Small MPU – Page 862

  • News

    Hewitt's Love grips South Korea


    UK film The Truth About Love, starring Jennifer LoveHewitt, has scored a number one opening in South Korea in its worldwide debut. Bought by Ivision and released by Tube Entertainment, thefilm earned $1.04m over a quiet weekend to outpace the launch of internationalhit The Interpreter, which took $890,000. The film ...

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    Eurimages doles out Euros 3.8m in funding


    New feature projects by Otar Iosseliani (Jardins enAutomne) and Gianni Amelio (La Stella Che Non C'e) are among 12European co-productions supported with Euros 3.8m by the Council of Europe'sEurimages at its latest funding session. Amelio's La Stella Che Non C'e is an Euros 8mdrama about the dismantlement of an Italian ...

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    Cannes adds Hong's Cinema to competition line-up


    The Cannes Film Festival hasannounced the addition of Hong Sang-soo's A Tale Of The Cinema (Geuk-Jang-Jeon) to its official selection. The film will compete forthe Palme D'Or along with the films originally announced on April 19.The latest film from the South Korean director is the storyof a man who sees ...

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    Cannes launch for European production initiative


    A new Europeaninitiative - Capital Regions for Cinema (CRC) - is to be launched at nextweek's Cannes Film Festival to promote and support closer cooperation andco-production between European producers.CRC's founding members are Commission du Filmd'Ile de France, Rome's Lazio Film Commission, the Madrid Film Commission andMedienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH. They will ...

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    Wide takes on sales for Critics' Week opener Invisibles


    French sales and production outfit Wide Managementhas acquired international rights to Thierry Jousse's Critics' Week opener LesInvisibles. The film stars Laurent Lucas, Michael Lonsdale and MargotAbascal in a story of fleeting romance set in the world of electronic music.Wide will alsohandle market title Three Couples In A Storm by director ...

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    Goblet Of Fire set for simultaneous Imax release


    Warner Bros' Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire will be released on Imaxscreens simultaneous with the picture's conventional release on November 18,2005. It is the second film in the$2.6bn-grossing franchise to be released day-and-date with the 35mm version; Harry Potter AndThe Prisoner Of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience,released in June ...

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    Skoll's Participant finds corporate and community affairs executive


    Former eBaypresident Jeff Skoll's Los Angeles-based production company ParticipantProductions has named Meredith Blake senior vice president of corporate andcommunity affairs.Blake, whopreviously served as chief executive officer of the domestic violence nonprofitorganisation Break The Cycle, will help define the company's social sectoraction campaigns around the company's projects."Integral to ourmandate to make ...

  • Reviews

    In The Mood For Love


    Dir: Wong Kar-Wai. Hong Kong. 2000. 90 mins.Prod Co: Block 2 Pictures Inc/Paradis-Orly Films. Int'l Sales: Fortissimo Film Sales. Prod/Scr: Wong Kar-Wai. DoPs: Christopher Doyle, Mark Li Ping Bing. Prod des/Ed: William Chang Suk-Ping. Mus: Michael Galasso. Main cast: Maggie Cheung Man-Yuk, Tony Leung Chiu-Wai, Rebecca Pan, Lai Chen, Siu ...

  • News

    Former Wellspring executives form new sales outfit


    Former Wellspring Mediaexecutives Michael Thornton and Sheri Levine will launch their worldwide salesand distribution company Forward Entertainment at Cannes and will be offeringthe documentary Unknown White Maleto international buyers.Rupert Murray's picturepremiered at Sundance and tells the remarkable story of a Briton in New Yorkwho during the course of several hours ...

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    IFP/Los Angeles to rebrand as Film Independent


    IFP/Los Angeleshas broken off from the IFP umbrella group and has relaunched as FilmIndependent [FIND], in a move that executive director Dawn Hudson said wouldallow the group to better serve its booming Southern California membership.FIND willcontinue to produce both the Independent Spirit Awards and the Los Angeles FilmFestival, and work ...

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    Keaton, Armstrong to reteam on Gold Circle comedy


    Diane Keaton anddirector Gillian Armstrong are attached to team up on Gold Circle Films'romantic comedy Because I Said So, marking the first time the pair will have collaborated on filmsince the 1984 drama Mrs Soffel.Joe Drake'sMandate Pictures will begin selling international rights at Cannes under itssales arrangement with Gold Circle. ...

  • Reviews

    House Of Wax


    Dir. Jaume-Collet Serra.Aus-US. 2005. 120mins.Nicely balanced between comedy and terror, House Of Waxhas monster written all over it - box office, that is. It puts paid to thenotion that the irony-laden Scream and I Know What You Did LastSummer franchises had clipped the wings of mainstream teen-gore fests.North American numbers ...

  • Reviews

    House Of Wax


    Dir. Jaume-Collet Serra.Aus-US. 2005. 120mins.Nicely balanced between comedy and terror, House Of Waxhas monster written all over it - box office, that is. It puts paid to thenotion that the irony-laden Scream and I Know What You Did LastSummer franchises had clipped the wings of mainstream teen-gore fests.North American numbers ...

  • Reviews



    Dirs/scr: Jose Corbacho,Juan Cruz. Sp. 2004. 94mins.A crowd-pleasingslice-of-life set in Barcelona, Tapas weaves several stories into acharming, if slight, whole. Opening on May 13 in Spain, it looks good formedium local success, but better for international arthouse with several salesconcluded after its screening at the Malaga Film Festival last week ...

  • News

    Cannes unveils competition screening schedule


    TheCannes Film Festival (May 11-22) has unveiled the screening schedule for thefilms playing in its official selection this year.Festival watchers will scrutinise the schedule carefully tosee which films have secured strong screening slots. In recent years, most films that go on to win the Palme d'Or haveplayed in the second ...

  • News

    EU production levels increase in 2004


    Some 764 feature films were produced in the 25 Member Statesof the European Union in 2004, a slight increase on 2003 according to EuropeanAudiovisual Observatory figures.Thefigures are up 2% compared to 2003 when 750 films were produced in the EU.The EAO concludes that the Spanish production grew in 2004,completing a ...

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    Screen Producers Ireland appoints CEO, chairman


    Screen Producers Ireland (SPI) has announced theappointment of a new chief executive and a new chairman following their recentAGM. DavidMcLoughlin will take over as chief executive with effect from 9 May, whileRonan McCabe has succeeded Larry Bass as chairman. SPIrepresents over 225 independent film and television production companies inIreland, working ...

  • News

    Kevin And Perry go large again in the UK


    The British comedy Kevin And Perry Go Large is back at the top of the UK chart after pinching the number one slot from last weekend's chart topper Scream 3. However, box office revenues across most of the country plummeted over the weekend (May 5-7) as the first ...

  • News

    German media funds reel as cabinet agrees tax overhaul


    German Minister of FinanceHans Eichel held out an olive branch to the German film industry on Wednesday(May 4) after the Federal Cabinet agreed on proposed tax legislation which willclose the door to the old-style German media funds (, May 2).Eichel said that a workinggroup convened by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder earlier ...

  • News

    xXx sequel splutters into int'l chart lead


    XXx: TheNext Level took the lead on theinternational table this week.However, The Next Level's lead was marred by its relatively weak performance($15m) given its 60 plus territory release count. The action title, the firstof the summer's major day-and-date releases, saw openings range fromfirst places (including Germany and Spain) to a ...