Small MPU – Page 857

  • News

    Cannes unveils Directors' Fortnight line-up


    Twenty-onefilms will screen in the Directors' Fortnight sidebar of the Cannes FilmFestival, it was announced today (April 26).In hissecond year at the helm, Fortnight director Olivier Pere has pulled together aselection that includes several films from Europe with a smattering from Asia,the US, Iran and Australia. SixFrench productions or co-productions ...

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    Karlovy Vary shines spotlight on Central Europe


    The Karlovy VaryInternational Film Festival has unveiled the first films to play in its 2005competition line up, with a strong focus on films from Central Europe.Poland will be representedby the international premiere of director Krzysztof Krauze's biography MyNikifor, in which actress Krystyna Feldman plays the male protagonist,artist Nikifor Krynicki. A ...

  • Reviews

    The Manual Of Love (Manuale D'Amore)


    Dir: Giovanni Veronesi.It. 2005. 91mins.The big Italian successstory of 2005 so far, The Manual Of Love has taken over $15m in its fourweeks on release (almost double the total haul of Hitch). An episodic rom-comin the style of Love, Actually, the film is a cleverly populist littlenumber.Its all-star cast seems ...

  • Reviews

    Anthony Zimmer


    Dir. Jerome Salle. Fr.2005. 90mins.From the opening BernardHermann-esque chords over shots of a mysterious woman entering a train stationcarrying a bright red sack, it's clear that we are settling into a thrillerharkening back to vintage Hitchcock - with a helping of James Bond Euro-luxurythrown in for good measure. Less cliche-ridden ...

  • Reviews

    The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


    Dir: Garth Jennings. US.2005. 108mins.Douglas Adams fans don't need to panic and neither,probably, do producers Spyglass and Disney: the long-awaited movie version ofAdams' classic British sci-fi comedy - made with US money and a transatlanticcast but directed with a definite English accent by UK pop video whiz GarthJennings - preserves ...

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    London Film Festival announces 2005 dates


    The Times bfi 49th London Film Festival has announcedits dates for 2005.Festival director Sandra Hebron said the event will takeplace from October 19 through to November 3. Currently scouting for films for this year's programme,Hebron said "Our autumn dates make us ideally positioned to premiere highprofile quality titles due ...

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    Acclaimed Danish director prepares for Sleeps


    AcclaimedDanish director Annette K. Olesen is about to start shooting her next film, anensemble piece called Den Der Sover which has the English working titleof The One Who Sleeps.Olesen'slast two films Minor Mishaps and In Your Hands both played in competitionat the Berlin International Film Festival.TheOne Who Sleeps is the ...

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    Berlusconi drafts in controversial culture minister


    Italian culturalMinister Giuliani Urbani has been replaced by Rocco Buttiglione, theprospective EU commissioner who was rejected last year by MEPs because of hishomophobic remarks. Urbani was responsible for introducing the country's newfilm law, as well as for hand-picking the last two presidents of the VeniceBiennale, Franco Bernabe' and Davide Croff, ...

  • News

    Films Distribution readies director driven Cannes slate


    When he's not busy fielding a barrage of calls from distributorshoning in on Christian Carion's Merry Christmas - which is screening outof competition at Cannes - Films Distribution's Francois Yon and his team areputting together a mighty line up heading into the Cannes market. The French sales outfits slate includes ...

  • News

    Penta, 3Dmax to digitally recreate Indian stars


    Indian computer graphics company PentaMedia and Silicon Valley-based 3D animation outfit 3Dmax Media have unveiled details of their joint venture which plans to bring late Indian director and film star Raj Kapoor to life using digital animation.The new company will be a 50-50 joint venture between PentaMedia and 3Dmax Media, ...

  • News

    Oz Dollars cashes in at local box office


    Local drama Three Dollarsmade a big impact at the Australian box office over the weekend.Three Dollars grossed $177,000 (A$227,747) fromjust 15 screens over the five-day holiday weekend. The Dendy/Footprint releasewas fourteenth in the chart but it was its screen average of $11,800 thatreally impressed - and has paved the way ...

  • News

    Boxer promoted to vp, sales and distribution, at IFC Films


    Mark Boxer has been promotedto vice president of sales and distribution at IFC Films, where he will alsooversee home video and the non-theatrical markets for all IFC releases.Reporting to IFCEntertainment president Jonathan Sehring, Boxer's in-tray includes AricAvelino's American Gun, MichaelShowalter's The Baxter, andMiranda July's Me And You And Everyone We ...

  • News

    Mandoki's Mexican Voices wins at RiverRun


    Luis Mandoki's InnocentVoices picked up bestnarrative feature, best foreign feature and best screenplay awards at the 7thannual RiverRun International Film Festival in North Carolina, which ran fromApr 21-24.Nina Davenport's ParallelLines won best documentary feature,while audience awards went to Georgina Garcia Riedel's How The Garcia GirlsSpent Their Summer for best featureand ...

  • News

    Spanish producers will lobby to block US from subsidies


    The Spanish Producers'Federation (FAPAE) said this week it would lobby the government to block themajor studios from accessing state subsidies for local film productions.Speaking at the Spanish FilmFestival of Malaga (April 22-30), where he laid out the production sector's toppriorities from the Socialist government, FAPAE president Pedro Perez said: "Wewill ...

  • News

    Canadian government pledges $20m to Toronto festival centre


    The Canadian government haspledged to invest up to $20m (C$25m) in the Toronto International Film FestivalGroup's proposed Festival Centre. The much-neededcontribution, which was anticipated, takes TIFFG another large step towardreaching its goal of raising $160m. the projected cost of not only completingthe centre but of establishing an endowment fund and ...

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    Production services outfit launches in movie boom state Louisiana


    One-stopproduction services company Hollywood South Productions (HSP) launches inLouisiana today [April 27], aiming to boost in-state production with a range ofadvisory and training services including tax credit management.Headed up bychief executive officer Lonny Kaufman, president and filmmaker Chris Fink, andchief financial officer Ralph L Fletcher, HSP has partnered with LosAngeles-based ...

  • News

    Fricke's Buddha movie to shoot in Cambodia, Thailand, India


    Ron Fricke hassigned on to direct Becoming Buddha, a dramatic narrative account of Buddha's spiritual journey thatis set to begin shooting later this year in Cambodia, Thailand and parts ofIndia.Tinker Lindsay and Peter Russell, are assembling theproject through their Pippala Productions banner, with the VisioneeringGroup/Awakened Media serving as co-producers.Lindsay andRussell ...

  • News

    Universal signs production deal with Berg, partners


    UniversalPictures has signed a first-look production deal with writer-director PeterBerg and his partners John Cameron and Sarah Aubrey through their fledglingproduction company Film 44.Berg recentlydirected and co-wrote Friday Night Lights for Universal and is currently in development with thestudio on the Middle East thriller Kingdom, which Michael Mann is producing."Pete ...

  • News

    Platinum Studios plots second Dylan Dog spinoff


    LA-basedPlatinum Studios is preparing a second feature film spinoff from Italian comicbook series Dylan Dogcalled Dead Of Night and it has hired Joshua Oppenheimer and Tom Donnelly to write the film.RelativityManagement is co-financing and arranging the international financing componentsfor the film which is being planned as a $35m production and ...

  • News

    Bac Majestic posts Euros 5.3m loss for 2004


    French distribution group BacMajestic has announced a loss of Euros 5.3m for 2004 on revenues of Euros33.8m. This is compares with a net loss of Euros 11.5m in 2003 on revenues ofEuros 53.2m.The revenues were higher thanexpected - projected revenues had been in the Euros 28 to 31m range. Thecompany ...