Small MPU – Page 735
Spike Lee seeks Italian backing for WWII project
Spike Lee could soon join Abel Ferrara and John Boorman in a growing list of American and British directors who are currently turning to Italy to finance a film.Lee, who is in Italy to promote She Hate Me ahead of its October 22 release, says he plans to make a ...
Wellspring to handle Palindromes in North America
Wellspring has acquired allNorth American rights to Todd Solondz's latest film Palindromes and plans a theatrical release in April 2005.Ellen Barkin, Stephen AdlyGuirgis, Richard Masur and Debra Monk star in the tale of a 12-year-old girlwho runs away when her parents thwart her plans to become pregnant.The picture was produced ...
Brockovich powers Columbia overseas
Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International (CTFDI) enjoyed a powerful weekend at the international box office, topping charts in nine territories as it unleashed US megahit Erin Brockovich and continued the rollout of family smash Stuart Little.Erin Brockovich, on to which CTFDI parent Sony Pictures Entertainment was invited as a financing ...
TLA picks up two Danish films on day one at MIFED
TLA Releasing has hit theground running at MIFED, picking up US home entertainment and television rightsto the Danish action comedies In China They Eat Dogs and Old Men In New Cars.Both stories follow theblood-soaked trail of a hapless, slightly psychopathic criminal. In ChinaThey Eat Dogs (1999) centres on abotched bank ...
Warner strikes new deal for seven-screen Beijing multiplex
Warner Bros International Cinemas (WBIC) continued to increase itsstake in the Chinese exhibition sector with the announcement yesterday (Oct 12)that it and Guangzhou Jin Yi Film and Television Investment Co have agreed toform a joint venture company to build a multiplex theatre in Beijing with WBICserving as the majority partner.New ...
Trust takes on Hawaii, Olso sales
Denmark's Trust Film Sales has picked up internationaldistribution rights to Norway's foreign-language Oscar hopeful, Hawaii,Oslo.The magical-realist drama about a handful of people who cross each other'spath on the hottest day of the year is the second film in a planned trilogy bydirector Erik Poppe and screenwriter Harald Rosenloew Eeg. On ...
NORWAY 13 October
Still on top after four weeks not least because of itsmassive 105 prints, Shrek 2 kept infront of The Bourne Supremacy onsecond while the two local releases, UNOand Hawaii, Oslo changed places, whenthe latter served up this week's best screen average (NOK31,841) and fell just13% compared to UNO's 30%.However, that ...
After giving a141% boost to the overall market last weekend,Life Is A Miracle sold another24,876 admissions this weekend and will pass the Serbian-Montenegrinblockbuster benchmark of 100,000 spectators by the end of the week.Kusturica'slatest offering now stands at total gross of $257,223.The only openerof the weekend, Tuck's Dodgeballlanded in third position, ...
Stray Dogs (Sag-Haye Velgard)
Dir. MarziyehMeshkini. Iran. 2004. 93mins.Put this one downalongside Bunuel's Los Olvidados, de Sica's Sciuscia or Babencos'Pixote as yet another devastating portrait of human folly and what itdoes to its most defenceless victims, its children.Shot on theoutskirts of Kabul, in Afghanistan, by Marziyeh Meshkini, whose 2000 Venicedebut, The Day I Became ...
SWEDEN 13 October
While As In Heavenremained untouchable at the top of the Swedish chart, the new release of localfamily film Max & Josef - DoubleTrouble (Hakan Brakan & Josef) moved into the second place.However, it was primarily due to its high 105 prints, as its$2,648 screen average was disappointing.As In Heaven againheld ...
Darclight plans slate of Australian genre movies
Darclight, the specialist division of increasinglysuccessful sales and financing outfit Arclight, has committed to produce atleast two genre films per year in its native Australia.The commitment came hard on the heels of the sale byArclight of Wolf Creek, a horrorthriller that is currently in production, to Optimum Releasing of the ...
Shark Tale makes a splash at int'l box office
Collateral's reignat the top of the international chart may have been short-lived but neither UIPnor DreamWorks will be too concerned as it was succeeded this week byDreamWork's latest animated hit SharkTale.The film opened across Central and South America led byMexico's $2.4m weekend - as well as several Asian and European ...
Buyers clamour for Verhoeven's Blackbook
Paul Verhoeven'sfirst Dutch film for 21 years, Zwartboek(Blackbook), has been sold to five territories, with four more pending, inadvance of its late October start of shoot.Katapult Fim Sales has sold the WWII thriller to the United Kingdom (Metro Tartan), Italy(Lucky Red) and Belgium, France and Switzerland (all Pathe Distribution).Producer San ...
Rules Of Engagement
Dir: William Friedkin. US. 2000. 127 mins.Prod cos: Paramount Pictures, Seven Arts Pictures. Dist: Paramount (US, UK). Intl sales: Seven Arts. Prods: Richard D Zanuck, Scott Rudin. Exec prods: Adam Schroeder, James Webb. Co-prod: Arne Schmidt. Scr: Stephen Gaghan. DoPs: Nicola Pecorini, William A Fraker. Prod des: Robert Laing. Ed: ...
Sorin takes to El Camino as Bombon follow-up
Spain's Wanda Vision is set to co-produce Argentine directorCarlos Sorin's El Camino De San Diego, his follow-up to San Sebastianhit Bombon - The Dog.The Spanish-language film, which Sorin will co-producethrough his own Guacamole Films, is a road movie about a diehard fan of soccerlegend Diego Maradona who travels thousands of ...
Warner Bros faces French uncertainty
2003 Productions - headed upby Warner Bros. France president Francis Boespflug - could again be faced withpossible refusal of its status as a French company.The move comes as the companyprepares to release its first major film - Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very LongEngagement - and following a battle for eligibility for ...
Lucky Red makes first animation foray
Markingits first foray in animation production, Italian arthouse distributor Lucky Redhas boarded Azur Et Asmard, the next feature from Kirikou And TheSorceress director Michel Ocelot.Azur EtAsmard explores the theme of tolerance as seen through the eyes ofa Western boy who travels to the Middle East to find his old nanny. ...
Jaoui's Image to open Vienna festival
Agnes Jaoui's Comme Une Image will open this year'sVienna International Film Festival (Oct 15-27) which has programmed 298 filmsfrom 44 countries.The Viennale's extensive programme includes Olivier Assayas'Clean, Jonathan Demme's The Manchurian Candidate, Cedric Kahn's FeuxRouges and Mark Mildgard's debut Dandelion.There is also a tribute to Amos Vogel, the founder of ...
MIFED briefs: deals from the Milan market
*East European distributor SPI Entertainment recentlyadded to its slate with the acquisition of Matthew McConnaughy and PenelopeCruz-starring action adventure Sahara. It bought the big-budget actionadventure for Hungary only from Summit Entertainment sister company IS FilmDistribution.The film, now in post-production, is produced by CrusaderEntertainment and Paramount Pictures with finance from the ...
Eldridge named as UK's First Light chief executive
Pip Eldridge has beenappointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of First Light, the UK's youngfilmmaking programme.Using £1 million a year ofthe UK Film Council's share of National Lottery proceeds, First Light enablesyoung people between the ages of 5 to 18 to make short films under the guidanceof professional filmmakers, ...