BAFTA chairman Simon ...
Shall We Dance
Dir: Peter Chelsom. US.2004. 106mins.Plenty gets lost intranslation in Miramax Films' well-appointed US remake of Masayuki Suo'sbeloved 1996 Japanese comedy Shall We Dance' but director Peter Chelsomand his megawatt star cast generate sufficient charm to win hearts anew andscore a mid-sized end-of-year hit around the world.The glitzy teaming of post-Chicago ...
Team America: World Police
Dir: Trey Parker. US.2004. 98mins.Gung-ho Americans,turbaned terrorists and Hollywood peaceniks - they're all fair comedic game forTrey Parker and Matt Stone's Team America: World Police, a raunchyaction movie satire with the weird distinction of being performed by a cast oftraditional Thunderbirds-style puppets. Parker and Stone - best known,of course, as ...
Verhoeven, Tanovic win Eurimages funding
New feature projects by Danis Tanovic, Paul Verhoeven andPierre Paul Renders are among 13 European co-productions backed with over Euros4.4m by the Strasbourg-based co-production fund Eurimages in its latest roundof funding.The largest amounts went to Tanovic's Hell (Euros 600,000),which was written by Krzysztof Piesiewicz for the late Krzysztof Kieslowski aspart ...
Aranda gathers high profile cast for White Knight
Spanish director Vicente Aranda has united a high-profilecast for his new Euros 13.6m English-language medieval romantic adventure TheWhite Knight, headlining veteran Victoria Abril with rising stars Paz Vegaand Pilar Lopez de Ayala.Argentina's Leonardo Sbaraglia and Briton Caspar Zafer roundout the cast, expected to be finalized with a couple of high-profile ...
Raintree rolls with Maid horror
Singapore's MediaCorpRaintree Pictures has started the camera rolling for The Maid, a horror flick co-produced by Hong Kong's Dream MovieEntertainment and MovPix International of the Philippines.The $830,000 (S$1.4m) filmis horror story viewed through the eyes of a Filipino domestic maid employed bya family in Singapore. Up-and-coming Filipino actress Alessandra de ...
Oscar winning short film director to shoot Ambulance
Oscarwinning short film director Laurits Munch-Petersen is ready to shoot hisfeature debut, Ambulance, after winning $900,000 (DKK5.5m)backing from the Danish Film Institute.Thethriller shoots from late October based on a script by the Danish writer-directorand Lars Andreas Petersen. It stars Thomas Bo Larsen (Festen), PawHenriksen (Brothers) and Helle Fagralid (Kings' Game).Itsees ...
FRANCE 11 October
MichaelMann's Collateral opened in firstposition with a strong per screen average of $8,203 for a total take of$4,093,181 over its first seven days.Comme Une Image, Agnes Jaoui's Cannes winner for bestscreenplay, dropped to second place with a drop of 36% for a cumulative take of$6.7m over two weeks.Other newfilms in ...
Focus strikes first-look deal with UK's Priority Pictures
Focus Features has struck atwo-year first-look deal with Marion Pilowsky and Colin Leventhal's UKproduction company Priority Pictures.The deal also calls forLeventhal, who continues to act as a consultant for tax financier GrosvenorPark, and Trea Hoving, the former Miramax buyer who is now a Priorityconsultant, to act as advisors on acquisitions ...
PriceWaterhouse highlights UK intellectual property concerns
UK media companies have made little progress inthe last five years in their exploitation of intellectual property (IP) rights.Most problems identified by accountancy andconsulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) five years ago remain concernstoday and, with the exception of piracy, are even ranked the same.In a new study Embracing The Challenge of ...
Sellers gear up for smaller scale MIFED
A significantly smaller scale MIFED kicks off on Tuesday(Oct 12), but sellers who are in Milan say they are determined to conduct goodbusiness at the Fiera.On Monday, a day before the market started, MIFED'sreduced size was plain for all to see. With the number of exhibitors down fromlast year's 223 ...