Small MPU – Page 769

  • News

    New York Critics swap chairs on the eve of annual awards


    Jonathan Foremanhas stepped down as chairman of the New York Film Critics Circle due to ajournalistic assignment in Asia and has been replaced by US Weekly criticThelma Adams."We would like to thank Jonathan Foreman for hiscontribution to the Circle to date," Adams said in a statement."I'm honoured tostep in and ...

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    United Nations wins film documentary preservation award


    The UnitedNations Department of Public Information/News and Media Division will receivethe 2004 International Documentary Association's (IDA) Preservation &Scholarship Award.The award ispresented annually to an individual or organisation that has made unique andimportant contributions to preserving significant documentaries for futuregenerations, or for educating the public and industry about the rolenon-fiction filmmaking ...

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    Incredibles delivers record-breaking weekend for BVI


    Buena VistaInternational (BVI) recorded its biggest ever single weekend haul as Pixar hit TheIncredibles grossed $44.3min its first major weekend.Living up to itsname, The Incrediblesopened top everywhere, taking an astonishing $18.1m on 494 screens in the UK,$9.2m on 960 in France, $5.6m on 421 in Spain, and $5.4m on 755 ...

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    Cassavetes signs on to direct New Line's Iron Man


    Nick Cassaveteshas signed to direct the Marvel comic adaptation Iron Man for New Line.Marvel Studios'chief executive officer Avi Arad will produce with Angry Films' Don Murphy,based on a script by Alfred Gough, Miles Millar and David Hayter.Marvel and New Line willbegin casting immediately and the picture is due to open ...

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    Moore to receive film-maker award at IFP Gotham Awards


    Michael Moorewill receive the Filmmaker Award at the 14th Annual Gothams on Dec 1 in NewYork City.Moore's awardmarks the last and final tribute of this year's show, which include theFilmmaker Award for Lifetime Achievement to Mike Leigh, Gotham Actor Award toDon Cheadle, Industry Lifetime Achievement Award to Dan Talbot, and ...

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    Studios partner with Toshiba on HD DVD technology


    Paramount,Universal, Warner Bros, New Line, HBO and Toshiba have thrown their weightbehind the new generation HD DVD technology, endorsed by the DVD Forumcomprising studios, consumer electronics manufacturers and IT industry leaders.It is understoodthe new HD discs will be created by the studios while Toshiba will manufacturethe HD DVD players. HD ...

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    Alexander rules with powerful international weekend


    Despite adisappointing US launch, Alexander performed well in a limited international run that grossed anestimated $7.4m on 848 screens in 10 territories at the weekend.The highlightwas a number one $3.7m debut on 345 screens in Russia through Paradise. Thepicture also opened top in Taiwan through Fox International on $1.1m on ...

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    Bahamas unveils inaugural festival lineup


    Mania Akbari'sIranian drama 20 Fingers, Rodney Evans's Harlem Renaissance feature Brother To Brother and Jacob Aaron Estes' youth drama MeanCreek will compete forthe International Competition's Grand Jury Prize at the first annual BahamasInternational Film Festival (BIFF), which runs from Dec 9 to 12.OtherInternational Competition titles include Joseph Cedar's Israeli settlementpicture ...

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    Sundance unveils four competition strands for 2005 festival


    42 world, nine NorthAmerican and nine US premieres are among the Independent Feature Film andinaugural World Cinema competitions announced yesterday (29) by organisers atthe Sundance Film festival, which is set to run in Park City, Utah, from Jan20-30 2005.Both the Independent andWorld Cinema banners carry dramatic and documentary strands. Internationaldramatic ...

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    Spirit Awards voters will have screeners courtesy of Netflix


    IFP/Los Angelesis partnering with online DVD rental service Netflix to make all titlesnominated today (30) for next February's Independent Spirit Awards accessibleto voting members.Netflix andIFP/Los Angeles have created an official Members Viewing Site, inviting studiosto take part in a service that offers filmmakers - whose pictures are oftenwithout distributor - ...

