Small MPU – Page 771
Giant screen bonanza for Polar Express
ThePolar Express: An Imax 3D Experience, thelarge-format version of the Warner Bros/Castle Rock animated feature, hasbroken several records in its North American giant-screen outing.Itslatest three-day weekend gross was an estimated $2.75m, 30% more than itsopening weekend, breaking its own record. Playing on 61 screens, the filmscored an estimated per screen ...
DNA lines up two with Coogan, O'Toole
Duncan Kenworthy and Andrew Macdonald's National Lottery franchise DNA Films is moving ahead on two projects - The Parole Officer, marking the feature debut of UK comedian Steve Coogan, and The Final Curtain, in which Peter O'Toole and Aidan Gillen play warring media celebrities.In its final round of lottery funding ...
NonStop deals for Sayles' Silver
Two months after acquiring the international distribution rights for USindie director John Sayles' latest feature Silver City,Scandinavian-based sales agent NonStop Sales has landed multiple deals on thefilm worldwide.In the past few weeks NonStop Sales has signed all rights agreementswith California Films for Brazil, Pacific Marketing and Entertainment forThailand, Bir Film ...
Senator picks up German rights to Rings parody
Germany's Senator Film Verleih has picked up theGerman rights for the Swiss Lord Of The Rings parody, The Ring Thing,ahead of its world premiere in German-speaking Switzerland by the local outpostof Buena Vista International (BVI) on December 16.According to the film's producer Kristian Widmerof Condor Communications, which produced the film ...
HUNGARY 1 December
While worldwidesuccess The Incredibles easily grabbed the top spot at the Hungarian boxoffice with nearly 30,000 admissions on an impressive thirty-seven prints, lastweek's real success story belonged to the French title Les Gaous, thefeature debut of director Igor Sekulic.The comedy wasreleased on fourteen prints by distributor Best Hollywood and has ...
Neverland wins best film prize from NBR
Marc Forster's JM Barriedrama Finding Neverland fromMiramax Films claimed the first major honour of the awards season today (Wed)when it was named film of the year by the National Board of Review (NBR).Alejandro Amenabar'seuthanasia drama The Sea Inside,which Fine Line is due to release on Dec 17, was declared top ...
Sony sets Da Vinci Code for worldwide day-and-date on May 19 '06
Tom Hanks has been confirmedas the lead in Columbia Pictures' upcoming adaptation of The Da Vinci Code, which has been set for a worldwide day-and-daterelease on May 19 2006.Hanks will play thesymbologist Robert Langdon, who is drawn into a world of intrigue and murdercentering on the possible whereabouts of the ...
Bad year turns good: Buena Vista crosses $1bn domestic gross mark
Buena Vista passed $1bn inannual domestic ticket sales on Nov 24, the ninth time it has reached themilestone in 11 years.Despite a shaky year thathas seen protracted talks with Pixar and Miramax and notable flops like TheAlamo, The Ladykillers, KingArthur and Around The World In 80Days, the studio has rallied ...
Italy's Delli Colli named international achievement award winner by ASC
Tonino Delli Colli willreceive the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) InternationalAchievement Award, presented annually to an individual whose body of work hasmade "an enduring impact on the global art form".The award will be presentedto Delli Colli during the 19th Annual ASC Outstanding Achievement Awards on Feb20, 2005 in Los Angeles.Delli ...
Doc Hollywood Kidz signs first-look deal with Arclight
Family-oriented film companyDoc Hollywood Kidz (DHYK) has signed a first-look deal with Gary Hamilton'sinternational sales outfit Arclight Films.Under the agreement Arclightwill provide consulting services and may finance some projects."Working with Arclight willallow Doc Hollywood Kidz to stay at the forefront of the industry in pickingthe right material to develop, produce ...
SF Anytime seals longterm broadband VOD deal with Warner Bros
Warner Bros InternationalTelevision Distribution (WBITD) and the Nordic Video-On-Demand service SFAnytime have signed a long-term broadband VOD deal.The agreement gives SFAnytime the right to offer current feature film releases no later than sixmonths after the DVD release, as well as a selection of library titles online.As with WBITD's deal withTelecom ...
Sideways named best feature at Gothams
Alexander Payne's Sideways won the best feature award at IFP/New York's 14thAnnual Gothams Awards last night (1) and The Agronomist, Jonathan Demme's documentary about the Haitiancivil rights leader Jean Dominique, took top documentary honours.Breakthrough actor honourswent to Catalina Sandino Moreno for her role in Maria Full Of Grace, while that ...
Kevin & Perry Go Large
Dir: Ed Bye. UK. 2000. 83 mins.Prod Co: Tiger Aspect Productions. Int'l sales: Icon Entertainment International. Prods: Peter Bennett-Jones, Jolyon Symonds, Harry Enfield. Exec prods: Bruce Davey, Ralph Kamp, Barnaby Thompson. Scr: Harry Enfield, David Cummings. DoP: Alan Almond. Prod des: Tom Brown. Ed: Mark Wybourn. Mus: Various. Main ...
SWEDEN 2 December
The critics might have givenOliver Stone's Alexander as cool a reception as in the States, but theepic nevertheless laid siege to the box-office across the region and conqueredthe top of the charts in Denmark, Sweden and Finland (it is released in Norwayon Dec 3).In Sweden, where Stonegraced the premiere with ...
UK Treasury tightens tax rules, unveils Section 42 review
The UK Treasury has said it is closing 'avoidanceschemes' that exploit tax relief for British film production.Chancellor Gordon Brown's pre-budget report todayannounced an end to the practice of 'double dipping' on both Section 42 andSection 48 in which tax relief is claimed twice on the production andacquisition costs of a ...
Blackstone acquires UGC exhibition circuit
US buyout firm theBlackstone Group has acquired the UGC UK and Ireland cinema circuit.The deal is understood tohave been completed on December 1, with a reported price tag of around £200m. UGC is the third largest operator of cinemas in the UK, with 408 screens in 42 cinemas.Lawrence H. Guffey, ...
BVITV renews Star Group feature film deal
BuenaVista International Television - Asia Pacific has renewed its existingmulti-year agreement with News Corp's Star Group for feature films. The dealwas announced during the three-day Asia Film Market/Asia Television Forum (AFM/ATM) inSingapore, which closes on Dec 3.The deal,announced by BVITV-AP vice president and general manager Steve Macallister andStar COO Steve ...
Odeon unveils Phantom Eurostar deal
The UK's Odeon Cinemas, the territory's biggestexhibitor, is partnering with train operator Eurostar to offer audiences forthe film version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom Of The Opera a chance toget two-for-one rail tickets to Paris where the musical is set.FromDec 10, when the film debuts across the UK, anyone ...
Jecmen promoted to senior vp, legal finance, at MGM
Judith A Jecmen has beenpromoted to senior vice president of legal finance at MGM.'Judith is an integralmember of the business affairs team," MGM's executive vice president ofbusiness affairs Jonathan Bader, to whom Jecmen will report, said in astatement.'She is incrediblyversatile. She has the unique ability to handle the most complicated ...
Liberia wins IDA's Courage Under Fire award
Jonathan Stackand James Brabazon will receive the International Documentary Association's(IDA) Courage Under Fire Award for Liberia: An Uncivil War.The picture charts a crucial time in the political life ofthe West African nation in summer 2003 as a rebel army comprising indigenousLiberians attempts to overthrow the government of then-president CharlesTaylor.It recently ...