Small MPU – Page 770

  • News

    Warner, Telecom Italia sign broadband film deal


    Warner Bros. InternationalTelevision Distribution (WBITD) and Telecom Italia have signed a two-year dealfor the distribution of more than 100 movies each year via the Rosso Alicebroadband portal.Starting from December 1, allADSL users will be able to purchase both new movies along with library titles.The movies will be availablein streaming mode ...

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    Canal+, 20th Fox extend exclusivity contracts until 2012


    CANAL+ has signed anagreement with 20th Century Fox for the period 2007-2012 for first broadcastrights to all of the movies produced by the studio.20th Century Fox has been apartner of CANAL+ since the channel's inception. Covering the broadcast of firstand second-window Pay TV and PPV rights for roughly 20 feature ...

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    Paris film fest to get 20th edition makeover


    The Paris Film Festival willbe re-christened the Paris Ile de France Film Festival when its 20thedition runs next spring from March 28 to April 5.Organisers announced thechange on Monday and said that the festival would be broadened to include thesurrounding suburbs.Since its inception in 1986,the festival has been restricted to ...

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    First Look takes domestic on Sundance 04 title Chrystal


    First Look Media hasacquired all North American rights to Ray McKinnon's southern gothic tale Chrystal, starring Billy Bob Thornton, Lisa Blount, HarryDean Stanton and Ray McKinnon and plans an April 2005 theatrical release.Thornton stars as a man whoreturns home 16 years after an accident that resulted in his son's death ...

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    Cavu acquires worldwide rights to Lbs.


    New York-based productionand distribution company Cavu Pictures has acquired worldwide rights to MatthewBonifacio's comedy-drama Lbs.The picture concerns agrossly overweight 27-year-old man who leaves his parents' home and implementsa drastic dietary regime following a heart attack. Carmine Famiglietti starsand co-wrote the screenplay with Bonifacio.Cavu plans to release Lbs., which premiered at ...

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    Happy Endings begins Sundance 2005


    Sundance Film Festivalorganisers unveiled the Premieres, American Spectrum, Park City At Midnight,Frontier and Special Screenings strands today (30), announcing that the worldpremiere of Don Roos' highly stylised take on life, love and family HappyEndings will be the opening nightfeature at Park City on Jan 20, while Gaby Dellal's drama On ...

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    Freccero to leave Sundance Channel


    Paola Freccero, SundanceChannel's senior vice president of film programming, is leaving the network tobecome an independent consultant specialising in business development projectsin the entertainment industry.She will remain at SundanceChannel until the end of the year and following her departure Christian Vesper,vice president of acquisitions at Sundance Channel Entertainment, will fill ...

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    Sideways leads Independent Spirits nominations


    Fox Searchlight's Sideways cast its shadow over the competition yesterday (30)when it was nominated for six 2005 IFP Independent Spirit Awards.Alexander Payne's film wasfollowed by Fine Line Features' Maria Full Of Grace on five and Wolfe Releasing's Brother To Brother, THINKFilm's Primer, Robbing Peter (no distributor) and Fox Searchlight's Kinsey ...

  • News

    GERMANY 1 December


    After four weeks at the top,the German comedy 7 Dwarfs was knocked off its perch by BVI's NationalTreasure which opened with over $ 4.3m from 765 screens.Adding another $ 2.3m lastweekend to its overall gross of $ 44m, 7 Dwarfs is the second most successfullocal film after (T)Raumschiff Surprise - ...

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    ITALY 1 December


    BVI's The Incrediblesstormed into the Italian box office at number one last weekend, taking amassive $4,962,920 from 524 screens for an excellent average of $9,471 perscreen.Eagle Pictures's thriller Twistedcame in second, grossing $1,305,865 from 253 screens. However, hot on its heelswas 2001's Donnie Darko, which was released for the first ...

  • News

    28 Days comes in second to Rules at US Box Office


    Paramount's high testosterone military drama Rules Of Engagement (pictured) topped the US box office for the second week in a row over the weekend with a $10.9m take on 3,190 screens, bringing its 10-day total to $30.6m. The film, sold in foreign territories by Seven Arts International, echoes the success ...

  • Reviews

    Blade: Trinity


    Dir:David S Goyer. US. 2004. 114mins.There'sas much joke cracking as blood sucking in the third episode of New Line'ssolidly successful Blade franchise, a young-skewing horror outing withWesley Snipes again starring as the titular Marvel Comics vampire slayer.Theraunchy humour, together with some boisterous action and a coven of newcharacters, gives the ...

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    Incredibles shoots to top of international chart


    The Incredibles shot to the top of the international table with astunning $44.3m gross last weekend on the back of openings in 10 territoriesincluding France, Italy and Spain, as well as a nationwide release in the UKfollowing a single-week London platform. The film took top positions in mostterritories for Buena ...

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    INTERNATIONAL 1 December


    With openings in 10territories blanketing much of Europe including key territories France, Italyand Spain, as well as a nationwide release in the UK following a single-weekLondon platform, The Incredibles shot to the top of the internationaltable with a stunning $44.3m gross last weekend. The film took top positions inmost territories ...

  • News

    Eurimages celebrates Nocturna support


    Nocturna, byVictor Maldonado and Adrian Garcia, has become the thousandth co-production towin support from Eurimages, the Council of Europe fund for the co-production,distribution and exhibition of European films.Ananimated film for children, Nocturna is co-produced by Spain, France andGreat Britain."I am particularly pleased that, the coincidence ofbeing the 1,000th co-production to ...

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    Germany, Austria, Switz Prod Lists - Dec 1


    NOVEMBER 2004AUSTRIAPREPRODUCTIONLAPISLAZULI(Dor Film) Backer: OFI. Children's film. Dir: Wolfgang Murnberger.Contact: Dor Film, (43) 1 427 10 11.VON PARIS NACH DAKAR(Nikolaus Geyrhalter Film) Backer: OFI. Documentary . Prod/dir:Nikolaus Geyrhalter.Contact: Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion, (43) 1 891 3700IN PRODUCTIONDIE LETZTEN ZOEGLINGE(DOR Film) Backers: Filmfonds Wien, ORF, Cine Tirol. Documentary aboutreminiscences by former pupils ...

  • News

    Court sentences Japanese film pirate


    AJapanese man has received a one year prison sentence for making Hollywoodfilms available over the internet.However, the sentence was suspended for three years, meaning that if he behaves himself during that time, he will not have to serve the one-year sentence.Ina case expected to influence the prosecution of film piracy ...

  • News

    Six-way co-production for Austrian Headsman


    As so often in the Austrianfilm scene, the idea for the medieval adventure story Henker(provisionally known in English as The Headsman) was born in a Viennacoffee house when screenwriter Susanne Freund pitched the story idea toproducer Helmut Grasser of Allegro Film 4-5 years ago.Once a treatment had beenprepared, they started ...

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    French film-makers call for subsidy overhaul


    French film industryprofessionals responded favorably on Wednesday to a request made by cultureminister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres calling for a dialogue on rules surroundingthe country's film subsidy system.On Tuesday, Donnedieu de Vabresasked Catherine Colonna, president of French film body the CNC, to opendiscussions with industry groups with the aim of ...

  • News

    UK industry on tenterhooks over tax D-Day


    The British productionsector is on tenterhooks ahead of a widely-anticipated clamp down on tax fundsin today's pre-budget report.Producers have been fearingthe worst since a dressing-down from the Inland Revenue last week in whichfilmmakers were attacked for abuses including so-called double dipping undertax support mechanism Section 48.Support body the UK FilmCouncil ...