Small MPU – Page 739
THINKFilm reports bumper sales on Cannes slate
THINKFilmInternational has reported brisk business on its Cannes slate, with multipleterritory deals concluded on such titles as The Farce Of The Penguins, Half-Nelson, and OffThe Black.BobSaget's R-rated spoof nature documentary The Farce Of The Penguins closed in Japan (Movie-Eye), Germany (Constantin), France (Metropolitan),Brazil (ESR Films), Portugal (Prisvideo), Singapore (Shaw Renters), ...
Baker quits COO post at USA Networks
Barry Baker has resigned from his post as president and COO of USA Networks. Baker joined the company in January 1999 to pull together its diverse assets, but said the time had come for him to run a company of his own.USA chairman and CEO Barry Diller stressed that ...
TWC signs McGuigan to direct Four Knights
The Weinstein Company (TWC) has confirmed that ithas hired Paul McGuigan to direct Four Knights, a Western-style take on the assassinationof the 12th century Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket.Production is set to start in the UK this autumn based on PaulWebb's play Four Knights In Knaresboro. It is understood the ...
Kinotavr honours Serebrennikov's Playing The Victim
Kirill Serebrennikov's Playing The Victimwon the Grand Prix at this year's Open Russian Film Festival Kinotavr at the Black Sea resort of Sochi.The black comedy about a university graduate who earns money playingcrime victims in the reconstruction of events for police investigations was abig favourite with the festival's foreign guests ...
Ken Russell to shoot Moll Flanders in Croatia
Ken Russell is gearing up toshoot his new adaptation of Moll Flanders.The $10m production willstart shooting in Croatia on August 7. Russell also wrote thescreenplay. Film newcomer LucindaRhodes-Flaherty will play the title role and the cast also includes BarryHumphries and Steven Berkoff. Harry Alan Towers is producing. Russell has previouslydirected ...
UK's Contender takes Suburban Mayhem
UK distributor Contender Entertainment Group has takenall rights to Suburban Mayhem fromsales company Fortissimo Films.Thefilm, in Cannes official selection, is Contender's first non-Asianfilm acquisition and its second deal with Fortissimo following Tsui Hark's Seven Swords. Australiandirector Paul Goldman's Suburban Mayhem followsa 19-year-old single mom who plans a murder that will ...
Sil-Metropole backs Ma Liwen romantic comedy
Hong Kong-based Sil-MetropoleOrganization has teamed up with Emperor Motion Pictures and Beijing-basedZhenhua Investment Co to co-finance Ma Liwen's Tao Hua Yun (lit trans: TheLuck Of Romance) which started shooting yesterday in Beijing.Vivian Wu (The Last Emperor), Ge You (The Banquet) and Fan Bingbing (Battle Of Wits) star in the $2.5m ...
AFC low-budget scheme backs four features
The Australian Film Commission's(AFC) IndiVision initiative, which aims to encourage the production oflow-budget films, is supporting four new features by first-time directors.The eerie supernatural drama Lake Mungo will be shot in an investigative documentary styleby writer-director Joel Anderson and tracks what happens after a teenagerleading a double life drowns.David Rapsey, ...
Winter Sonata set for big-screen adaptation
Asia-wide hit TV series Winter Sonata, which is widelyaccredited for fuelling the Korean Wave and launching Bae Yong-joon and ChoiJi-woo to stardom, is to be made into a film.KOSDAQ-listed group PoibosEntertainment has bought the film remake rights to the drama series from KBSMedia. Poibos production subsidiary Culturecap Media, which previously ...
Karlovy Vary competition boasts six world premieres
The KarlovyVary International Film Festival has announced the competition films for its41st edition to be held June 30-July 8.In addition to thepreviously announced Beauty In Troubleby Jan Hrebejk, MouthTo Mouth by Bjorn Runge and Several People, Little Time by Andrzej Baranksi, the competition line-up includes a further dozenfilms screening in ...
