Small MPU – Page 782
New Pink Panther purrs at US box office
MGM/Columbia's The Pink Panther won a tightrace at the North American box office this weekend, as four new wide releasesfound their respective audiences and took the top four spots on the box officechart. With an estimated gross of $21.7m, The Pink Pantheredged out New Line's Final Destination 3, while Universal's ...
New Pink Panther purrs at US box office
MGM/Columbia's The Pink Panther won a tightrace at the North American box office this weekend, as four new wide releasesfound their respective audiences and took the top four spots on the box officechart. With an estimated gross of $21.7m, The PinkPanther edged out New Line's Final Destination 3, while Universal's ...
Dir: Jasmila Zbanic. Aus-Ger-Bosna-Herz-Cro. 2006. 90mins.The recent past looms dark and fearsome over Jasmila Zbanic’s debut feature Grbavica, set in a suburb which witnessed some of the worst massacres of the 1990s Balkan war.Whatever its weaknesses, this coming-of-age story about a teenager and her relationship with her single mother succeeds ...
Dir: Michael Glawogger. Aust, 2006. 96mins.Michael Glawogger's Slumminghas something of The Edukators about it, and something ofMike Leigh's Naked: it's about blind existentialrage, arrogant male ennui and what happens when schoolboy pranks turn nasty.But it is not didactic: if anything, Glawogger trustshis own creative instinct too much in this story ...
Les Bronzes 3 stays in front of international pack
French smash Les Bronzes 3: Amis Pour La Viewas once again the biggest money-maker in the international marketplace thisweekend, grossing more in its home territory than Hollywood movies including Munich,Chicken Little and Walk The Line could manage from multiplemarkets.In its second weekend in France, the Gallic hit,distributed by Warner Bros ...
New Pink Panther purrs at US box office
MGM/Columbia's The Pink Panther won a tightrace at the North American box office this weekend, as four new wide releasesfound their respective audiences and took the top four spots on the box officechart. With an estimated gross of $21.7m, The PinkPanther edged out New Line's Final Destination 3, while Universal's ...
New Pink Panther purrs at US box office
MGM/Columbia's The Pink Panther won a tightrace at the North American box office this weekend, as four new wide releasesfound their respective audiences and took the top four spots on the box officechart. With an estimated gross of $21.7m, The PinkPanther edged out New Line's Final Destination 3, while Universal's ...
QED joins Intermedia for four film deal
BillBlock's newly formed QED International (Screendaily, Feb 10) has formed anagreement with Intermedia to co-finance and co-produce four Intermedia-developed films.QEDwill complete the financing, co-produce and handle worldwide distribution onthe films, led by Spring Break In Bosnia. The comic thriller from The Matador writer/director Richard Shepard will be distributed in the ...
Bony to replace Lupfer at TPS Cinema
Philippe Bony has been named general manager of TPS Cinema, replacing Didier Lupfer, who has moved over to rival pay-TV operator Canal Plus (Screendaily, June 2).In his new role, Bony will head digital satellite operator TPS' four film-themed channels, which include Cinestar 1 and 2, Cinefaz and classic movie channel ...
Venice Film Festival bounces back with new sponsorship
Withthe buzz surrounding this year's Rome Film Festival, industry watchers have beenincreasingly scrutinising the Venice Film Festival. Causingparticular concern is the Lido's apparent difficulty in lifting itself out of bothadministrative and financial doldrums.Now,Venice is hitting back: Venice Biennale president Davide Croff has announced thatdespite a $3m (Euros 2.5m) cut to ...
The Elementary Particles
Dir: Oskar Roehler.Germany. 2006. 105mins.Oskar Roehler's The Elementary Particles proves again thefolly of trying to adapt the blatantly unadaptable.Based on French writer Michel Houellebecq's brilliantdisturbing novel about two half-brothers who find love, only for it to besnatched from them, it will disappoint the author's many fans. Houellebecq's novel is, of ...
A Prairie Home Companion
Dir: RobertAltman. US. 2006. 103 mins. RobertAltman's homage to America's favourite radio show, Garrison Keillor's APrairie Home Companion, is a largely spirited affair, despitea few sagging moments. Paradoxically, though, the film may play better in Europeand other territories than in North America, where its central plot of asoulless corporation overtaking ...
Once In A Lifetime
Dirs: PaulCrowder, John Dower. US. 2006. 98 mins. Aiming for the huge double demographicof football fans and 1970s nostalgics, Once In A Lifetime narrates the rise andfall of the New York Cosmos football team which, for a few short years in thelate 1970s, was home to stars of the ...
Producer Alan Greenspan forms alliance with SHIP
In an attempt to kick-start its English-language ambitions,Studio Hamburg International Production (SHIP) has entered an alliance withLA-based producer Alan Greenspan.The deal, which was brokered by CAA,will provide SHIP with increased access to English projects and talent, whilegiving Greenspan access to international finance for projects in the $10m-$30mrange.'If you have access ...
Spain's Telespan in five-picture pact with BVI
Spanish producer Telespan 2000isnearing a five-picture distribution agreement with Buena VistaInternational in Spain.The deal encompasses local theatrical distribution andpossibly video on five new titles, including Berlin Panorama Documentary title The Railroad All-Stars (EstrellasDe La Linea) by ChemaRodriguez.Other titles include: David Serrano's Dias De Cine (Cinema Days), a co-production with Estudios ...
Nimbus slate to include two Kragh-Jacobsen features
Prolific Danish production house Nimbus Film is pushingahead with a slate of new projects including two features from Kragh-Jacobsen (Mifune) which may shoot back to back.First up should be romantic comedy The Sandwich Thief, dueto shoot in September. Once that is wrapped, Kragh-Jacobsenwill move straight ahead with political thriller, Another ...
Rapid sales for Roehler's The Elementary Particles
Celluloid Dreams has announced 15 territory sales on Oskar Roehler's Competition titleThe Elementary Particles, tocompanies including France'sTFM, Momentum in the UK,Canada's Sevilleand Lucky Red in Italy.Particles was not pre-sold: 'We wanted to seewho actually liked the film after Michel Houllebecq'scontroversial novel,' said Celluloid head Hengameh Panahi. 'But we've had multiple ...
Wajda to tackle feature on wartime massacre of Poles
Revered 79-year-old Polish auteur AndrzejWajda, in Berlin to receive an honorary Golden Bear,has revealed details of what promises to be one of the most ambitious andcontentious films he has ever made.The new feature will deal with the KatynForest massacre, in which an estimated20,000 Poles were killed by the Soviet Union ...
Tom Quinn promoted at Samuel Goldwyn Films
Tom Quinn has been named director of acquisitions for Samuel Goldwyn Films and will relocate to the company's New York office immediately. Quinn joined Goldwyn in 1997 as manager of production and acquisitions; prior to that he was executive assistant to Samuel Goldwyn Jr and worked in publicity for the ...
Garai is Ozon's English Angel
Casting has been locked in on Francois Ozon'sEnglish-language debut Angel, with Romola Garai to star alongside BerlinaleJury president and Ozon regular Charlotte Rampling. Celluloid Dreams is handling the film in Berlin.Principal photography has started up around Londonand Bristol on the $17.8m (Euros15m) story, set in 1910, about a woman who ...