Small MPU – Page 869

  • News

    F&ME forges Balkan alliance for The Border Post


    UK-based production companyFilm and Music Entertainment (F&ME) has forged a Balkan alliance for TheBorder Post, the first feature onwhich all the new nation states created by the break-up of the SocialistFederal Republic of Yugoslavia are collaborating as co-production partners. Set in late 80s on theMacedonian/Albanian border and centring around a ...

  • Reviews

    The Great New Wonderful


    Dir. Danny Leiner. US. 2005.89minsThe Great New Wonderful is thetitle but "new" is the only adjective of the three that describes this filmfrom the director of Dude, Where's My Carand Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle.A story that aims to encapsulate the ennui of post-9/11 New York City, itsucceeds ...

  • Reviews

    By The Pricking Of My Thumbs (Mon Petit Doigt M'a Dit)


    Dir: Pascal Thomas. Fr.2005. 105mins.A French adaptation ofAgatha Christie's same-named novel, By The Pricking Of My Thumbs findsthe right balance between silly humour and creepy mystery. Directed by PascalThomas (La Dilettante) and starring Andre Dussolier - best known outsideof France as the unseen narrator of Amelie - and Catherine Frot ...

  • Reviews

    Nurse Betty


    Dir: Neil Labute. US. 2000. 110 mins.Prod cos: Ab-Strakt Pictures, Propaganda, IMF. Domestic dist: USA Films. Int'l sales: Summit Entertainment (+1 310 309 8400). Exec prods: Philip Steuer, Stephen Pevner, Moritz Borman, Chris Sievernich. Prods: Gail Mutrux, Steve Golin. Scr: John C Richards, James Flamberg. Dop: Jean Yves Escoffier. Prod ...

  • Reviews



    Dir:Renny Harlin. UK-Neth-Fin-US. 2005. 108mins.Finallyemerging in the US theatrical market after a year or more on the shelf, RennyHarlin's Mindhunters is a serial killer thriller offering a few decentthrills, some fairly gruesome chills and more than its fair share of laughablyoverblown moments.Financierand international seller Intermedia has already reaped revenues from ...

  • News

    Britney Spears adds heat to Celsius slate


    A new Britney Spears project,the Janis Joplin biopic starring Pink and a $16m portmanteau picture featuringauteurs old and new headline an impressive debut slate for ThierryWase-Bailey's start-up sales outfit Celsius.Pregnant pop princess Spears is attached as producer on $55maction drama Trading Paint set in the rough and tumble world of ...

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    Devlin amps up science fiction epic Isobar


    Independence Day and Godzilla producer DeanDevlin is reviving Isobar, a science-fiction epic which was a flagshipproject for Carolco in the early 1990s. Devlin has reconfigured Isobar, previouslyattached to his former partner Roland Emmerich with Sylvester Stallone to star,as a $45m project and plans to take it into production in summer ...

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    Momentum ventures into Bassett's Wilderness


    UKdistributor Momentum Pictures has acquired gritty British horror Wilderness, managing director Xavier Marchandhas announced.The company picked up all UKand Spanish rights to the film, which is director Michael J Bassett's follow-upto Deathwatch.Lara Thompson, head ofacquisitions at Momentum, and Robert Bernstein, of UK production company EcosseFilms, negotiated the deal. AV Pictures ...

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    Renaissance Living And Breathing with Huston, Suvari


    The UK's Renaissance Filmshas acquired worldwide rights to Living And Breathing, a black comedy tobe directed by Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe (Lost In La Mancha, Brothers OfThe Head). Tom Wilkinson, Anjelica Huston, Mena Suvari and Justin Theroux are setto star. Written by Vincent Villanueva, the desert-set film is setover ...

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    Verhoeven readies Winter Queen


    Paul Verhoeven is preparing a$35m adaptation of The Winter Queen, based on Boris Akunin'sfin-de-siecle Russian mystery about a global conspiracy headed up by a pair offemme fatales.Peter Hoffman's LosAngeles-based Seven Arts Pictures is financing the project with Future Film anda Russian partner to be announced, with production set to begin ...