Galway recruits Towne, Bates and Roeg
Writer/directorRobert Towne, actor/director Kathy Bates and directorNicolas Roeg will give this year's writing, actingand directing masterclasses at the 18th Galway Film Fleadh (July 11-16).Townewill give the screenwriting masterclass and present aspecial screening of Chinatown. Kathy Bates will give theactor's masterclass, facilitated by casting directorJohn Hubbard, and she will also be ...
London film delegates to visit Shanghai
As part of the new London and Shanghai city-to-city partnership announced in February,members of the UK film industry will visit Shanghai from June 14-20. Shanghaidelegates visited Londonearlier this year. UK Trade and Investment is funding the officialdelegation, with representatives John Chang of KAI Computer Services, AndrewKeogh of Fresh Paint Pictures, ...
Good Housekeeping
Dir: Frank Novak. US. 2000. 90 mins.Prod co: Modernica Pictures. Domestic dist (US): Shooting Gallery. Prod: Mark Mathis. Scr: Frank Novak. DoP: Alex Vendler. Prod des: Elizabeth Burhop. Editor: Fritz Feick. Main cast: Bob Mills (Don), Petra Westen (Donatella), Tacey Adams (Marion), Zia (Chuck), Al Schuermann (Joe), Andrew Eichner (Don ...
Kirsten Dalgaard to leave Camera for Nordisk
Thismonth, Kirsten Dalgaard will leave her job as head ofCamera Film, Denmark's leading art-housedistributor, to join Nordisk Film.Asof August 1, Dalgaard will begin a new position in the new sales and marketing division of Nordisk, which is expanding its work with independentfilms. "Ilook forward to continue working with art-house movies ...
UK police arrest 10 in film piracy raids
The Metropolitan Police'sFilm Piracy Unit and Territorial Support Group have arrested ten people in andaround Greater London suspected of involvement in a large network dealing infilm piracy. Three have been released on bail.The arrests followed raidsin North Chingford, Harlow and Walthamstow at both residences andbusinesses. Police used information from sources ...
Spain's new MPC focuses on crossover content
New company MPC has launchedin Spain with the objective of producing and acquiringcontent for multiple platforms.The name, which stands for"Multi Platform Content," belies the company's starting objectives: to produceand acquire content with crossover potential in cinema, television, internetand mobile phones."We've been talking about'convergence' for ten years but now it's really ...
Roadside & Goldwyn buy Boynton Beach Club
Roadside Attractions and Samuel Goldwyn Films have jointlyacquired North American rights to Susan Seidelman's romantic comedy BoyntonBeach Club.Based on a story by Seidelman's 74-year-old mother Florence, BoyntonBeach Club follows agroup of grieving senior citizens who re-enter the dating game.Dyan Cannon, Brenda Vaccaro, Joseph Bologna, Renee Taylor, SallyKellerman, Len Cariou, Michael ...
Camp Out, Gymnast top honour roll at Newfest
Larry Grimaldi and Kirk Marcolina's Camp Out has won the 18th Newfest Vanguard Awardcelebrating breakthrough or visionary achievement.The New York-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender film festivalalso awarded the picture best documentary honours, while the best US narrativeprize went to Ned Farr's The Gymnast.Best foreign narrative feature went to Ahmed ...
Uwe Boll issues boxing challenge to his harshest film critics
BloodRayne and Alone In The Dark director Uwe Boll is reportedly so incensed bysavage reviews that he has decided to get in the ring. The German filmmaker haschallenged his five harshest critics to a series of boxing matches that he plansto insert into his upcoming video game adaptation Postal. Boll ...
Kimmel International reports 85 sales deals at first Cannes
Kimmel International topbrass said the company closed more than 85 sales at Cannes on a diverse slatethat included Billy Ray's FBI thriller Breach, Ed Stone's romantic comedy Griffin And Phoenix, and John Poll's coming-of-age tale CharlieBartlett.Deals on Breach closed in Germany (Prosieben), Latin America (TVAzteca), Brazil (Paris Films), Russia (Lizard ...