Small MPU – Page 788
Final Destination 3
Dir: James Wong. US. 2005.92mins.With its original writers and director back at thecontrols, the Final Destinationfranchise cruises efficiently but not very excitingly through its third outing,a cartoonishly gory horror romp with an all-new castof little known young actors. The franchise has proved surprisingly profitablefor New Line: the first film grossed ...
Istituto Luce takes Italian rights to Golden Bear winner
Rome state distributor Istituto Luce has acquired Italian rights to Berlin Golden Bear winner Grbavica.Sold by German-based agent The Match Factory, Grbavica looks at the aftermath of the mass rape of women during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian war.Meanwhile, Andrea Occhipinti's Lucky Red has acquired all Italian distribution ...
Istituto Luce takes Italian rights to Golden Bear winner
Rome state distributor Istituto Luce has acquired Italian rights to Berlin Golden Bear winner Grbavica.Sold by German-based agent The Match Factory, Grbavica looks at the aftermath of the mass rape of women during the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian war.Meanwhile, Andrea Occhipinti's Lucky Red has acquired all Italian distribution ...
Les Bronzes 3 tops international marketplace
French smash Les Bronzes3: Amis Pour La Vie led theinternational marketplace over the weekend in just one territory as it added$10.3m through Warner Bros France.The Les Films ChristianFechner, TF1 Films Productions and TPS Cinema title drew more than 1.4millionadmissions on 950 screens, bringing its third weekend total to a staggering$57.8m ...
Warner's Fox gets French Chevalier honour
Warner Bros International executive vice president Richard Fox (pictured) wasdue to receive the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in France onFeb 20.The executive flew to aceremony at the French Cultural Ministry in Paris to receive the award in recognitionof his "lifetime commitment to cultural diversity, as exemplified ...
Peppermint Candy
Dir: Lee Chang-Dong, South Korea 1999. 125 mins.Prod co: East Film. Int'l sales: Cineclick (+82 2 577 6694). Prod: Myung Kaynam. Scr: Lee Chang-Dong. DoP: Kim Hyung-Gu. Prod des: Park Il-Hyun. Ed: Kim Hyun. Music: Lee Jae-Jin. Main cast: Sol Kyung-Gu, Moon So-Ri, Kim Yeo-Jin.South Korean cinema is in fine ...
First Independent picks up The Great New Wonderful for North America
First Independent Pictures has picked up North American rights toSerenade Films' The Great New Wonderful and plans an early summer release.Danny Leiner's picture weavestogether five vignettes set against the backdrop of an uncertain post-9/11 NewYork City.Maggie Gyllenhaal, Tony Shalhoub, Edie Falco and Tom McCarthy areamong the ensemble cast in the ...
World's Fastest Indian races to Kiwi record
TheWorld's Fastest Indian has become the mostsuccessful New Zealand story at local cinemas and it may inch into the top 10hits of any nationality.Asof Sunday February 19, New Zealanders had spent $4,458,405 (NZ$6,694,808) tosee Anthony Hopkins play Burt Munro, who traveled from their country to Utah inthe 1960s and set ...
Artificial Eye picks up Offside and It's Winter
UK distributor Artificial Eye has acquiredboth of the Iranian films that played in Competition at the Berlin FilmFestival. The first is Jafar Panahi'sOffside,shared winner of the Silver Bear about a girl who disguises herself as a boy towatch a football match in Tehran. The distributoralso acquired Rafi Pitts' Zemestan (It's ...
Red Films comes to Bangkok Film Festival with impressive slate
The 3rd Bangkok Film Marketkicked off today with more than 80 exhibitors from over 30 countries. Malaysia'sproduction company Red Films has chosen this market to make its debut as aseller, offering 12 productions by cutting-edge independent Malaysianfilm-makers.Its slate, which features productions fromChinese, Malay to English and Tamil, includes three titles ...
Dogwoof picks up two Berlinale titles
UK distributor DogwoofPictures has picked up two titles out of the Berlinale, Man Push Cart and Brasileirinho. Both deals werestruck with French sales company Wide Management. Ramin Bahrani's Man PushCart is about a Pakistani immigrant trying to establish a life in New York City.Mika Kauriskami's Brasileirinho is a documentary about ...
Malaysia's Red Films makes sales debut at BFM
Malaysian production companyRed Films is making its debut as a seller at the Bangkok Film Market (BFM), which kicked off onMonday, offering 12 productions from cutting-edge independent Malaysianfilm-makers.The company's slate includesthree titles competing in the ASEAN section of the Bangkok International FilmFestival (BKKIFF): Deepak Menon's ChemmanChaalai, which won a special ...
MK Pictures teams with Japanese animation house
Korean studio MK Picturesand Japanese animation group GDH KK have signed a memorandum of understandingfor mutual co-operation in the Asian market, including Korea and Japan. Signed by MK Pictures chiefexecutive officer Lee Eun and GDH KK chairman Showji Murahama today (Feb 21) inSeoul, the MOU covers co-operation in the production ...
Hungarian admissions at lowest level in 11 years
In contrast to Hungary'sbooming production industry, theatrical business looks quite grim. Local boxoffices saw 10.8 million admissions in 2005 - just over three million feweradmissions than in the previous year. Sales fell to $43.2m (HUF9.1bn)Indeed 2005 saw the lowest admissions in 11 years. In thepast five years, admissions have dropped ...
Hong Kong FilMart set for 15% increase in exhibitors
The Hong Kong TradeDevelopment Council (TDC) is expecting more than 400 exhibitors from 20countries to attend this year's Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FilMart),a 15% increase on last year. The market, which celebratesits 10th anniversary this year, is running one day longer than usual(March 20-23) following comments from ...
Ecosse makes US move with Kerr, Chaplin projects
Ecosse Films, the production outfit behind Mrs Brown and FilmFour and Warner Bros' upcoming $20m Charlotte Gray, is heading for the US.Launching full-scale into developing large-budget projects, the UK company is funding development on two US-set projects: $30m-plus Stick Shaker and $25m Helen's Boy.Ecosse has commissioned popular thriller novelist Philip ...
Golden Bear winner finds more buyers
Jasmila Zbanic's Golden Bear winner Grbavica has been picked up byVentura Film for theatrical release in Germany later this year, while Switzerland's Trigon-Filmplans to release the mother-daughter drama in the aftermath of the Bosnian warthis autumn.TheAustrian-Bosnian-German-Croatian co-production will be opened by Polyfilm in Austria next week on March 3 with ...
Menzel ready to shoot on long-awaited King of England
Jiri Menzelwill begin filming his long-awaited film IServed the King of England on March 9th. German actress Julia Jentsch, who won numerous awards for her performance in thetitle role in Sophie Scholl, which isup for an Oscar, is starring along with Czech actor OldrichKaiser. The film is based on the ...
Canadians look south for new deals
Late last year, when a Canadian federalelection was called for January 23, there was a ripple of fear in the Canadianfilm industry and the culture sector as a whole. After 12 years in power, thescandal-marked Liberal government was doomed.The prospect of a Conservative victory hadmany worrying that tax-cutters would hold ...
SRO seals France, Australia deals on Girls Will Be Girls
SRO Pictures has secured distribution deals in France andAustralia for Richard Days cultcomedy Girls Will Be Girls.Eagle Entertainment has picked up DVD rights for Australia and NewZealand, and Optimale will handle theatrical and DVD rights in France, Monaco,Dom-Tom (French overseas territories), Andorra, French-speaking Switzerland,and French-speaking Belgium.Girls Will Be Girls was ...