Small MPU – Page 758
Sci-fi spoof set for Turkey blast off
One million tickets have been sold in advancefor the first ever Turkish sci-fi comedy G.O.R.A. which is released byWarner Bros. in 460 cinemas - almost half of the available screens - throughoutTurkey on November 12 (Friday).Speaking to, BirolAkbaba, head of international sales for the film's production company BesiktasKultur Merkezi ...
Local films fuel German box office boom
Over 115m admissions have been registered atGermany's cinemas in the first nine months of 2004, up 12.7m on 2003's 102.5mfor the same period, according to figures collated by the German Federal FilmBoard (FFA).The FFA noted thatadmissions increased year-on-year by almost 89% in July, 21% in August and 12%in September.Thanks to ...
Biennale chief tells Mueller to respect festival rules
The storms and high water that have flooded Venice's St.Marks square this week appear to also be sweeping across to the Lido.In aninterview with Italian daily Il Corriere della Sera, Biennale presidentDavide Croff responded to Marco Mueller's recent complaints about theBiennale's organisation by declaring that although he 'very happy'with the ...
Gomez buys back Lolafilms from Telefonica
Andres Vicente Gomez has bought out100% of production-distribution house Lolafilms, the company he founded in1981.Gomez, who has owned 30% ofthe company since a 2002 restructuring and is its CEO, bought out telecomsconglom Telefonica's 70% stake in a transaction undertaken last July butpreviously unreported.Reporting its third quarterresults Thursday, Telefonica underscored its ...
Telstra, Pacific form Internet alliance
Australian telecommunications giant Telstra has formed a strategic alliance with Hong Kong-based Pacific Century Cyber Works (PCCW), the largest Internet group in Asia outside Japan.The billion dollar deal creates one of the largest Internet, data and business services groups in the pan-Asian region. It covers an Australian-based interactive content service, ...
Schumacher, Prieto to be honoured at Bangkok fest
Joel Schumacherwill receive the Golden Kinnaree Award for Career Achievement and Alexander cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto willcollect theCinematographer's Crystal Lens Award at the BangkokInternational Film Festival's (BIFF) awards gala ceremony on Jan 21, 2005.Festival-goerswill get a chance to see the regional premiere on Jan 20 of Schumacher's latestpicture, Andrew Lloyd Webber's ...
Canadian service companies lock C$ at 78 US cents
Spurred by the rising valueof the Canadian dollar against the US dollar, two major Canadian productionservices companies are offering US producers pricing in US dollars locked atthe rate of 78 US cents.Toronto Film Studios (TFS),Canada's largest production facility, announced the fixed exchange plan wouldtake immediate effect for rentals of its ...
Bridget, Incredibles begin international rollout
Universal'sromantic comedy sequel Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason goes out in its first major marketsthrough UIP this weekend, beginning with Australia on Nov 11 on 300 prints andthe UK a day later on 750.Strong resultsare on the cards given the performance of the 2001 original. Bridget Jones'sDiary opened top ...
La Confiance Regne
Dir: Etienne Chatiliez.Fr. 2004. 98mins.Perhaps because his featurecomedies are few and far between, French film-maker Etienne Chatiliez has notreally developed anything resembling a coherent film style.Sadly it shows with LaConfiance Regne, a weak, one-joke comedy farce about a pair of larcenoushouse servants on the make in provincial northern France.The disappointment ...
Sony, Disney link to launch VOD film service in UK
The European Commission hasofficially given its approval for the creation of MovieCo, a joint venture toprovide a Video On Demand (VOD) film service in the UK.MovieCo is an initiative of Sony Pictures TelevisionInternational, Walt Disney Television International and pay-TV specialist OnDemand Group.The service will follow a staggered phased roll-out regionby ...
When Will I Be Loved'
Dir/scr: James Toback. US. 2004. 81mins.A risky title is likely to provoke a cynical responsein When Will I Be Loved', as American auteur James Toback offers anexasperating fusion of sex, lies and self-indulgence. Thriller elements in theplot might suggest that Toback is working in a more commercial vein but thefilm-noir ...
HONG KONG 12 November
Oxide Pang'spsychological thriller Ab-normal Beautyopened at number one in another slow week at the Hong Kong box office, grossingUS$388,649 from 37 screens.Produced byUniverse Entertainment and Magic Head Film Production, the film tells the storyof a young photographer who becomes obsessed with taking pictures at the momentof death. It marks the ...
Absolute Tangerine to start shooting at end of Nov
Principalphotography is set to begin in New York on Nov 29 on Tomax Aponte's psychologicalthriller Absolute Tangerine.Theproject features a cast of US and Latin America's Telenovela actors and starsPatricia Rae, Craig Wasson, John Heard, Gary Perez, Francisco Gattorno, Sissi,Lou Torres, and newcomer Jeremiah Sayys.Setin present day New York, the story ...
Yates in talks to direct fifth Harry Potter
Harry Potter could be in fora surprise. David Yates, an acclaimed UK TV director but largely unproven infeatures, is in talks to direct the franchise's fifth instalment, HarryPotter And The Order Of The Phoenix.Yates' TV creditsinclude political conspiracy thriller State Of Play, which won a Directors Guild of Great Britain ...
Berlinale Talent Campus receives 2,500 applications
The third edition of the Berlinale's Talent Campus hasreceived 2,500 applications for the 500 places available at the event (Feb12-17) during next year's film festival.While the number of countries sending entries increased from101 to 104, the total number of entries was more than 25% less than last year's3,500. (The first ...
Redbus set to float in second quarter
Fast moving film-to-Internet operation Redbus Film Group has confirmed that it will float on the London Stock Exchange during the second quarter this year in a move that is understood to put a $400m-$500m price-tag on the company.Redbus, which is re-branding itself as filmgroup, has appointed ABN AMRO Rothschild as ...
Johnnie To cranks up Election drama
Hong Kong director Johnnie To has started shooting triaddrama Election - the first project inwhich his production company Milkyway Image has made an investment - andannounced that the $6.4m (HK$50m) production will be made as two films.To expects the contemporary drama, which traces a democraticelection within a triad society, to ...
Fremaux names new Cannes scout for Germany
Munich-based film journalist and author Thilo Wydra has beenappointed by Cannes' artistic director Thierry Fremaux as successor toChristiane Peitz as the festival's correspondent for Germany.Wydra, who works as a freelance journalist for suchpublications as Film-echo/Filmwoche, Der Tagesspiegel and Hamburger Abendblatt, has also published several books on German andFrench cinema, including ...
Cineart takes Belgian rights to Jarmusch project
Belgian distributor Cineart picked up all Benelux rights forthe untitled Jim Jarmusch project that stars Bill Murray, Naomi Watts andSharon Stone.The deal was struck between Cineart's Stephan DePotter and Bac Films International's Silviere Moreau, who was handlinglimited territorial rights. In the rest of the world the film is sold by ...
Grant boosts Hong Kong Lesbian & Gay Festival
The Hong Kong Lesbian & Gay Film Festival has undergonea raft of changes for its upcoming edition (Nov 25 ˆ Dec 5) including newdirectors, increased sponsorship and an expanded line-up of gay andlesbian-themed films.Launched in 1989, the annual event is the biggest andlongest-running gay and lesbian film festival in Asia ...