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    San Francisco Film Fest unveils 190-film lineup


    The San Francisco International Film Festival, which opens next Thursday (April 20) with Sofia Coppola's The Virgin Suicides, has unveiled its lineup of 190 feature and short films that will be showcased over a two week period. The closing night film on May 4 is Michael Almerayda's Hamlet.Among the highlights ...

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    Slovenian filmmakers receive CineLink awards


    Slovenian filmmakers HannaSlak and Damjan Kozole have each been awarded one of the Euros 25,000 CineLinkAwards donated by the Sarajevo Film Festival, Kodak and Austrian film labSynchro.The international jury ofPhilippe Bober, Hashemian Behrooz and Cedomir Kolar chose Slak's Teabecause it "carries a distinct author's style and exudes freshness andcreative energy. ...

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    Tropical Malady scoops Grand Prize at fifth FILMeX festival in Tokyo


    TropicalMalady - this year's Cannes special jury prize winner, has won the Grand Prizeat the fifth edition of the FILMeX festival in Tokyo.Director Apichatpong Weerasethakulwon a $9,000 cash prize (Y1m) for the second time, after winning the prize withBlissfully Yours in 2002.The Special Jury Prize'Kodak Vision Award (with a purse ...

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    Tropical Malady scoops Grand Prize at fifth FILMeX festival in Tokyo


    TropicalMalady - this year's Cannes special jury prize winner, has won the Grand Prizeat the fifth edition of the FILMeX festival in Tokyo.Director Apichatpong Weerasethakulwon a $9,000 cash prize (Y1m) for the second time, after winning the prize withBlissfully Yours in 2002.The Special Jury Prize"Kodak Vision Award (with a purse ...

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    CAA signs South Korean director


    SouthKorean director Kang Je-gyu has signed on with Creative Artists Agency (CAA),making him one of the first Korean filmmakers to work through one of the majorHollywood talent agencies.Accordingto production/sales company MKB, Kang is also fielding multiple offers frommajor Hollywood studios regarding his as-yet unannounced next project.Kanghas become a box-office legend ...

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    Bitter Dream wins at Thessaloniki film festival


    Social conflict-themed pictures dominated the awards at the45th Thessaloniki International Film Festival which wrapped yesterday.In the competition section - reserved to first and secondfilms, the Iranian entry Bitter Dream (Khab E Talkh) by Mohsen Amiryousefiwas awarded the Golden Alexander and Euros 37,000. The award comes at the endof a year ...

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    Vera Drake shines at British Independent Film Awards


    Venice Golden Lion-winner VeraDrake took four of the top awards and scooped a total of six prizes at lastnight's British Independent Film Awards (BIFAs).The story of a well-meaningback-street abortionist was named best independent film, Mike Leigh was namedbest director and lead actors Imelda Staunton and Phil Davis were named bestactors. ...

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    German funder calls for change in French co-prod rules


    At a time when co-productionregulations across Europe are coming under close scrutiny, it was suggestedthis weekend that France should loosen its requirements on shooting in theFrench language,The proposal, made only daysafter Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long Engagement was disbarred fromqualifying for French subsidies and French prizes, was made at the ...

  • News French culture minister seeks to clarify support system


    Culture minister RenaudDonnedieu de Vabres has asked France's Film Office, the CNC, to open a dialoguewith film industry professionals in order to better define the rulessurrounding the local support system.The demand comes on theheels of a court ruling which last week cancelled the French status ofJean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long ...

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    Ice T, Slater, Arquette in all-star Graceland cast


    A strong supporting cast has been enlisted to star in Franchise Pictures' 3000 Miles To Graceland which is currently shooting in Vancouver. Arguably the most high profile film of the many put into production so far by Franchise, the action thriller toplines Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell and Courtney Cox Arquette.Joining ...