Small MPU – Page 743

  • News

    Huesca's top prizes go to Melodramat and Electrodomestica


    Spain's Huesca International Film Festival closedits 34th edition Saturday night with top honours going to Poland's Melodramat and Brazil's Electrodomestica, qualifying both automatically in thepre-selection for the Oscar for best short film.Director FilipMarczewiski's short Melodramat took the Danzante Prize and its $11,332 (Euros 9,000) purse in theinternational competition, while Kleber ...

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    Steinbichler's Winter Journey to open Munich Filmfest


    HansSteinbichler's second feature Winter Journey (Winterreise) will be theopening film of this year's Munich Filmfest (July15-22) just a week after the film had has its world premiere in Karlovy Vary's InternationalCompetition.Thiswill be a kind of homecoming for Steinbichler whosedebut Hierankl,which also starred Bavarian actor Josef Bierbichler,was shown in Munich in ...

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    London Film School hosts panel featuring Mike Leigh


    The London Film School's 50thanniversary celebrations continue on Wednesday with a topic that hits close tohome. At the National Film Theatre at 6:15, the school willhost Rebels Without A Course, a discussion about theimpact of formal film education and what film schools should be in the 21stcentury.The panel features LFS ...

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    Shanghai unveils plans for new studio facility


    Shanghai Media andEntertainment Group has unveiled ambitious plans to build a studio andentertainment complex on the outskirts of the city as competition to lure overseasproductions heats up. Located in Songjiangdistrict in the south-west of the city, the proposed Shanghai Studios Entertainment Citywill encompass full-service production studios - including sound stages ...

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    French court says no plagiarism in Syriana


    Paris' high court has handed down a decision in favour ofWarner Bros. and George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh'sSection Eight, knocking down a French screenwriter's claims that theirOscar-winning production Syrianahad plagiarised her work.Stephanie Vergniault had brought the suit earlier this year claimingthat the script for Syrianawas based on her original screenplay ...

  • Reviews

    Change Of Address (Changement D'Adresse)


    Dir/scr: Emmanuel Mouret. Fr. 2006. 85mins.As light and frothy as a Feydeau farce, ChangeOf Address (Changement d'Adresse) is aParisian romantic comedy whose charm is all in its peppy performances and deft,old -school take on one of the oldest genres in the book. Halfway in tonebetween a Gallic take on the ...

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    Bawke and The Danish Poet among top winners at Worldwide Short Film Festival


    The Canadian Film Centre'sWorldwide Short Film Festival wrapped this weekend, handing out 10 awards andmore than $125,000 in cash and prizes. Best Live-Action Short wentto Hisham Zaman's Bawke from Norway, with an honourable mention to Charles Williams' The Cow Thief from Australia. The C.O.R.E. DigitalPictures Award for Best Animated Short ...

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    Aardman content goes to M1 in Singapore


    Mobile content company Starcut has struck a deal on behalf of AardmanAnimations for Singapore-based M1 to distribute Aardmancontent.M1's Watch-A-Video service,available to 3G customers, will now carry Aardman clipsfrom Wallace & Gromit,Angry Kid and Creature Comfortsas part of its distribution deal with Starcut formobile content in Southeast Asia. "Aardmanhas looked to ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Martine Doyen. Bel-Fr. 2006. 90mins.A mystery within a riddle wrapped in an enigma, orperhaps just your averagely cryptic existential romance, Komma is an initially tantalisingdream-like oddity that doesn't sustain its interest. A story of two traumatisedoddballs getting together in a subtly unreal Brussels, this debut from multipleshorts prize-winner Martine ...

  • News

    ONrequest signs supply deal with Universal


    UK pay-per-view service ONrequest has signed a film supply deal with Universal Studios International. The non-exclusive deal allows ONrequest to screen Universal feature titles some six months ahead of premium pay-TV channels and at the same time as other pay-per-view channels such as Front Row or Sky Box Office. Titles ...

  • Reviews

    To Get To Heaven First You Have To Die (Bihisht Faqat Barqi Murdagon)


    Dir/scr: Djamshed Usmonov. Fr-Ger-Switz-Russ. 2006. 93mins.Narratives rarely come crisper and more to the pointthan To Get To HeavenFirst You Have To Die - and audiences rarely get taken on suchsubtly unpredictable rides. The new film from DjamshedUsmanov, the Tajik director of Angel On The Right, begins as adeceptively gentle, tragic-comic ...

  • News

    Piracy in China cost the industry $2.7bn last year


    The Motion Picture Association (MPA)released a new research result on piracy in China onMonday, which suggested that local filmmakers and industry players are sufferingmuch more from widespread film piracy than foreign film companies. Few localindustry members, however, expect the situation to improve anytime soon.The research suggests that in 2005, thetotal ...

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    Stephen Frears joins board of EM Media


    UK regional screen agency EM Media has added several new boardmembers: film-maker Stephen Frears, TIGA CEO Fred Hassan, Lincoln University professor John Simons, consultant Barbara Benedek and ITV Central'sMike Blair. Alison Ford, head of journalism at BBC Nations and Regions,has been appointed chair of the board. She replaces Ian ...

  • News

    Tuesday, June 27 - New Writers Day


    The programme is subject to changes10:30 NEW WRITERS DAY - OPENING SPEECHVeteran comedy writers Lawrence Marks and Maurice Gran are responsible fromsome of British television's most enduring comedies. FromBirds of a Feather to The New Statesman, the pair discuss their successful careers and offer new screenwriters advice on the business ...

  • News

    Wednesday, June 28 - Professsional Day 1


    The programme is subject to changes09:30 COMMERCIAL BREAKSFestival Director David Pearson opens the festival followed by Oscar Winner Julian Fellowes in conversation with Colin Brown ofScreen International on why writers should become morecommercially minded.Sponsored by BAFTA & South West Screen10:30 TELLING THE TRUTH IS TOUGHScreenwriter Jimmy McGovern ( Hillsborough, Bloody ...

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    Thursday, June 29 - Professional Day 2


    The programme is subject to changesSWF 2006 // THURSDAY 28 JUNE 2006 OVERVIEW09:00 TESTING THE WRITERMarket testing of films before release is increasing. SeanSteele of test screening company NRG, who test for all themajor studios, joins Writer/Director (TBC), to explore what testing revealsabout screenplays and the implications it holds for ...

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    Friday, June 30 - Professional Day 3


    The programme is subject to changesSWF 2006 // FRIDAY 28 JUNE 2006 Overview10:00 PRESSURES FOR CHANGEWriter Terry Loane,Producer Mark Huffam (Goal, Goal II) andScript Developer Fiona Kinsell of Moonstonediscuss the issues they facedmaking Terry's contentious film Mickybo And Me, setaround the Northern Ireland divide.10:00 GETTING A HOLLYWOOD DEAL (Masterclass)Industry Lawyer ...

  • News

    Screenwriters Festival - introduction


    The International Screenwriters' Festival is dedicated to the art, craft and business of writing for the screen.Bringing together professional industry delegates, high profile guests and new talent from around the world, the Festival provides a unique forum to debate and discuss writing dramatic scripts for film, television and new media.The ...

  • News

    Screenwriters Festival - registration and booking


    To register for the event click here

  • News

    Echo Lake launches management division under Marcus


    EchoLake founder and president Doug Mankoff has launched a management venture underthe expanded and newly renamed umbrella company Echo Lake Entertainment.FormerCAA agent and MGM president Mike Marcus will head Echo Lake Management, andbrings a client roster that includes Water director Deepa Mehta, and New Zealand writer-director Toa Fraser, whosescreenwriting credits ...