Small MPU – Page 834

  • News

    Fox takes the top spot at US box office with Robots


    Twentieth Century Fox'sanimated family romp Robots opened topover the weekend on an estimated $36.5m, while the much delayed Hostage finally opened in fourth place through Miramax on$9.8m.Meanwhile last weekend's champion The Pacifier was shunted into second place on $18.1mfor $54.4m in its second weekend through Buena Vista, and MGM's Be ...

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    Glickman to kick off movie convention Showest


    When the annual ShoWest convention opens in Las Vegas today [March14], the vast floors and ballrooms of the Paris and Bally's hotels will bebuzzing with talk of the standard issues that have beset the industry in recentyears - piracy and digital cinema roll-out.Yet there is another key element that distinguishes ...

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    Kisk launches P&A fund for limited releases titles in US


    New York-based entertainmentbusiness company Kisk Media Group International, which has satellite offices inthe UK and New Zealand, has launched the Kisk Media Group Prints &Advertising Fund I.The Fund is open toqualified independent producers with completed films budgeted at up to $8m thathave a distribution contract in place or one pending. ...

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    Hitch romances $30.1m out of 42 markets for Sony


    Hitchremained the top international picture over the weekend as the romantic comedyadded an estimated $30.1m on 4,640 screens in 42 markets for a $65.5minternational running total.Key drivers were a powerful $8m number one debut in the UK on 709screens including previews that raised the total after last weekend's exclusivedebut to ...

  • Reviews

    Unleashed (Danny The Dog)


    Dir: Louis LeterrierFr-UK. 2005. 103mins.The latest action vehicleto roar off the assembly line at Luc Besson's EuropaCorp, Unleashed -known in France as Danny The Dog - is a wonky mixture of bone-crunchingviolence and mawkish sentiment. It casts martial arts star Jet Li as asub-human fighting machine who finds that music ...

  • Reviews

    Adam and Paul


    Dir:Lenny Abrahamson. Ire. 2005. 86mins.Imaginea full-length Laurel and Hardy film set in Dublin's junkie netherworld andscripted by the bastard son of Samuel Beckett. If you like the sound of that,then you'll love Adam and Paul, Irish commercials director LennyAbrahamson's first feature.Abrahamsondoes a grand job, but it's scriptwriter and co-star Mark ...

  • Reviews



    Dir: Phil Morrison. 2005.US. 102mins.Actress Amy Adams pullsoff a small miracle in Junebug, an ensemble comedy-drama about whathappens when a golden boy-turned-prodigal son brings his cosmopolitan bridehome to meet his working class North Carolina family.Adams (The Wedding Date)takes centre stage as Ashley, a sweet, naive Deep South chatterbox whoinstantly idolises ...

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    Arclight takes on Dragon Squad rights


    Arclight Films has picked up international rights excludingAsia to Dragon Squad, a US$4.5m martial arts action film which marks thefirst time that Steven Seagal has produced an Asian picture.The film, produced by Hong Kong's Visualizer FilmProductions, starts shooting March 23 with Daniel Lee directing and ChinKar-lok as action director. Seagal ...

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    Deauville Asian festival enjoys Holiday Dreaming


    Fu ChanHsu's Holiday Dreaming took the main prize at the 7th annual DeauvilleFestival of Asian Film which wrapped on Sunday. The Taiwanese film is a first effort from Fu-Chun Su andis a nostalgic look at youth. The film was also the recipient of the critics'prize.The jury prize went to This ...

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    Tarr's Man From London shuts down


    The ManFrom London has been shut down in Corsica following three weeks ofshooting. A French-German-British-Hungarian co-production, theEuros 5m film was adapted from a Georges Simenon novel. It had already fallenten days behind schedule when the plug was pulled, according to Agence FrancePresse.Directedby Bela Tarr, the film was to be co-produced ...

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    Coppola embarks on Marie-Antoinette shoot


    Sofia Coppola's Marie-Antoinette has officiallybegun shooting at the Palace of Versailles just outside Paris. The new film from the director of Lost In Translationwill shoot entirely in France for 11 weeks before heading to the USfor post-production.Kirsten Dunst stars as Marie-Antoinette, the Austrian whobecame Queen of France and was beheaded ...

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    Von Trier turns his hand to sitcom writing


    Palme D'Or winning directorLars von Trier is taking a short break from film production to write for aDanish TV sitcom.The Danish director hasagreed to pen an episode of Clown, a critically acclaimed sitcom fromtwo of Denmark's top stand-up comedians Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam.The first draft of the scriptis ready ...

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    Kiarostami set to shoot next film in Italy this summer


    Abbas Kiarostami has announced that he plans to shoot afilm in Italy this summer.'Iwill shoot one film in Iran and I will make one in Italy this summer,' theIranian director said at a conference in Rome, where he is promoting Tickets,the picture he co-directed with Ermanno Olmi and Ken Loach.Kiarostamisuggested ...

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    Sony Pictures Classics swallows Jordan's Breakfast


    Sony Pictures Classics has taken North American, LatinAmerican, German and South African rights to Neil Jordan's latest film, BreakfastOn Pluto.Breakfast On Pluto is Jordan's second adaptation ofa novel by Patrick McCabe following on from his award-winning 1997 effort, ButcherBoy. Starring Irish trio Cillian Murphy, Stephen Rea and BrendanGleeson as well ...

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    Stelios' easyCinema unveils DVD rental service


    Stelios Haji-Ioannu'seasyCinema has launched what it claims is the UK's cheapest postal DVD rentalservice.The service, operated oneasyCinema's behalf by Video Island, will charge a DVD rental rate of £1.99 perfilm and allow customers to keep the film for up to three weeks. The pricecompares favourably with the average rental store ...

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    Int'l grosses overtook US in 2004, says Glickman


    MPAA president Dan Glickmansounded a determined note in his first address to ShoWest internationaldelegates yesterday [March 14] as he exhorted them to join a global partnershipin the war on piracy, while acknowledging their superior contribution to Hollywood's bottom line.Glickman, a formeragriculture secretary who served under former President Bill Clinton andsucceeded ...

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    Robots scores strong opening in Mexico


    Fox International releasedthe animated picture Robots inMexico over the weekend, day-and-date with the number one North Americanrelease.The picture opened top on anestimated $2.4m on 753 screens, a strong result that accounted for the bulk of Robots' $3m weekend business in its first internationalouting. It also opened number one in Malaysia ...

  • News

    Telefonica reportedly in merger talks with KPN


    Spain's Telefonica is in talks with Dutch telco KPN in what could result in a merger of the two giants according to Spanish press reports. Telefonica has confirmed that it is in negotiations with KPN on a "variety of matters", but sources were unavailable to comment further.A report in Spanish ...

  • News

    Megastar announces first Vietnamese multiplexes


    Megastar Complex, the joint venture between EnvoyMedia Partners and Vietnam's Phuong Nam Corporation, has announced plans on thefirst two multiplexes in Vietnam, a bustling South-East Asian country whose populationof 82million is served by only 100 screens.Envoy Media Partners is the joint venture between industry veteran J EdwardShugrue, Mekong Leisure and ...

  • News

    Campbell joins cast of Partition


    NeveCampbell is in final negotiations to star opposite Jimi Mistry and KristinKreuk in the India-set epic romance Partition, which is being co-produced byLos-Angeles based Myriad Pictures and Canada's Sepia Films.Campbell, whose credits include the Scream franchise, Wild Things and BlindHorizon, will play the passionate but lonely Margaret Stilwell, who helps ...