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    Weinsteins descend on Cannes with Brothers


    Harvey and Bob Weinsteinarrive in Cannes with typical razzmatazz this week, juggling pictures from theexisting Miramax slate as well as a raft of titles under the tentatively titledThe Weinstein Company.On May 13 Harvey will host a star-studded cocktail reception at theOlympia featuring 20 minutes of unseen footage from The Brothers ...

  • News

    Firth, Kingsley enlist in The Last Legion


    Colin Firth andBen Kingsley have been cast in Doug Lefler's upcoming Fall of the Roman Empireadventure and Dino De Laurentiis presentation The Last Legion.Martha De Laurentiis and Raffaella De Laurentiis will produce the project inpartnership with Quinta Communications' Tarak Ben Ammar and Britishco-producers Chris Curling and Phil Robertson of Zephyr ...

  • News

    Gladiator producer to remake Korean blockbuster


    The Los Angelesarm of Korean production powerhouse MK Pictures has struck a deal withOscar-winning writer and producer David Franzoni to remake Korean blockbuster JointSecurity Area (JSA). The project isset to mark the directorial debut of Franzoni who wrote and produced RidleyScott's Gladiator andalso wrote King Arthurand Steven Spielberg's Amistad. He's ...

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    New Regency set to Shutter Thai remake deal


    Arnon Milchan's Fox-based NewRegency is expected to secure remake rights in Cannes for Thai blockbuster Shutter.The deal was brokered by RoyLee of Vertigo Entertainment who approached studio GMM Tai Hub last Octoberwhen Shutter, the top grossing Thai film of the year, was stillplaying locally. Lee is a matchmaker between Asia ...

  • News

    Zentropa goes to Hollywood


    Aggressive Nordic producer Zentropa is launching a Los Angeles production beach head while separately hatching a multinational partnership which is expected to involve Germany's Kinowelt and Fine Line Features.Trust Film Sales head Thomas Mai will relocate to head up the LA office which already has two projects in development. Harvey ...

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    Storm Entertainment takes world for Foolish Things


    Michael Heuser's StormEntertainment has picked up worldwide sales rights on Julia Taylor-Stanley's TheseFoolish Things starring TerenceStamp, Lauren Bacall, Anjelica Huston and Joss Ackland.Taylor-Stanley's directorialdebut, which will receive its first market screening at Cannes, is a pre-warstory centring on a young actress' efforts to emulate her mother's glitteringstage career.Taylor-Stanley wrote thescreenplay ...

  • News

    Polo, Kilborn, Electra join Nothing But The Truth


    Teri Polo, Craig Kilborn andCarmen Elektra have joined Ryan Pinkston on the cast of New Line's upcomingcomedy Nothing But The Truth,which started production in Winnipeg this week.Atmosphere Entertainment and Relativity Media are teaming up on the story abouta habitual liar who is overrun with problems when his tall stories suddenlybecome ...

  • News

    Woody's next match will be on screen with Scarlett


    WoodyAllen revealed that he will star alongside Scarlett Johansson in his next film,which is set to shoot in London this summer."It so happens that in thisnext film there is a very good part for me to play and I'm going to play it,"said the veteran director. He described it as ...

  • News

    Foreign films return to Thailand in post-tsunami recovery


    Foreign shoots are startingto return to Thailand after a slight downturn due to the tsunami according toTourism Authority of Thailand governor Juthamas Siriwan.Several feature films areplanning to shoot this year, including the $15m English-language action dramaRound Five to be produced by Barrie M. Osbourne, which starts production inOctober. German director ...

  • News

    Gilliam makes Grimm return to the big screen


    TerryGilliam hasn't released a film for seven years but he's fielding two in 2005 - Tidelandand The Brothers Grimm, set for a splashy bow today whenMiramax unspools 20 minutes of footage in Cannes with Gilliam, star MonicaBellucci and producer Chuck Roven in attendance.The Grimm tale is typicalGilliam country, an ambitious ...