Small MPU – Page 846

  • News

    UK parties set out film policies as General Election called


    Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced that the UK generalelection will take place on May 5, kick starting a month of politicalcampaigning that will see the main political parties set out their policiestowards the film industry.ChancellorGordon Brown spelt out the key plank of the ruling Labour Party's policytowards film in ...

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    Jerry Giaquinta upped to executive vp at SPE


    Jerry Giaquinta has been promoted to executive vice president, corporate communications, for Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE). He will continue to report to SPE co-president Yuki Nozoe.Giaquinta joined SPE in 1998 as senior vice president, corporate communications, after a four year stint in Silicon Valley as vice president of corporate marketing ...

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    Spain's Filmanova boards mystery tale Portovero


    Spain'sFilmanova Invest has signed on to co-produce T&C Film's Portovero fromSwiss director Daniel Schmid and writer Barry Gifford.The mystery-laden tale set in a fictitious port city, wherea married woman invents a second identity in order to embark on an affair, willshoot partially in Spain's Galicia region next autumn.Schmid, director of ...

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    Fortissimo launches TV sales division


    Fortissimo Films has established a new sales division tohandle television, video/DVD and ancillary sales on its feature library.Long-time Fortissimo sales executive Esther Bannenberghas been put in charge of the new division and has been promoted to theposition of Senior Vice-President Television and Ancillary Sales.Fortissimo's library consists of more than 220 ...

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    Irish Film Board unveils pre-production funding scheme


    The Irish Film Board (IFB) has established apre-production funding scheme for fully financed productions experiencingcashflow difficulties during the completion of legal and financialarrangements. TheRevolving Pre-Production Fund (RPF) will offer a short term cash-flow facilityup to a maximum of Euros 150,000 to productions backed by the IFB. Euros300,000 has been set ...

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    Storitel launches $1m fund to back UK talent


    Manchester-based producer Storitel Films, the company set upby software tycoon Paul Sherwood, has established a $1m development fund toback new British talent. "We're looking for exciting projects from people whoare not able to get access to production money through the normal channels.We're looking at talent rather than experience," Sherwood said ...

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    Bond watch: The Sun tips Daniel Craig


    The new James Bond film, CasinoRoyale, is scheduled to shoot at the end of 2005. To date, one of the fewfacts confirmed about the film is that it is to be directed by Martin Campbell(GoldenEye) With ongoing rumourscirculating throughout the media world, it can be difficult to keep tabs on ...

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    UK box office soars 13% in first quarter of 2005


    The UKbox office rose by 13% to £191.5m in the first three months of 2005 compared tothe same period last year, according to figures compiled by Nielsen EDI.Themassive success of UIP sequel Meet The Fockers and a wealth of solidsupport largely account for the impressive rise. The figures put the ...

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    Miami Film Festival sets 2006 dates as March 3 to 12


    The 2006 MiamiInternational Film Festival will run from Mar 3-12 throughout the greater Miamiarea.15 worldpremieres and 118 features distinguished the 2005 event, which opened on Feb 4with Mick Davis' Modigliani and closed on Feb 13 with Joaquin Oristrell's Spanish farce Unconscious (Inconscientes). Organisers claimed attendance figuresof approximately 60,000.For moreinformation visit ...

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    National Amusements seals deal for first IMAX screen in Argentina


    Imax Corp. and US exhibitorNational Amusement have signed a deal that will see the first IMAX screeninstalled in Argentina. The new facility will be part of an existing multiplex,the Showcenter Norte in Buenos Aires and is expected to open in October 2005;it will be capable of playing standard and 3D ...

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    THINKFilm picks up Canadian rights to Coupland's Green


    THINKFilm has picked upCanadian rights on Everything's Gone Green, the screenwriting debut of Canadian novelist Douglas Coupland to bedirected by Paul Fox for Toronto-based Radke Films and Vancouver-based TrueWest Films.True West's Elizabeth Yakeproduced Canada-UK coproduction It's All Gone Pete Tong. Chris Nanos will produce for Radke. The $1.47m(C$1.8m) production goes ...

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    Myriad Pictures to be acquired by TAG Entertainment


    BeverlyHills-based production and distribution house TAG Entertainment Corp has signeda letter of intent to acquire Myriad Pictures, the parties announced yesterday[4].Subject toapproval, the proposed merger would combine the financing capability of TAGEntertainment with Santa Monica-based Myriad's distribution infrastructure andproduction drive for bigger theatrical features.The new companywill focus on greenlighting independent ...

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    Cami Winikoff named COO at Trimark Pictures


    Cami Winikoff has been promoted to chief operating officer at the LA-based independent producer/distributor Trimark Pictures. Previously executive vice president and chief administrative officer of Trimark, she will now oversee all operational facets of the company, reporting to chairman and CEO Mark Amin.Winikoff has been at Trimark for ten years ...

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    MPAA, JIMCA win Japanese online piracy suit


    A 23-year-old Japanese manhas been ordered to stop selling pirate tapes on the Yahoo! Auctions site andagreed to pay $6,400 in damages following a civil action by the MPAA and theJapan International Motion Picture Copyright Association (JIMCA).Toshihiko Hiura from Fukuokawill also provide the MPAA and JIMCA with all materials infringing ...

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    LA's New Wave Films buys management/production co E-Squared


    LosAngeles-based entertainment marketing and production house New WaveEntertainment has acquired management/production company E-Squared and hiredE-Squared's literary manager and producer Chris Emerson.The deal allowsNew Wave to expand its roster of filmmakers, writers and actors and work withEmerson and E-Squared on its existing production commitments.Emerson bringsto New Wave's talent division a client ...

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    Barrymore and Juvonen move Flower Films to Warner


    Warner Bros hassigned a two-year first-look deal with Drew Barrymore and Nancy Juvonen'sFlower Films. Flower has spent the last four years in two first-look deals at Sony Pictures and before that were based at 20th Century Fox.The partners'producing credits include Fever Pitch, which is set to open in North America ...

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    Comic book hero The Spirit gets movie treatment through Odd Lot, Batfilms


    Odd LotEntertainment and Batfilm Productions are gearing up on their live-actionadaptation of 1940s superhero property The Spirit, and have signed the renowned comic bookwriter Jeph Loeb to adapt the series.Based on thelate Will Eisner's series, The Spirit centres on a masked detective who fights crime in CentralCity and is believed ...

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    Denzel and Spike reteam for Universal's Inside Man


    DenzelWashington has singed on to star in Imagine Entertainment's robbery thriller InsideMan for Universal, whichSpike Lee will direct and Brian Grazer will produce.The film marksWashington's fourth collaboration with Lee after Mo Better Blues (1990), MalcolmX (1992) and He GotGame (1998).British Golden Globe winner Clive Owen is in talks to jointhe ...

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    Trijbits, Bregman among new members of IFP/New York board


    In a busy weekfor IFP/New York the organisation has elected Ira Deutchman as new boardchairman, added four new board members, and announced the first formal meetingof a new producers coalition formed under the aegis of IFP/New York.Deutchman, afounding father of Cinecom and Fine Line Features and currently president andchief executive ...

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    LA-based FilmMates adds 39 titles to library after three company buys


    LosAngeles-based finance, production and distribution company FilmMatesEntertainment has bolstered its library with 39 new titles after completing itsacquisition of the Cayman Islands-based company Camden Equities, World WideMulti-Media, and the Beverly Hills-based Hollywood International Finance.Among the newtitles are James Toback's thriller Harvard Man starring Sarah Michelle Gellar andAdrien Grenier, and Matthew ...